It is beginning to make sense.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
For some time I’ve been trying to figure out what the hell is going on in schools. With the little fascist Hogg and the rest of the Parkland Chorus proving their ignorance, I finally am starting to get it.

The kids are blithering idiots. I am astonished that they manage to keep from drooling. The windows at schools must have a line of students waiting for their chance to lick it.

Here is why. Fully a third of the little darlings think the world is flat.

A Third Of Millennials Aren't Sure The Earth Is Round, Survey Finds

But somehow it is the old people who are too stupid to understand. Or something.

Ladies and Gentlemen I present you with the future. A Future with enforced ignorance. A future the Dark Ages would be proud of. No wonder the morons think guns are bad. The ignorant little dunces think the world is flat and Tide Pods are tasty and condoms are intended for your nose.

Abandon all hope.
They also believe SUV's cause global warming, obozo was a competent executive, if you want to be the opposite gender you can just declare it, and that marxism makes people "equal".


The future looks bleak.

Lots of crazy polls out there
10 Most Bizarre Survey Finds - funny surveys, strange polls - Oddee
1 in 4 Americans think God helps decide the outcome of football games
Does God, the creator of the Universe, tally up the number and intensity of prayers to decide the outcome of football games? Up to 27% Americans believe that God actually plays a role in determining which team wins a sporting event.

The survey, conducted on January of 2013 by the Public Religion Research Institute, consisted of random telephone interviews with 1,033 subjects. More than half of those surveyed also believe that God rewards athletes who have faith in Him. Perhaps we should ban prayer before games if it's a performance enhancer.
Lots of crazy polls out there
10 Most Bizarre Survey Finds - funny surveys, strange polls - Oddee
1 in 4 Americans think God helps decide the outcome of football games
Does God, the creator of the Universe, tally up the number and intensity of prayers to decide the outcome of football games? Up to 27% Americans believe that God actually plays a role in determining which team wins a sporting event.

The survey, conducted on January of 2013 by the Public Religion Research Institute, consisted of random telephone interviews with 1,033 subjects. More than half of those surveyed also believe that God rewards athletes who have faith in Him. Perhaps we should ban prayer before games if it's a performance enhancer.
Tell that to the Domers!

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