It's time to attack iran


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Written by David Kay, the darling of the Left who said that Iraq had no WMD at the time of the 2003 Iraq War, he states what I said 7 years ago when the diplomatic outreach of the EU-3 began; iran is a fascist military dictatorship who cannot be negotiated with, and war is inevitable.

A government that uses suicide bombings and terrorism as core function of its political methodology, whose sole existence is to conduct war against its own and other nations' citizens, that rapes and murders its own people for supporting democracy - cannot ever be expected to negotiate in good faith.

The sooner a war is initiated to wipe this cancerous dictatorship of thugs and murderers from the face of the map, the better.

David Kay: Weapons Inspectors Can't Disarm Iran -

Weapons Inspectors Can't Disarm Iran

Hostile regimes have too many ways to hide their clandestine nuclear programs.


Tehran's belligerent rhetoric about its nuclear program ratchets up daily, while the international community continues to push for tougher sanctions. The hope is that economic pressure can force Iran to the bargaining table, where it will agree to abandon its weapons capabilities—and that such disarmament will be verified by inspections. As a former weapons inspector, I have very bad news: A weapons-inspection regime in Iran will not work.


Tehran has kept hidden its nuclear activities and support networks, domestic and foreign. It has refused repeated IAEA requests for interviews with the scientists and engineers responsible for large areas of its secret atomic work, and it has refused to disclose the details of its involvement with North Korea and with Pakistan's A.Q. Khan nuclear smuggling network.


So much for the lies by the mentally ill terrorist apologists that iran has allowed intrusive inspections.... :roll:
So this dude was positive that Iraq DIDN'T have WMD's,

and is just as positive, now, that Iran DOES???

Wow. Talk about throwing any credibility you might have out the window...
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So this dude was positive that Iraq DIDN'T have WMD's,

and is just as positive, now, that Iran DOES???

Wow. Talk about throwing any credibility you might have out the window...

Why is so shocking that he claimed iraq didn't? He was proven correct, wasn't he? Is that the mantra of the Far left dung, that "Bush lied"?

Then that would mean he was CORRECT about iraq, so how is his credibility in question?
He was there, and saw that there were no WMD's, AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTIONS,

but he's pretty much admitting that they COULD HAVE BEEN THERE,

if he NOW says that Iran has them but we won't be able to find 'em through regular inspections.

If he had said, "Look, I didn't THINK Iraq had any, but after the experience of doing the inspections, I NOW understand that they COULD have been being hidden from the Inspectors,"

THAT would have UPPED his credibility.
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