It isn't your grandfather's LEFT anymore

One constant is they always loved fascists and radicals. Who picks communist professors as mentors or admires Alinsky?
That is a factor now of course. But it wasn't that way so long ago except the seeds were being sown. Hillary's fascination with Alinsky in her college years has been well documented. She and Bill of course were far less radical than say the Squad or other prominent leftists in our current society. But she was no doubt not alone in dabbling in Alinsky style Marxism and all that most likely played a significant part in the groundswell of hardcore leftism that is tearing this country apart now.
Independent and republican voters need to call the leftist politicians what they are, Marxists. In the House and Senate, Republicans need to stop referring to their opponents across the aisle as "colleagues" and refer to them more accurately: opponents, adversaries, pro-authoritarians or, Marxists.
What's wrong with decorum? :dunno:
The right has passed no laws restricting free speech. The right isn't the side pushing political correctness or digging up something somebody said 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago and using it to disqualify somebody. You can try to defend the left doing that all you want, but you will only underscore how ridiculous, unfree, unChristian, unworthy that is.

The right has always been about parents' rights and still are. But the right thinks the biological parents should be responsible to raise the children they conceive and bring into the world and set them on the path of personal responsibility and accountability that enables them to be all they hope to be. The leftist policies are what has decimated far too many of America's families, forced children into poverty, redefined marriage, exalted single parent and non traditional parents, encouraged out of wedlock parenthood and approved decisions of people not to marry. The left applauds all except the best situation for children which is two loving, responsible biological parents in the home. The left refuses to even acknowledge that as the best situation for children.

The right are still for small, efficient, effective government that is pretty much limited to what the Constitution allows. They do take exception to the killing of children, born and unborn, and do not believe Citizen A should have to be responsible to clean up after and/or pay for the choices of Citizen B. It has only been in the last few decades that the left made abortion a socially accepted, even desirable form of birth control.

The right are for law and order, a military trained to defeat our enemies, domestic and abroad, and a police force trained to serve and protect law abiding citizens from criminals. No Patriot approves of any person assaulting another but takes strong offense at those who accuse all who went to the Jan 6 protest rally of assaulting or approving of assault. And the right takes strong offense to those who accuse even the vast majority who attended that rally of insurrection while saying the riots of 2020 were just mostly peaceful protests.

The right still opposes victimology based on ones skin color or heritage or ethnicity or gender or whatever. We know when a person is actually attacked and/or wronged and thereby becomes a victim. A person is not a victim just because he/she happened to be born black or whatever.
The right has passed no laws restricting free speech. The right isn't the side pushing political correctness or digging up something somebody said 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago and using it to disqualify somebody. You can try to defend the left doing that all you want, but you will only underscore how ridiculous, unfree, unChristian, unworthy that is.

The right has always been about parents' rights and still are. But the right thinks the biological parents should be responsible to raise the children they conceive and bring into the world and set them on the path of personal responsibility and accountability that enables them to be all they hope to be. The leftist policies are what has decimated far too many of America's families, forced children into poverty, redefined marriage, exalted single parent and non traditional parents, encouraged out of wedlock parenthood and approved decisions of people not to marry. The left applauds all except the best situation for children which is two loving, responsible biological parents in the home. The left refuses to even acknowledge that as the best situation for children.

The right are still for small, efficient, effective government that is pretty much limited to what the Constitution allows. They do take exception to the killing of children, born and unborn, and do not believe Citizen A should have to be responsible to clean up after and/or pay for the choices of Citizen B. It has only been in the last few decades that the left made abortion a socially accepted, even desirable form of birth control.

The right are for law and order, a military trained to defeat our enemies, domestic and abroad, and a police force trained to serve and protect law abiding citizens from criminals. No Patriot approves of any person assaulting another but takes strong offense at those who accuse all who went to the Jan 6 protest rally of assaulting or approving of assault. And the right takes strong offense to those who accuse even the vast majority who attended that rally of insurrection while saying the riots of 2020 were just mostly peaceful protests.

The right still opposes victimology based on ones skin color or heritage or ethnicity or gender or whatever. We know when a person is actually attacked and/or wronged and thereby becomes a victim. A person is not a victim just because he/she happened to be born black or whatever.
I am going to (respectfully) disagree. There is not much of a discussion…this is basically a “we hate the left and let me count the ways - leftists are evil authoritarian Marxist satan worshipping violent un democratic cheating vile Constitution shredding America hating baby killing Stalinists with genocidal Hitler fetishes Trump hating unpatriotic treasonous traitors to America” thread. Oh, and they kick puppies.
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Decorum, with people who habitually lie out their ass about you, gaslight you, call you "deplorables", tell people who disagree with you to "get in their face", spy on you, dox you, and generally treat you like your beneath dog shit on their shoes?

View attachment 797729
the poor communist will never be able to put their brain around the fact that starvation doesnt lead to sad
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.

Bub...those are all good questions...damn good questions. I don't have all the answers, but I can outline some of the problems.

Yes, you are right. this is not Tip O'Neill's dems any longer. A big chunk of the Dem's base is composed of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill...







Illegal Aliens


Young Delusional People


Crazed Women

Dope Lovers

Gun haters


Welfare Lovers

Medicare for all hopefuls





Hollywood - Entertainers - Musicians



Open Border Proponents


Mentally ill white people that despise whites and cheer for their extinction.




Prostitutes / Sex Workers

Anarchists / Insurgents

Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.

Individually they are nothing, but as a group they overwhelm the reps.

We had the formula for the American success story and TPTB decided to shit on that formula and destroy America. Now, it was not all dems that had the diarrhea, reps are to blame for some of it as well. But reps part is on the greed part of the formula, while the dems part, which is the majority, is about the complete destruction of traditional American values as well as bankrupting America.

For instance...all this banking crap was figured out way back when. But, greed took over and they changed the laws / regulations to make more money and that weakened and eventually destroyed the banking system.

There is no mystery or magic involved. You run America as it was founded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. You don't put self-loathing, white hating, filthy virtue signaling, commie dems in charge of the cities and D.C.. If you do that, then you got the America we have today...which is a country headed for implosion. And that not only goes for the cities, it is D.C., the schools, universities and the rest.

America only worked...when it worked.

Once you gave up the Constitution and Bill of Rights it was all over for America. Once you have a 2-tier justice system, that the dems have weaponized to be used as their jackboots, it was all over for America of old. Our current system is weaponized against conservatives and is based on anarcho-tyranny. If you don't know what that IS America in 2023. Anarcho-tyranny means the police will not be there to save you...the police will be there to arrest you.

Bub, back in the 1970's they had a guy named Joe Karbo that would take out full page $7,000 ads in the Sunday L.A. Times Newspaper to sell his book on how to get rich. In the ad he would say...'Most people are too busy earning a living to get rich'...or some such thing. That is how it is today when it comes to people reacting to political corruption. Most people are too busy just trying to get by and hold their family together than do anything meaningful with fighting political corruption.

It is catawampus thinking on anyone's part that thinks there is any way out of this mess other than secession. As well as for those that say 'pray harder' or call your congressperson' and vote! The dems won the popular vote 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections. Fixing this mess falls under the auspices of...if we could of...we would of. Of course, you will have the people that say don't worry, the pendulum will swing back. Sometimes the clock stops and the pendulum stops swinging.

If that was a guarantee of salvation that we continually swing back and forth, we would not have to watch the news like it is life or death. And with dems in control...every day is like life or death. And even if the reps get back in, they seldom repair anything in a meaningful way. We had Trump for 4 years and complete control of D.C. for 2 years. And we are in the worst shape the country has been in since the founding. The dems make tremendous headway at destroying America. Reps don't fix the mess...all they do is just slow the destruction down.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list?

Here are the results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast

1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

That is what happened, bub. We've LOST! This is our future...and even worse!

Now, some people say secession is a dirty word and want to call it a separation. Whatever you call it, you MUST be able to remove yourself from being under the thumb and rule of the filthy dems. It is not like life in the Conservative Union of States would be perfect. But old America is gone. What you have to judge is how things would be under perpetual dem rule and being disarmed...not what life in old America was like.

There is a price to pay for the curing of any disease. You will either have to pay that price or die from the ailment. The only problem is our politicians are incompetent fools and I've read that secession just can't happen. Too complex and is just a pipe dream. If we had a strong Gov. they would kick out the states that are in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. If so, the conservative states would not have to contemplate secession.

But if grandma had balls...she would be grandpa. And if shit was Shinola, you wouldn't have to buy shoe polish. You can do anything with if. We need some real answers soon, not iffy, pie in the sky dreams or the dems will perpetually control all 50 states.

We've seen in real time that progressives only get progressively worse. It is the same with any mental illness unless it is treated. There are only 3 directions we can go. We can get better, stay the same or get worse. Sure, we can self-balkanize, but this is the score. You can run away as far as you like...but you are only as safe as your last election.

car 1.65.gif
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I am going to (respectfully) disagree. There is not much of a discussion…this is basically a “we hate the left and let me count the ways - leftists are evil authoritarian Marxist satan worshipping violent un democratic cheating vile Constitution shredding America hating baby killing Stalinists with genocidal Hitler fetishes Trump hating unpatriotic treasonous traitors to America” thread. Oh, and they kick puppies.
You seems to protest the questions themselves and see them directed at people instead of policy. I am focused on the issues/policy/mindset and how those so dramatically differ now from the leftist point of view just a few decades ago. The rightwing/conservative point of view has been pretty much what it has consistently always been.

Granted Patriots/Conservatives can be just as insulting as the leftists can and to me it is unfortunate when they do that because it weakens our message. But most Patriots are much better at seeing the big picture and evaluating success and benefit from what they believe and explaining it. And they can usually explain why the rightwing view is the better one for pretty much everybody.

One example: Conservatives can clearly explain why it is wrong for transgender men to be in the women's locker room or public restroom, why it is unfair for transgender men to take women's sporting records, scholarships, and other opportunities.

Leftists once led the charge to break down unfair barriers for women and gain them equal rights in society. So how do they reconcile putting the 'rights' of transgender men ahead of women's rights now? How is it right that transgender men are allowed to take women's sporting records, scholarships, opportunity? How did that happen? Is that not a reasonable question? A question for which there should be an answer?

So far nobody has answered it. I just get whataboutisms, subject changes, personal insults/accusations or dumb statements trying to start a food fight or derail the thread.

Each issue in the OP should have an answer. But are they so uncomfortable for leftists that nobody will address them? I can't understand defending something for which I cannot articulate a defense.
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Bub...those are all good questions...damn good questions. I don't have all the answers, but I can outline some of the problems.

Yes, you are right. this is not Tip O'Neill's dems any longer. A big chunk of the Dem's base is composed of misfits, lowlife, anarchists and the mentally ill...







Illegal Aliens


Young Delusional People


Crazed Women

Dope Lovers

Gun haters


Welfare Lovers

Medicare for all hopefuls





Hollywood - Entertainers - Musicians



Open Border Proponents


Mentally ill white people that despise whites and cheer for their extinction.




Prostitutes / Sex Workers

Anarchists / Insurgents

Bigots and Racists - the definition of a bigot is the textbook definition of a democrat...a bigot is a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Peace Activists - What is wrong with peace? Nothing, as long as we live in a fantasy world. In the real world when peace activists won't fight when the time comes to defend the country...the country will die.

Individually they are nothing, but as a group they overwhelm the reps.

We had the formula for the American success story and TPTB decided to shit on that formula and destroy America. Now, it was not all dems that had the diarrhea, reps are to blame for some of it as well. But reps part is on the greed part of the formula, while the dems part, which is the majority, is about the complete destruction of traditional American values as well as bankrupting America.

For instance...all this banking crap was figured out way back when. But, greed took over and they changed the laws / regulations to make more money and that weakened and eventually destroyed the banking system.

There is no mystery or magic involved. You run America as it was founded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. You don't put self-loathing, white hating, filthy virtue signaling, commie dems in charge of the cities and D.C.. If you do that, then you got the America we have today...which is a country headed for implosion. And that not only goes for the cities, it is D.C., the schools, universities and the rest.

America only worked...when it worked.

Once you gave up the Constitution and Bill of Rights it was all over for America. Once you have a 2-tier justice system, that the dems have weaponized to be used as their jackboots, it was all over for America of old. Our current system is weaponized against conservatives and is based on anarcho-tyranny. If you don't know what that IS America in 2023. Anarcho-tyranny means the police will not be there to save you...the police will be there to arrest you.

Bub, back in the 1970's they had a guy named Joe Karbo that would take out full page $7,000 ads in the Sunday L.A. Times Newspaper to sell his book on how to get rich. In the ad he would say...'Most people are too busy earning a living to get rich'...or some such thing. That is how it is today when it comes to people reacting to political corruption. Most people are too busy just trying to get by and hold their family together than do anything meaningful with fighting political corruption.

It is catawampus thinking on anyone's part that thinks there is any way out of this mess other than secession. As well as for those that say 'pray harder' or call your congressperson' and vote! The dems won the popular vote 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections. Fixing this mess falls under the auspices of...if we could of...we would of. Of course, you will have the people that say don't worry, the pendulum will swing back. Sometimes the clock stops and the pendulum stops swinging.

If that was a guarantee of salvation that we continually swing back and forth, we would not have to watch the news like it is life or death. And with dems in control...every day is like life or death. And even if the reps get back in, they seldom repair anything in a meaningful way. We had Trump for 4 years and complete control of D.C. for 2 years. And we are in the worst shape the country has been in since the founding. The dems make tremendous headway at destroying America. Reps don't fix the mess...all they do is just slow the destruction down.

Reddit r/Collapse had a political leanings poll. Do you see where conservatives are on the list?

Here are the results on 2.26.23

7.8k votes cast

1.2k Liberal
349 Conservative
588 Libertarian
3.4k Socialist
840 Moderate
1.4k Anarchist

That is what happened, bub. We've LOST! This is our future...and even worse!

Now, some people say secession is a dirty word and want to call it a separation. Whatever you call it, you MUST be able to remove yourself from being under the thumb and rule of the filthy dems. It is not like life in the Conservative Union of States would be perfect. But old America is gone. What you have to judge is how things would be under perpetual dem rule and being disarmed...not what life in old America was like.

There is a price to pay for the curing of any disease. You will either have to pay that price or die from the ailment. The only problem is our politicians are incompetent fools and I've read that secession just can't happen. Too complex and is just a pipe dream. If we had a strong Gov. they would kick out the states that are in violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. If so, the conservative states would not have to contemplate secession.

But if grandma had balls...she would be grandpa. And if shit was Shinola, you wouldn't have to buy shoe polish. You can do anything with if. We need some real answers soon, not iffy, pie in the sky dreams or the dems will perpetually control all 50 states.

We've seen in real time that progressives only get progressively worse. It is the same with any mental illness unless it is treated. There are only 3 directions we can go. We can get better, stay the same or get worse. Sure, we can self-balkanize, but this is the score. You can run away as far as you like...but you are only as safe as your last election.

View attachment 797754
You put a lot of thought and time into your post but it does change the focus from how did we get to this point to a different focus, i.e. let's cut our losses and just split the country. I will say you are are not the first to suggest that solution. I do wish you had not named certain groups as being the problem when it isnt who people are but what they do that is the problem, but again, you aren't necessarily wrong re the Democrat base.

But I think if we don't figure out how we got to this point splitting the country won't help us as we will still be vulnerable to those who will infiltrate all our institutions and one day we'll wake up with the same problems we have now.
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The Democrats have stupidly gone all-in on Identity Politics and Political Correctness, which played a large role in ushering in Trumpism.

The Republicans have sold their soul to a mentally ill buffoon, and that ugly cancer has metastasized all the way down to street level.

I would say that the country deserves better than these two repugnant parties, but in reality, maybe we really don't.
The Democrats have stupidly gone all-in on Identity Politics and Political Correctness, which played a large role in ushering in Trumpism.

The Republicans have sold their soul to a mentally ill buffoon, and that ugly cancer has metastasized all the way down to street level.

I would say that the country deserves better than these two repugnant parties, but in reality, maybe we really don't.
Agreed. We don't. Embrace the suck, friend.

Or don't. :dunno: I wouldn't imagine you're very bothered either way. No?
Agreed. We don't. Embrace the suck, friend.

Or don't. :dunno: I wouldn't imagine you're very bothered either way. No?
Well, that depends.

On one hand, yeah, I care very much about the country my kids are inheriting, and I hate witnessing this self-inflicted decay in real time. I really thought we were better than this. It's fuckin' frustrating.

On the other, I just don't understand politics and its associated behaviors. It's like it's all a big goof and no one has let me in on the joke. Since there's not much I can do about it, I guess all I can do is observe and occasionally belch out my opinions on what I'm seeing.
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They're getting closer to communism every year. And most of them just can't see it.
They'll turn this country into Venezuela north if left unchecked.

Venezuela is the worst example of socialism. That's like me saying that if we adopt capitalism, we will become like Haiti, a country that looks like it's in one of those zombie horror films, or Mexico, a country led by drug cartels and foreign corporations, where the common folk live in poverty.

Venezuela is also a country under America's heel, as far as economic sanctions, and threats of war. Not a very good example of socialism, unless you're looking for a way to discredit or poop on it.

A better example of socialism would be Western Europe. If the progressive democrats are "socialists", if AOC is a "commie" because she wants Americans to have universal healthcare and tuition-free college. She wants the homeless and poor to be housed. She wants utility companies to go back to being owned and operated by local governments (municipalities), rather than billionaires who charge more money and provide poor service. If that makes AOC a communist, then Western Europe is freaking STALIN. REAL COMMIE. All of those "commie" policies are taken for granted in Western Europe and in Iceland.
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Venezuela is the worst example of socialism. That's like me saying that if we adopt capitalism, we will become like Haiti, a country that looks like it's in one of those zombie horror films, or Mexico, a country led by drug cartels and foreign corporations, where the common folk live in poverty.

Venezuela is also a country under America's heel, as far as economic sanctions, and threats of war. Not a very good example of socialism, unless you're looking for a way to discredit or poop on it.

A better example of socialism would be Western Europe. If the progressive democrats are "socialists", if AOC is a "commie" because she wants Americans to have universal healthcare and tuition-free college. She wants the homeless and poor to be housed. She wants utility companies to go back to being owned and operated by local governments (municipalities), rather than billionaires who charge more money and provide poor service. If that makes AOC a communist, then Western Europe is freaking STALIN. REAL COMMIE. All of those "commie" policies are taken for granted in Western Europe and in Iceland.
'Commie' probably will have myriad definitions among those who use the term. But it is important to see how the left's philosophy/point of view/agenda fits in with Marxist doctrines. All leftists want the government to provide cradle to grave security, benefits, quality of life, equality, etc. etc. etc. But what they do not see or want to see is a government big and powerful enough to give you everything you want will dictate what you will have and can take anything from you or do anything to you that it wants to do.

In effect they want a benevolent dictatorship that will create the Utopia Marx envisioned communism would be once it got through the totalitarian phase.

It sound noble. But it ignores human nature. Those who receive without earning it have no incentive to earn what they have. Those who work and are denied the ability to enjoy the fruit of their labor because they must support those who won't work will have much less incentive to work. And that cycle results in less opportunity for all but those in the government and their agents to prosper. And that benevolent dictator rarely turns out to be so benevolent, but by the time he/they have the power, the people are powerless to do anything about it. And once a government achieves total power, it has never in all of history voluntarily relinquished that power.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.
You oversimplify the complexities of international relations and foreign policy. It is incorrect to assume that all members of the left support every decision made regarding foreign policy. Political stances can evolve based on various factors, including changing geopolitical landscapes and national interests.
The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.
You paint the entire left as uniformly hostile towards law enforcement, which is an oversimplification. People on the left may have diverse opinions regarding the role and actions of law enforcement agencies. It is inaccurate to suggest that the left collectively "owns" or controls these agencies. In fact the FBI is a notoriously conservative organization.
The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.
You misrepresent the positions of the left on transgender rights and inclusivity. Advocating for transgender rights does not necessarily imply a disregard for women's rights or safety. The issue of gender identity is complex, and different perspectives exist within the left on how to navigate these matters.
The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.
You generalize the left's stance on education and children's welfare. The left, like any political ideology, encompasses a range of views. Educational policies and approaches are subject to ongoing debate and often involve various stakeholders from different political backgrounds.
The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.
Again, you oversimplify the left's position on diversity and freedom of choice. While there may be instances where certain viewpoints are criticized or challenged, it is inaccurate to claim that the left uniformly dictates what opinions individuals should hold or how they should live.
The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.
You present a narrow view of the left's position on free speech. While there are ongoing debates about the boundaries and consequences of speech, characterizing the entire left as opposing free speech is an oversimplification and is outright false. Are there some on the left worthy of criticism? Sure, just as there are on the right. It is important to recognize that different individuals and groups within the left hold diverse perspectives on this issue.
The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.
This claim relies on conspiracy theories and lacks substantial evidence. It is not accurate to attribute a singular motive or agenda to an entire political ideology. The left, like any other political group, consists of individuals with a wide range of perspectives and goals.
The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.

Nothing but sweeping generalities without foundation. Fail.

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