It Snowed in Los Angeles Today

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Crazy weather this week. We also got snow here in Vegas a couple of times this week and raining like crazy right now

I'm just north of Portland, it hit here last Monday. I woke to about 6" in the front yard. Been cold all week and the roads are clear but the ground is still covered. We're expecting mix rain/snow this week.

Not really unseasonable, I've seen snow here in April. This year looks pretty typical to me for a neutral ENSO year. It's been mild overall.

I'm trying to develop a little piece of land I own, I and was able to get a new septic in and some dirt work done the week before the weather hit. I got lucky- it's a little early to be digging in the PacNW, and a heavy rain with open trenches is not what you want to happen, lol.
Crazy weather this week. We also got snow here in Vegas a couple of times this week and raining like crazy right now

Global warming strikes again!

All that CO2 emitted on The 405
Granddaughter said it was snowing heavy in Victorville. She had never driven in snow before.

Here On the coast, just heavy rain and wind. Very, very cold.
Crazy weather this week. We also got snow here in Vegas a couple of times this week and raining like crazy right now

Didn't snow in FL, was 86 today. :dunno:

Glerbul Wermins? :aargh:
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Crazy weather this week. We also got snow here in Vegas a couple of times this week and raining like crazy right now

Pfffft. A couple of inches and you all freak out.

I have another 35 damned inches to shovel!
Crazy weather this week. We also got snow here in Vegas a couple of times this week and raining like crazy right now

Not the first time it's snowed in SoCAl.
Not so rare.]'ve seen it snow in Long Beach as early as the 1950's. Same for many so cal cities. we're getting much less of the cold weather I believe. Used to get a lot of hail, but haven't seen any of it for a long time.

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