"It's the economy Stupid".. 2012 Version..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Bill Clinton beat an incumbent based on these economic statistics: "it's the economy Stupid" was the memorable slogan...

In 1992:
7.5% unemployment
5.8% growth of GDP
3.01% inflation

Based on the above "It's the Economy, Stupid" Clinton was elected...

In 2011:
9.0% unemployment
3.9% growth of GDP
3.2% inflation today

So why is Obama supposedly leading in the polls EVEN when more people say the economy sucks?
A) Some people don't want to admit they were wrong.
B) Because he is Black some people are afraid to remove him BECAUSE they would be called racist!
C) The MSM wants Obama to be re-elected... so much so they constantly stack the polling data by having more Democrats/leaning Democrat Independents-- then GOP!
Largely absent from the debate is how to improve those numbers. While I acknowledge that the tone in Washington has a self-fulfilling effect on business confidence, there is little or no discussion about specific economic policy. Obama avoids the subject completely, and Romney simply claims he knows how to fix the economy with very few specifics. Even more disturbing is the irrelevant demagoguery about "fairness" and other meaningless concepts.

Is it that we like being treated like morons so that we can later disclaim any responsibility for our choices?
Largely absent from the debate is how to improve those numbers. While I acknowledge that the tone in Washington has a self-fulfilling effect on business confidence, there is little or no discussion about specific economic policy. Obama avoids the subject completely, and Romney simply claims he knows how to fix the economy with very few specifics. Even more disturbing is the irrelevant demagoguery about "fairness" and other meaningless concepts.

Is it that we like being treated like morons so that we can later disclaim any responsibility for our choices?

Well specifics are Romney WON"T BRAG about "bankrupting businesses"!
Nor will he say he prefers putting 1,300 companies out of business as Obama has..."I Prefer a single payer.."
And Romney would NEVER say "I'd like higher gas prices"...LiveLeak.com - Obama: I’d like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
These three direct examples of what Obama in his own words has bragged and told us as his preferences!
HEY!!! This is a Current topic! NOT OLD!
It is a political discussion!
So why was it moved and why is it labeled "OLD"?
Seems if all the economic statistics are WORSE today and Obama is the incumbent THEN why would Obama be re-elected???

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