It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

I know your opinions and stance, but let me paint this picture.............

The least intelligent Americans today harbor the very same thought processes today as 3rd world Countries. Muslim Women are just now being able to get education without recoil from their Government, in certain area's.

I think you just know a lot about politics and our abuse of the people here and in other Countries. (This is the Petrol Dollar, USD)

Anti-Profiling and sharing of informative information is what needs to happen here. The Tea-Party is full of broke Americans that think the new Tea-Party is going to make them prosper. They think Reagonomics.
You are the one not getting it.
Just because it has been explained it different ways does not mean a vague rhetorical concept. The basic concept is there and you are not able to see it.
You are not getting the concept of Freedom from Government and individualism.
Government needs to get the hell out of the way and stop trying to control us, so that Americans have the freedom to become exceptional again.
We have become the Despot ruler and Oligarchy that the Revolutionary War was fought over.

so you are AGAINST Citizens United & its putting up the government for sale to the highest bidder then? :eusa_whistle:

I'm for freedom of speech.
Nothing wrong with Corporations and Unions putting up political ads and having public disclosure by sponsors of advertisements.
I do agree that the Federal ban on direct contributions from corporations or unions to candidate campaigns or political parties, which remain illegal in races for federal office is right.
The Citizens United case did not involve this like some thinks that it did.
No, just billions in unregulated PAC funds, which are the same as campaign funds in practice duh...

Then we need a law for PAC funds. That also means no unions or George Soros, which I don't hear the left complaining about.

Which one of these would you like to see changed?

FECA and subsequent FEC rules provide a range of restrictions on PACs:

  • Individuals are limited to contributing $5,000 per year to federal PACs;
  • Corporations and unions may not contribute directly to federal PACs, but can pay for the administrative costs of a PAC affiliated with the specific corporation or union;
  • Corporate-affiliated PACs may only solicit contributions from executives, shareholders, and their families;
  • Contributions from corporate or labor union treasuries are illegal, though they may sponsor a PAC and provide financial support for its administration and fundraising;
  • Union-affiliated PACs may only solicit contributions from members;
  • Independent PACs may solicit contributions from the general public and must pay their own costs from those funds.
Federal multi-candidate PACs may contribute to candidates as follows:

  • $5,000 to a candidate or candidate committee for each election (primary and general elections count as separate elections);
  • $15,000 to a political party per year; and
  • $5,000 to another PAC per year.
  • PACs may make unlimited expenditures independently of a candidate or political party
Political action committee - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Yes, we are exceptional. We understand that you must carry the limp wristed feel good kum by ya flag. We also understand that you are unexceptional.
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We HAD a law against Pac billions.. Pubs love thisn since if you count them as campaign funds, unions are outspent 30X by Pubs, BEFORE the Kochs went too 800 million dollars. Hater dupes!!

If the tax code was changed we would not have any of this.
It is too bad that when it was just Soros and the unions before the Kochs, not one Dem said a peep about it.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

I have noticed that the P.C. term for retarded is now "relatable"

Perhaps idiocracy has begun...
We HAD a law against Pac billions.. Pubs love thisn since if you count them as campaign funds, unions are outspent 30X by Pubs, BEFORE the Kochs went too 800 million dollars. Hater dupes!!

If the tax code was changed we would not have any of this.
It is too bad that when it was just Soros and the unions before the Kochs, not one Dem said a peep about it.

"Before the Kochs"?
You have any idea how far back the Kochs go, Peach??

You know the John Birch Society? The old tinfoil "conspiracy to fluoridate the water" crowd? Fred Koch was one of its founders.
That was after he went to the USSR to build Joe Stalin's oil industry.

"Those who ignore their history"... well you know.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

All this hate from an ignorant weasel who is too stupid to know "stupider" isn't even a fucking word, Since he isn't exceptional he couldn't possibly think any one or anything could be. Must really suck to be him.

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