its spring, NEUTER your pets!!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
prevent more unwanted animals....neuter your pets...low cost clinics are available from local excuse for not neutering...

to all you asswipes who want your child to see the miracle of birth...then take them down to the humane and let them see the despair of being unwanted and let them watch animals be killed...if you want them to see the miracle of birth let them see the consequences of irresponsible breeding.

Amen to that! As some of you might remember, I posted a picture of a friend's cat that just had 4 kittens. The guy said that he didn't know he was supposed to have his cat spayed until it was a year old. What????
Living with this right now, bones. My cat was adopted at the local shelter, she'd been taken out of a home where she was neglected and had almost starved to death. Before she put on enough weight for the local vets to agree to spay her the little ones let her out and the damage was done. Now I have a litter of 3-month-old kittens running around and nobody willing to take them. The shelters are all full, I'm on a waiting list, and my head is about to explode from little cats running around EVERYWHERE.

I have a farmer who will take them as barn cats, but I hate to do it unless I have to. Soon I won't have a choice though, poor things. *sigh*
Great PSA:

I'd like to tag along a bit more: A lot of people quite ignorantly give baby bunnies to their kids for easter. Many of these end up being abandoned as the little fuzzies grows into obnoxious bunny teens. If you find a bunny, please turn it over to a humane agency that does not euthanize.

If you have a bunny, please make sure it is neutered. Unfixed males become very aggressive and unhappy. Unfixed females have an 80% chance of developing uterine cancer due to their overheated reproductive system. Fixing the little gal will prolong her life.

The House Rabbit Society is a great resource for bunny care.

House Rabbit Society Rabbit Care Guide
Living with this right now, bones. My cat was adopted at the local shelter, she'd been taken out of a home where she was neglected and had almost starved to death. Before she put on enough weight for the local vets to agree to spay her the little ones let her out and the damage was done. Now I have a litter of 3-month-old kittens running around and nobody willing to take them. The shelters are all full, I'm on a waiting list, and my head is about to explode from little cats running around EVERYWHERE.

I have a farmer who will take them as barn cats, but I hate to do it unless I have to. Soon I won't have a choice though, poor things. *sigh*

take the 3 month olds to the humane..they will be neutered there ...dont add to the problem by giving them up to someone as barn cats......the humane will neuter and try to find homes for.
The cat lady out back is in a feeding frenzy and one of the strays looks pregnant. Cripes I could shoot this woman. I've already taken two cats to the spca last week.
Living with this right now, bones. My cat was adopted at the local shelter, she'd been taken out of a home where she was neglected and had almost starved to death. Before she put on enough weight for the local vets to agree to spay her the little ones let her out and the damage was done. Now I have a litter of 3-month-old kittens running around and nobody willing to take them. The shelters are all full, I'm on a waiting list, and my head is about to explode from little cats running around EVERYWHERE.

I have a farmer who will take them as barn cats, but I hate to do it unless I have to. Soon I won't have a choice though, poor things. *sigh*

take the 3 month olds to the humane..they will be neutered there ...dont add to the problem by giving them up to someone as barn cats......the humane will neuter and try to find homes for.

That's one of the places I'm on a waiting list with. It's kitten season here. :(

The local SPCA turned into a no-kill which is good, but stopped taking strays and litters for adoption, which is not so good. They're not raised to be barn cats, they've been socialized and well cared for. They'll all mske good housepets. But they're getting old enough that soon we'll start having problems with marking territory, and I can't have that.
I just adopted a dog from my local shelter. He't the third I've adopted from there.

This dog is a beautiful white GSD. Male about 3 yrs old. Lovely dog. He sits, downs, comes, stays.

Someone did a great job of training this guy. He was picked up stray from a neighboring small town and no one has even called about him. Go figure.

He goes for neutering on the 16th and then he and I will be headed for the Obedience ring. My last GSD did Shutzhund. Had a great time with that grand old dog. He passed at age 14. Greatly missed.

Spay and neuter all the way. Just take a walk down the line and check out the dogs at the local shelters. Wonder how many will not find homes and be PTS. Very sad especially for a dog lover lilke me.
One spring I set cages/traps for stray cats in my neighborhood, they were spraying my porch and I was sick of it, so I rented me a skunk trap. I captured 15 cats that spring, took them to the local APL, and had them neutered or spade, then I picked them up and set them free. The really funny part, is that I caught a neighbors cats and had him neutered. :lol::lol: (by accident of course)I bet the guys wondered what the heck happened to their cat, he started staying home and they probably noticed something missing :lol:That cat never came to visit again :lol:

The sad part is that NOW, if you take a cat to the APL, they put them to sleep, no questions :(
It's cool to cut a cat's balls off to prevent unwanted cats, meanwhile there's more and more idiot humans fucking away each day, leading to unwanted humans.

Where are we going wrong?

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