It's The Beginning Of The End!!!


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Not one of these leftist talking heads has admitted they were, are, and will always be FOS but while their hysterical silliness contains no information, it does have comedic value.

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The beginning of everyone's end is the same ...


It's inevitable from this point forward.
LOL!! Trump keeps rolling along and the democrats keep playing the "Trump road runner vs Wile E. Coyote" clown car routine. It looks like Barr is getting traction on his investigations into the origins of the Mueller Investigation, as well as other deep state crimes, like FISA abuse, illegal spying, using foreign assets to spy on the opposition party, etc. Let the dems keep trying to impeach Trump, while Barr, Durham, Huber, and Horowitz keep digging for evidence. Its about to get good.
It's a sign of mental instability to keep inventing reasons the world is coming to an end. It's even worse when you believe them. Chicken little Democrats have no credibility left.
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I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

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I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell
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It's a sign of mental instability to keep inventing reasons the world is coming to an end. It's even worse when you believe them. Chicken little Democrats have no credibility left.
Mental and emotional instability, and the subject was tackled in January by Psychology Today Magazine. What they found is as obvious as it is tragic and while help is available, very few sufferers seek it. They seem to believe they are doing fine despite the fact they haven't eaten, slept, or pinched a loaf in nearly 3 years.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
Well-known writer Bernard Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump’s political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of hysteria… the afflicted lose touch with reality."
Abortion murder of American babies was the beginning of the end of the globalists and their brainwashed unwise voters

History will show this clearly
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I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.
Please include a comment.

I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Not according to Paul Craig Roberts. He claims Donny is being told he shouldn’t pursue legal actions against Obama and his people. It’s bad precedent, it is claimed.
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I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.
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I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.

I'm not sure how to break this to you democrats so that it registers, but it doesn't fucking matter WTF the democrat House puts in the articles of impeachment. The democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he won. There are no crimes worthy of impeachment, there are no crimes period. Leaks are not worth much since the House clown car would need to investigate, and we know they never find anything. So keep dreaming that the intel agency deep staters would be able to take Trump down. The US Senate won't allow that to happen, 67 votes is 20 bridges too far.
Please include a comment.

I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.

I'm not sure how to break this to you democrats so that it registers, but it doesn't fucking matter WTF the democrat House puts in the articles of impeachment. The democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he won. There are no crimes worthy of impeachment, there are no crimes period. Leaks are not worth much since the House clown car would need to investigate, and we know they never find anything. So keep dreaming that the intel agency deep staters would be able to take Trump down. The US Senate won't allow that to happen, 67 votes is 20 bridges too far.

Nice shot but you missed your mark by a mile. I referred to the tsunami that is about to hit those who conspired and acted against this country, the POTUS, and the American people.
Please include a comment.

I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.

I'm not sure how to break this to you democrats so that it registers, but it doesn't fucking matter WTF the democrat House puts in the articles of impeachment. The democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he won. There are no crimes worthy of impeachment, there are no crimes period. Leaks are not worth much since the House clown car would need to investigate, and we know they never find anything. So keep dreaming that the intel agency deep staters would be able to take Trump down. The US Senate won't allow that to happen, 67 votes is 20 bridges too far.

Lets say that Obama had reached out to Iran for help in finding dirt on Trump in an effort to discredit him during the 2016 election and give Hillary the edge.

Wouldnt that be impeachable?
I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.

I'm not sure how to break this to you democrats so that it registers, but it doesn't fucking matter WTF the democrat House puts in the articles of impeachment. The democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he won. There are no crimes worthy of impeachment, there are no crimes period. Leaks are not worth much since the House clown car would need to investigate, and we know they never find anything. So keep dreaming that the intel agency deep staters would be able to take Trump down. The US Senate won't allow that to happen, 67 votes is 20 bridges too far.

Lets say that Obama had reached out to Iran for help in finding dirt on Trump in an effort to discredit him during the 2016 election and give Hillary the edge.

Wouldnt that be impeachable?

You assume Trump was asking for dirt on a political opponent and not just performing his oath to uphold the law which way too many seem to have broken.

Why are you so worried about the Bidens? Slo-Joe's WH dream has been dying for months and why wouldn't we want those crimes uncovered?
I think the implied comment is that the democrats have been saying "its the beginning of the end for Trump" since he announced his candidacy. They will probably be saying that until he leaves office in January 2025. Here is the MSM montage before Trump was elected, he had no path to 270 electoral votes:

I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.

Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.

I'm not sure how to break this to you democrats so that it registers, but it doesn't fucking matter WTF the democrat House puts in the articles of impeachment. The democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he won. There are no crimes worthy of impeachment, there are no crimes period. Leaks are not worth much since the House clown car would need to investigate, and we know they never find anything. So keep dreaming that the intel agency deep staters would be able to take Trump down. The US Senate won't allow that to happen, 67 votes is 20 bridges too far.

Lets say that Obama had reached out to Iran for help in finding dirt on Trump in an effort to discredit him during the 2016 election and give Hillary the edge.

Wouldnt that be impeachable?

Obama should have been impeached for what he did with Russia and The Dirty Dossier and for what Biden, Obama and Clinton did asking The Ukraine DIRECTLY for dirt on Trump.

There is an ongoing investigation in to Clinton, Obama, and Biden's crimes in The Ukraine and with reference to The Dirty Dossier and FISA abuse and Fraud. The Ukraine is part of that, and they are cooperating with The Investigation.

The Truth will come out and no panicked attempts to stop it from coming out by having Fake Investigations in the the Fake Russian Collusion Hoax, or Fake Impeachment Inquiries in to a nothing burger.

You are not going to be able to stop the criminal acts of The Obama Administration from being exposed through a COUP you have been orchestrating since 2016.

‘Black ledger’ and naked photos: Democrats pressured foreign countries for dirt on Trump
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It's a sign of mental instability to keep inventing reasons the world is coming to an end. It's even worse when you believe them. Chicken little Democrats have no credibility left.
Mental and emotional instability, and the subject was tackled in January by Psychology Today Magazine. What they found is as obvious as it is tragic and while help is available, very few sufferers seek it. They seem to believe they are doing fine despite the fact they haven't eaten, slept, or pinched a loaf in nearly 3 years.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
Well-known writer Bernard Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump’s political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of hysteria… the afflicted lose touch with reality."
Rather than a real mental condition, I see it as a "Waaaa! Waaaa! I want Hiwwary!!! I want my way and I want it now!"
It's a sign of mental instability to keep inventing reasons the world is coming to an end. It's even worse when you believe them. Chicken little Democrats have no credibility left.
Mental and emotional instability, and the subject was tackled in January by Psychology Today Magazine. What they found is as obvious as it is tragic and while help is available, very few sufferers seek it. They seem to believe they are doing fine despite the fact they haven't eaten, slept, or pinched a loaf in nearly 3 years.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
Well-known writer Bernard Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump’s political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of hysteria… the afflicted lose touch with reality."
Rather than a real mental condition, I see it as a "Waaaa! Waaaa! I want Hiwwary!!! I want my way and I want it now!"
And you don't think adults who have spent 3 years of their pathetic lives on that hissy-fit are mentally and emotionally unstable?

The article's author - Rob Whitley, Ph.D. - is an assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at McGill University and a research scientist at the Douglas Hospital Research Centre. He concludes "many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior, and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective, and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support."
I tend to think there is a war going on between Trump and the Deep State. I don’t see Donny winning the war. If he were winning, we would see indictments.

The American people for the most part, are clueless.

Where Are the Indictments of Those Implicated in the Coup Attempt Against Trump?
By Paul Craig Roberts

That the Demorcrats and their handlers have an ongoing coup against the President of the United States is undeniable. High treason is written all over it. The few educated and aware Americans who still exist can see it clearly. We are watching to see if the insouciant American people succumb to propaganda that is terminating the United States. Something will still be here, but it won’t be America. What remains will be a Tower of Babel, the disunity of which makes it easily controllable by the Deep State. Or, if insouciant white Americans ever realize that they are on the genocide list, civil war could erupt between ethnic Americans and the nonwhite immigrants flooded into the country by the Democrats hoping to use their votes to keep governmental power in Democrat hands.
Where Are the Indictments - LewRockwell

The indictments are coming. Mueller had 2.5 years and $40m to spend investigating Trump. I believe that Barr and the DOJ will hand down indictments after their investigations are complete. Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are all investigating, it takes time to obtain all the evidence. If there are no indictments by Xmas then I'd agree with you that indictments are probably not coming.
Proving guilt, especially conspiracy, is a tough nut to crack but if there is a leak or two watch for the dam to break and a flood of guilty scumbags scrambling to make a deal.

I'm not sure how to break this to you democrats so that it registers, but it doesn't fucking matter WTF the democrat House puts in the articles of impeachment. The democrats have been trying to impeach Trump since he won. There are no crimes worthy of impeachment, there are no crimes period. Leaks are not worth much since the House clown car would need to investigate, and we know they never find anything. So keep dreaming that the intel agency deep staters would be able to take Trump down. The US Senate won't allow that to happen, 67 votes is 20 bridges too far.
Lets say that Obama had reached out to Iran for help in finding dirt on Trump in an effort to discredit him during the 2016 election and give Hillary the edge.

Wouldnt that be impeachable?
You assume Trump was asking for dirt on a political opponent and not just performing his oath to uphold the law which way too many seem to have broken.

Why are you so worried about the Bidens? Slo-Joe's WH dream has been dying for months and why wouldn't we want those crimes uncovered?
The president's job is to set policy and delegate tasks to the appropriate agency.
When a politician takes law enforcement into his own hands on a political opponent, then it just becomes a political attack.

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