It's all over but the crying for some


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
According to the moonie rightwing newspaper, Washington Times

"We are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population,” Jose Angel Gutierrez, political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington.

“Demographically, socially and culturally, the reconquista of the Southwest United States by Mexico is well under way,” Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington said in 2004.
“No other immigrant group in U.S. history has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans can and do make that claim,” he said.

Mexican aliens seek to retake 'stolen' land - Washington Times

I have known many Mexicans who have served in the US military, who have lived in both nations for generations, and love the US. Do they want to make the US into Mexico? Absolutely not. Do they want a better Mexico? Yes. Do they want a better US. Yes. And many speak excellent English, as well as Spanish. How is all of this going to work out? I don't know. But I can tell you that the ones that decide to become US Citizens are not going to vote for a party that tells them that they are second class people.
Let the Mexican illegals riot. Let the president of Mexico send his army in solidarity with his people as Putin is doing in Ukraine. Us cowboys will meet them at the Alamo and shove their tacos where the sun don't shine. LMBBFFAO!
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Let the Mexican illegals riot. Let the president of Mexico send his army in solidarity with his people as Putin is doing in Ukraine. Us cowboys will meet them at the Alamo and shove their tacos where the sun don't shine. LMBBFFAO!

Geee what was the outcome at the alamo?

Yea the depends wearing crowd using their walkers will met them at the alamo, there the mexicans will get a good laugh :lol:
What's the point? Do (hate America) radical lefties think Mexicans are justified retaking the land that they used to own? Go to Europe without papers or a passport and see how easy it is to enter a country that controls it's borders. Better still claim that you are a Roman and reclaiming the property in England.
What's the point? Do (hate America) radical lefties think Mexicans are justified retaking the land that they used to own? Go to Europe without papers or a passport and see how easy it is to enter a country that controls it's borders. Better still claim that you are a Roman and reclaiming the property in England.

Hell, they stole it themselves........
Let the Mexican illegals riot. Let the president of Mexico send his army in solidarity with his people as Putin is doing in Ukraine. Us cowboys will meet them at the Alamo and shove their tacos where the sun don't shine. LMBBFFAO!

What a waste of tacos, unless their traditional Mexican tacos....Cilantro is not lettuce, and where the hell is the cheese???
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Mexicans are here for what they can get. The good news is, if they don't get it they leave. Democrats imagine that there is some reason why Mexicans can hate Americans but not democrats. If you aren't hispanic you are "them" not raza. That goes for democrats too.
Let the Mexican illegals riot. Let the president of Mexico send his army in solidarity with his people as Putin is doing in Ukraine. Us cowboys will meet them at the Alamo and shove their tacos where the sun don't shine. LMBBFFAO!

Is that before or after the Mexicans built the structure you live in?
Let the Mexican illegals riot. Let the president of Mexico send his army in solidarity with his people as Putin is doing in Ukraine. Us cowboys will meet them at the Alamo and shove their tacos where the sun don't shine. LMBBFFAO!

Is that before or after the Mexicans built the structure you live in?
One who forgets that those at the Alamo were illegal aliens, on Mexican land, when they were killed off.
According to the moonie rightwing newspaper, Washington Times

"We are millions. We just have to survive. We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population,” Jose Angel Gutierrez, political science professor at the University of Texas at Arlington.

“Demographically, socially and culturally, the reconquista of the Southwest United States by Mexico is well under way,” Harvard University professor Samuel P. Huntington said in 2004.
“No other immigrant group in U.S. history has asserted or could assert a historical claim to U.S. territory. Mexicans and Mexican-Americans can and do make that claim,” he said.

Mexican aliens seek to retake 'stolen' land - Washington Times


Lakhota had to resurface eventually...
Yup - mexicans hate america. They claim we stole land from them 160 (!!!) years ago and they are justified in invading america and stealing jobs, govt benefits, and IDs from the lawful citizens. They are told this cradle to grave by the mexican govt.

We are crazy to let any mexicans come here, and obozo lets them invade by the millions.

We're wasting 600 billion on a military that doesn't do its job.
Let the Mexican illegals riot. Let the president of Mexico send his army in solidarity with his people as Putin is doing in Ukraine. Us cowboys will meet them at the Alamo and shove their tacos where the sun don't shine. LMBBFFAO!

2/3 of greater San Antonio is Hispanic, goofy.

They are already in the Alamo.

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