It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Lahkota the fake injun....real Indians defend the second amendment. Native culture is gun culture. Chief liekota wouldn't know about that.
The "real Indians" around here have Constitutions that do not incorporate a 2nd amendment. No mention of bearing arms as an individual right. I can't remember the last time there was a shooting on one of the reservations, either. Knives are a lot more common in a fight.
There's a reason they don't and it's not altruistic......... One needs to simply look at our historical interaction with the "native, savage animals" to understand why.
Lahkota the fake injun....real Indians defend the second amendment. Native culture is gun culture. Chief liekota wouldn't know about that.
The "real Indians" around here have Constitutions that do not incorporate a 2nd amendment. No mention of bearing arms as an individual right. I can't remember the last time there was a shooting on one of the reservations, either. Knives are a lot more common in a fight.
There's a reason they don't and it's not altruistic......... One needs to simply look at our historical interaction with the "native, savage animals" to understand why.
Bullshit. Indian culture is gun culture. Their rights are protected by the US Constitution, and if you think they do not consider themselves Americans every bit as much as they consider themselves tribal members then you are ignorant of native culture. They enlist, and die, at a much higher percentage than the rest of the country....and they have an immediate and adamant appreciation of their rights as American citizens as they are defined and protected by our constitution.

They also have a profound need of their right to protect themselves, as non natives victimize them on their reservations....and their law enforcement and justice system cannot protect them.
Lahkota the fake injun....real Indians defend the second amendment. Native culture is gun culture. Chief liekota wouldn't know about that.
The "real Indians" around here have Constitutions that do not incorporate a 2nd amendment. No mention of bearing arms as an individual right. I can't remember the last time there was a shooting on one of the reservations, either. Knives are a lot more common in a fight.
There's a reason they don't and it's not altruistic......... One needs to simply look at our historical interaction with the "native, savage animals" to understand why.
Bullshit. Indian culture is gun culture. Their rights are protected by the US Constitution, and if you think they do not consider themselves Americans every bit as much as they consider themselves tribal members then you are ignorant of native culture. They enlist, and die, at a much higher percentage than the rest of the country....and they have an immediate and adamant appreciation of their rights as American citizens as they are defined and protected by our constitution.

They also have a profound need of their right to protect themselves, as non natives victimize them on their reservations....and their law enforcement and justice system cannot protect them.
Obviously, like your far left counterpoints you skipped history in school. In the late 1700s through the late 1800s Indians were banned from owning firearms by law. Didn't stop them from procuring and using weapons, lot's of people out to make a buck. In the late 1800s the US government began a program of gun confiscation on Indian reservations, the Wounded Knee Massacre was one result of that. Also Indians are NOT completely protected by the Constitution as tribes and reservations are treated as "Separate Nations under the Protection of the Government", it's only been recently (last 50 years) that has started to become looked at differently.
Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup:

Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
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Smoking isn't a right; owning a gun on other hand...

I can't believe this needs to be explained to people. Wait...yes, I can. lol
Doesn't matter...same tactics can be used against both

Make gun ownership as socially irresponsible as smoking

And I'll fight you every step of the way.

Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Smoking isn't a right; owning a gun on other hand...

I can't believe this needs to be explained to people. Wait...yes, I can. lol
Doesn't matter...same tactics can be used against both

Make gun ownership as socially irresponsible as smoking

And I'll fight you every step of the way.

Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

Cut him some slack...Shitting Bull has gotten into the firewater again.

He's just another leftist that spouts the nonsense that he is told everyday on MSNBC....I just went to a gun show yesterday. There was so damned many people there you could barely move.
Doesn't matter...same tactics can be used against both

Make gun ownership as socially irresponsible as smoking

And I'll fight you every step of the way.

Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns

Any adult can go into a tobacco shop, show a valid ID and purchase tobacco without their background being checked and without the transaction being recorded by the government.

So if that's what you're proposing for guns, then deal, you got it
We got smoking down from 50% to under 20%
Households with guns are down from 50% to 33%

The culture of owning a gun has been diminishing

Yep. And that's a good thing. But we shouldn't let that get encoded into law.

Funny thing is, threatening gun rights actually works against that goal. Gun sales spike every time new legislation is proposed to limit their purchase. If we are secure in our rights to buy guns when needed, we don't need to keep a stockpile. On the other hand, a looming legislative threat provides incentive to buy and stash more guns now, rather than wait until later when they might become outlawed.

Not as many young boys are picking up the gun culture from their fathers. Not as many go hunting, there are not as many gun ranges, fewer places to go out and shoot your guns
Ammunition is becoming expensive. Costs money to go out and fire a couple dozen rounds

Same thing happened to cigarettes. They became more expensive, fewer places to smoke, parents are not passing down their smoking habit

You want to talk "gun culture"? Visit St Louis, Baltimore or Chicago. Get rid of the THUG culture and you'll cut gun murders in half, but you don't want to ruffle any Liberal feathers so you avoid the obvious.

Bingo. Can't "disparage" the black folks - might be seen as racist. Hell, you know the liberal mentality - as long as blacks are shooting and killing each other in those liberal controlled cities - they'll look the other way.
And I'll fight you every step of the way.

Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing

"fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house". Bullshit. NRA membership is greater right now - than it has ever been. I don't know where your sorry ass lives (and I couldn't care less) but in the middle of the country and West (of course except California) there are few houses that DON'T have guns.

We know what you commie assholes have planned. It ain't gonna work.
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns

Any adult can go into a tobacco shop, show a valid ID and purchase tobacco without their background being checked and without the transaction being recorded by the government.

So if that's what you're proposing for guns, then deal, you got it
Hard to shoot up a movie theater or first grade classroom with a cigarette
Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing

"fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house". Bullshit. NRA membership is greater right now - than it has ever been. I don't know where your sorry ass lives (and I couldn't care less) but in the middle of the country and West (of course except California) there are few houses that DON'T have guns.

We know what you commie assholes have planned. It ain't gonna work.

Number of households having guns is down over 15%
Our gun culture is diminishing

Most people live in cities or suburbs.......fewer see a need for guns in their home
Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing

"fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house". Bullshit. NRA membership is greater right now - than it has ever been. I don't know where your sorry ass lives (and I couldn't care less) but in the middle of the country and West (of course except California) there are few houses that DON'T have guns.

We know what you commie assholes have planned. It ain't gonna work.

Number of households having guns is down over 15%
Our gun culture is diminishing

Most people live in cities or suburbs.......fewer see a need for guns in their home

You just bit yourself on the ass. Cities are the most dangerous places in America right now. Thinking folks know this. Only dumbass millennials "trust" police to "protect" them...
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Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup: Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup: Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup: Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup: Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup: Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
Spare me the prating, lol.
The only way that would happen is if you wised up and shut up. :thup: Oh and what would I know about Injuns? I'm a breed and a member of the Ojibwa Nation........ Not to mention one of my minors (and life long passion) was/is history. But hey, keep diggin' that hole. :lmao:
Too stupid to know when to shut up, yup, come to expect that from you. :thup:
I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing

"fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house". Bullshit. NRA membership is greater right now - than it has ever been. I don't know where your sorry ass lives (and I couldn't care less) but in the middle of the country and West (of course except California) there are few houses that DON'T have guns.

We know what you commie assholes have planned. It ain't gonna work.

Number of households having guns is down over 15%
Our gun culture is diminishing

Most people live in cities or suburbs.......fewer see a need for guns in their home

You just bit yourself on the ass. Cities are the most dangerous places in America right now. Thinking folks know this. Only dumbass millennials "trust" police to "protect" them...
Higher density equates to more crime ...always has

Cities are seeing drops in their gun crime
Doesn't matter...same tactics can be used against both

Make gun ownership as socially irresponsible as smoking

And I'll fight you every step of the way.

Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.

That's horseshit

indeed it is

besides repeat buys at an all time high

brand spanking new first time back ground checks are also at record levels

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