It's On! The Teaparty Lashes Back At Boehner Calling Him A Liberal

The mainstream republican party is politically doubt about that.

Republicans are liberals on race and immigration issues

Republicans run from all racial issues, never mention affirmative action, never call for reduced legal immigration and never appeal to white voters in any way shape or form.

When Obama took sides (his side) in the Trayvon Martin and Skip Gates cases the GOP stayed completely silent.

The only time the GOP mentioned race in the primaries was when Ron Paul said the justice system is "racist" against blacks in terms of the war on drugs and the death penalty. Not one Republican corrected him.

The GOP does nothing for white people and always panders to non-whites

Indeed, the Republican party gets called “racist” even though they have pretty much adopted 100% all of the politically correct positions on race. The Republicans say “vote for us because we will make abortion illegal and we will make sure that the Democrats don’t raise taxes on rich people.” They don’t say “vote for us because we will stop the immigration that’s taking away your jobs, we will stop the affirmative action that’s taking away slots in colleges and career tracks that should go to people who’ve earned them based merit rather than the color of their skin.”
Conservative Republicans Believe that the United States were founded on the fundamental principle that individuals have certain rights and freedoms which cannot be infringed upon and may be restricted only to the degree necessary to preserve the rights of others.

Liberal Democrats and too many liberal republicans Believe that our Founding Fathers did not really mean what they said when they guaranteed certain constitutional rights such as the right to freedom of religious expression, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to retain the use of private property.

Conservative Republicans Believe the money you earn is yours and that government in a free society has the right to take only as much as is needed to perform those limited functions, which are appropriate to it.

Liberal Democrats and too many pc republicans Believe government has a right to use your money as it sees fit to redistribute wealth, establish new spending programs in times of budget surpluses, and to return to you only that portion of your money which is politically expedient.

Conservatives Republicans Believe the traditional family and the values it fosters are the foundation of American society and their preservation is essential to our Nation's continued success.

Liberal Democrats and too many liberal/moderate politically correct Republicans Believe American society must redefine its values and the role of the family to fit new lifestyle concepts, which have resulted from the 60's counter-culture movement and an attitude that promotes an abrogation of individual responsibility.

Conservative Republicans Believe parents have the right to determine the values with which their children will be raised and to have the widest possible choice among public, private and religious schools and that competition will improve public education.

Liberal Democrats and many politically correct republicans Believe the federal government has the right to determine the values which will be taught in public schools and parents' choice of schools must be limited to avoid exposing public schools to competitive forces which would encourage reform and increase accountability.

Conservative Republicans Believe that the free enterprise system is the most effective engine of economic progress.

Liberal Democrats Believe that government regulation and federal control of economic activity can better distribute wealth and services to the American people.

Conservtive Republicans Believe high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business and farming punish initiative and stifle economic growth.
Democrats Believe penalizing achievement with higher taxes and increased government bureaucracy and spending will not stifle economic growth but instead guarantee prosperity for everyone.

Conservative Republicans Believe that with freedom comes responsibility and that individuals must take personal responsibility for their own actions and our criminal justice system must be based on this idea.

Liberal Democrats Believe individual behavior, including criminal behavior, can be blamed on "society" and that spending on social welfare programs and improvements in prison living conditions can combat crime.

Conservatiave Republicans Believe that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions.
Democrats Believe the government has the right to regulate the use of private property in accordance with narrow special interests without giving just compensation to owners.

Conservative Republicans Believe the preservation of our rights and freedoms must be entrusted to a strong national defense and of the ability of the United States to negotiate with other nations from a position of strength.

Liberal Democrats Believe we can afford to drastically weaken our military despite the threats present in an unstable, post-Cold War international environment and the United States must subjugate its interests to those of the United Nations.

Conservative Republicans Believe it is imperative today to re-affirm the traditional freedoms and values of America to preserve our great Republic.

Liberal Democrats and outrageously the mainstream republican party Believes that America must adopt a politically correct, multi-cultural set of values which denies common American heritage and will further divide American society.

Conservative Republicans Believe there can be differences of opinion and that such differences such result in opponents, not enemies.

Liberal Democrats Believe that all whom oppose them are to be treated as enemies, taxed excessively, and generally persecuted in any manner the federal government can accomplish.

Conservative Republicans Believe that all of America's citizens can enjoy the rights and freedoms of our country without diminishing the rights of others.

Liberal Democrats Believe that some must give up a portion of their rights and freedoms that others may enjoy those same rights and freedoms.

Conservative Republicans Believe that public servants, particularly those whom we elect to office, must be held accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct. "If a man cannot be trusted with the government of himself, can he be trusted with the government of others?" [Thomas Jefferson]

Liberal Democrats Believe that loyalty to a discredited leader is a virtue and if other office holders have committed indiscretions, a sitting office holder should not be criticized for failing to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.
I won't call it impossible that Republicans-in-Name-Only might succeed in overcoming conservative opposition. In exchange I expect those "mainstreamers" to show me the courtesy of addressing me as "Comrade Henry". Not that I want the appellation; just that I want to see a shred of honesty from them.
Thank You.

I was heartened to hear the child say something along the lines of "God gave Barack Obama special powers....." rather than mouthing the more common liberal belief that Obama IS God.

There is at least a modicum of hope.
It sounds plausible. Certainly hope the CPD allows the TP on the stage during the debates. This is the problem with the CPD; it's made up of Republicans and Democrats and has chairs with no skin in the game...what is the chances of the TEA Party getting allowed in by their estranged Aunt...the GOP? Zero.

The League of Women Voters should become the commissioners of the debates once more. It's a shame that We the People have allowed They the Parties to do this.

Oh yes. TLWV...Like they aren't biased against the GOP.
You are part of the chickification movement. All you militant feminist screeching banshees.

"chickification" = equal rights for all Americans, male and female, as guaranteed under the Constitution.

All Americans should be "biased against" any who are against our Constitutional rights but, as we all know, the right has no love for equality.

That is YOUR opinion based on some screwed up belief.
You are free to hold that opinion. I dismiss it out of hand due to its basis in falsehoods.
As with most advocacy groups claiming to be "in support of", feminists are not pro women's issues, they are 'anti-male'.
All who claim advocacy MUST have a group to demonize.
Oh yes. TLWV...Like they aren't biased against the GOP.
You are part of the chickification movement. All you militant feminist screeching banshees.

"chickification" = equal rights for all Americans, male and female, as guaranteed under the Constitution.

All Americans should be "biased against" any who are against our Constitutional rights but, as we all know, the right has no love for equality.

The LWV is likely the least biased group in the nation that deals with politics.
Of course you see it that way.
True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.
The alleged "sane middle adults" got us into this mess. So, stick your paternalistic condescending consensus and compromise where the sun don't shine.

Big problems call for bold solutions, not any of your weak, middling, status quo pablum.

How are those "bold solutions" working out for you with a all time low of 13% approval for the GOP?
Ahh, hey smartass, that approval rating is directed toward Congress. Which includes the entire legislative branch. Nice effort. But a bit short on substance.
How are those "bold solutions" working out for you with a all time low of 13% approval for the GOP?
What's the approval rate for congress as a whole, Mr. Smartypants?

In any case, the CR with the sequester in force was a better deal than the Ryan-Murry sellout. Timid as they were, at least we got some small measure of spending restraint.l

How much of that congressional approval rating belongs to the failed "bold solutions" that the Tea Party tried to unconstitutionally ram down the nation's throat?

Examples please?
How much of that congressional approval rating belongs to the failed "bold solutions" that the Tea Party tried to unconstitutionally ram down the nation's throat?
The approval ratings don't take into account why the person being polled disapproves. You really can't be so dense as to recognize that, can you?

No bold solutions were implemented, so any claim that they failed is specious on its face.

And what is your evidence that what Tea Party members did was unconstitutional?

Your "bold solutions" were to shut down the government and to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The shutdown cost american taxpayers $24 billion and did not achieve your goal since the government was reopened 16 days later. The unconstitutional part was to refuse to raise the debt ceiling thereby violating the full faith and credit of the US government. That was avoided by the ADULTS coming up with a solution at the 11th hour to save the nation.

As far as approval ratings go it is simple enough to note that the Dems ratings are higher than the record lows for the GOP therefore the low congressional ratings must be being brought down the Tea Party's failed "bold solutions" that harmed the American taxpayers.

FYI I suggest that you refrain from the puerile slurs, they don't add anything of value to your position.
Cost $24 billion? Prove it.
The fact is the 17% of of government that was shut down was hardly noticed.
By curtailing spending, there was no such violation.
That whole narrative, the country not being able to pay it's bills( his words) which Obama repeated to anyone who would listen was 100% FALSE.
ALL of the US Government's mandatory obligations were met. The shut down affected only discretionary spending.
True, and now that is settled We the People in the sane moderate middle would appreciate it if the children from both extremes went out to play so that the adults can be allowed to get back to the process of governing by consensus and compromise.

"governing by consensus and compromise" is what got us into this mess,
Wanna rethink your "sane moderate" comment?

The current "mess" consists of too little income for the current level of spending. At the turn of the century tax revenues were reducing the deficit and on a path to bring down the national debt. That trend was reversed when "tax cuts" were given to the wealthy elite 1% on the bogus premise that they were "job creators" and would use the additional funds to actually "create jobs". Those additional "jobs" would result in greater tax revenues that would ultimately reduce the deficit and the debt.

However in the real world none of those jobs actually materialized. The wealthy elite 1% continued to enjoy their massive tax cuts while jobs that paid a living wage with benefits were offshored in a wholesale manner. This too resulted in greater tax savings for the wealthy elite 1%. This Ponzi scheme was not a matter of consensus and compromise. Instead it was pushed through congress while the GOP had control of both houses and the Whitehouse.

Genuine fiscal conservatives would hold the wealthy elite 1% accountable for the trillions of debt that has been racked up at taxpayer expense for failing to create the jobs. However the situation we currently see is that all attempts to recover those trillions are being stymied by the GOP.

The sane and moderate consensus solution is to find a way to reduce spending and increase revenues.

And there we have it. Your idea for a return to prosperity is to enact confiscatory taxes.
There is not a revenue problem in Washington. There is a spending problem.
Why is it that you cannot produce a single piece of evidence that proves confiscatory taxation creates private sector employment.
In fact, show where it is the job of government TO create private sector employment.
Helena, the far right wing in the GOP is the minority wing. We in the mainstream are the big wing. We have the money and the votes. We have tried it your way for five years, and it has flopped.

We will now do it the right way.

You certainly are not part of anything remotely conservative.
The approval ratings don't take into account why the person being polled disapproves. You really can't be so dense as to recognize that, can you?

No bold solutions were implemented, so any claim that they failed is specious on its face.

And what is your evidence that what Tea Party members did was unconstitutional?

Your "bold solutions" were to shut down the government and to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The shutdown cost american taxpayers $24 billion and did not achieve your goal since the government was reopened 16 days later. The unconstitutional part was to refuse to raise the debt ceiling thereby violating the full faith and credit of the US government. That was avoided by the ADULTS coming up with a solution at the 11th hour to save the nation.

As far as approval ratings go it is simple enough to note that the Dems ratings are higher than the record lows for the GOP therefore the low congressional ratings must be being brought down the Tea Party's failed "bold solutions" that harmed the American taxpayers.

FYI I suggest that you refrain from the puerile slurs, they don't add anything of value to your position.
Cost $24 billion? Prove it.
The fact is the 17% of of government that was shut down was hardly noticed.
By curtailing spending, there was no such violation.
That whole narrative, the country not being able to pay it's bills( his words) which Obama repeated to anyone who would listen was 100% FALSE.
ALL of the US Government's mandatory obligations were met. The shut down affected only discretionary spending.
The fluffers don't GAF.

All they want to do is defame, demonize and demagogue all opposition.

Then they turn around and accuse their opponents of not being civil.

It's seriously messed up.
Oh yes. TLWV...Like they aren't biased against the GOP.
You are part of the chickification movement. All you militant feminist screeching banshees.

"chickification" = equal rights for all Americans, male and female, as guaranteed under the Constitution.

All Americans should be "biased against" any who are against our Constitutional rights but, as we all know, the right has no love for equality.

That is YOUR opinion based on some screwed up belief.
You are free to hold that opinion. I dismiss it out of hand due to its basis in falsehoods.
As with most advocacy groups claiming to be "in support of", feminists are not pro women's issues, they are 'anti-male'.
All who claim advocacy MUST have a group to demonize.

Okay, please list ANY example of the League of Women Voters being "anti-male".
Helena, the far right wing in the GOP is the minority wing. We in the mainstream are the big wing. We have the money and the votes. We have tried it your way for five years, and it has flopped.

We will now do it the right way.
You are the mainstream of the Democrat Party.

Even though I'm one of the new kids on the block here, it's plain to recognize that you are a poser and nobody with 1/3 of a brain believes you are who you claim to be.

Give it up.

You are not alone in your assessment.
It's On! The Teaparty Lashes Back At Boehner Calling Him A Liberal

I've said many times on this site that there are NO liberals in the Republican Party. Was I right or what?

Oh, it's so simple and easy to understand, I'm embarrassed to have to explain. The Democratic Party is a coalition party that not only includes conservatives and liberals, but many different minorities. Even white minorities like gays and college professors and scientists. All people Republicans reject. It goes without saying there are zero liberals in the GOP. They are simply not tolerated. Consider this a "teaching moment".
Boehner is taking a chance throwing what few voters out there would even consider voting for the party of the status quo.
It's On! The Teaparty Lashes Back At Boehner Calling Him A Liberal

I've said many times on this site that there are NO liberals in the Republican Party. Was I right or what?

Oh, it's so simple and easy to understand, I'm embarrassed to have to explain. The Democratic Party is a coalition party that not only includes conservatives and liberals, but many different minorities. Even white minorities like gays and college professors and scientists. All people Republicans reject. It goes without saying there are zero liberals in the GOP. They are simply not tolerated. Consider this a "teaching moment".
Wow, are you delusional, to go with being a snooty ass.

Judging by your senseless unhinged posts, I find it unlikely that you are capable of embarrassment.

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