It doesn't matter who writes the laws. What matters is who executes the laws.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
That's a paraphrase of Stalin's infamous comment about voting and it really sums up Obozo's legacy. If he didn't like a law he just refused to enforce it even though the constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed". The law says illegals can't live or work here but obozo gave millions of them a certificate saying they can do both!!
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
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Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
Mayer Amschel Rothschild you ever get that feeling that you are posting so far over the heads of some posters here????

I would love to find a board with a few hundred of like-minded thinking souls that "get it"......
That's a paraphrase of Stalin's infamous comment about voting and it really sums up Obozo's legacy. If he didn't like a law he just refused to enforce it even though the constitution says the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed". The law says illegals can't live or work here but obozo gave millions of them a certificate saying they can do both!!

That is correct!

We conservatives.........cut through the crap, and ask the leftists in every thread they post, why Obama refused to enforce the law, when he SWORE to uphold the constitution. Does that make him a bold faced liar!

And when they claim the law needed to be changed, then we need ask WHERE was/is their attempt to change it, and IF the majority of the people (remember, today according to the left, the majority is most important) did NOT want it, then why did the Commander and Chief over ride the will of the people!

That should be what every conservative asks a far leftist. If they do not have the votes to over turn a law, and can NOT get new people in office elected to over turn, then the American people want that law, and if the President does NOT faithfully execute his/her office and enforce that law, he is Anti-American, and ANTI-Constitution!
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
Mayer Amschel Rothschild you ever get that feeling that you are posting so far over the heads of some posters here????

I would love to find a board with a few hundred of like-minded thinking souls that "get it"......

We do not WANT to get it, we'd rather quibble amongst ourselves, as designed since Bacon's Rebellion, it's much easier. We've all been programmed not to think, but to believe and react emotionally. The last thing any power structure has ever wanted to face is a clear, questioning, calm, coherent human being; much less a collection of united, clear, questioning, calm, coherent human beings.
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Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
Mayer Amschel Rothschild you ever get that feeling that you are posting so far over the heads of some posters here????

I would love to find a board with a few hundred of like-minded thinking souls that "get it"......

We do not WANT to get it, we'd rather quibble amongst ourselves, as designed since Bacon's Rebellion, it's much easier. We've all been programmed not to think, but to believe and react emotionally. The last think any power structure has ever wanted to face is a clear, questioning, calm, coherent human being; much less a collection of united, clear, questioning, calm, coherent human beings.

You nailed that hit a home run and the ball has yet to land...outta of the ballpark. I totally agree but yet I still get sucked into flame wars....I guess I still have some de-programming still to go. Great post as usual...
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
Mayer Amschel Rothschild you ever get that feeling that you are posting so far over the heads of some posters here????

I would love to find a board with a few hundred of like-minded thinking souls that "get it"......

We do not WANT to get it, we'd rather quibble amongst ourselves, as designed since Bacon's Rebellion, it's much easier. We've all been programmed not to think, but to believe and react emotionally. The last think any power structure has ever wanted to face is a clear, questioning, calm, coherent human being; much less a collection of united, clear, questioning, calm, coherent human beings.

You nailed that hit a home run and the ball has yet to land...outta of the ballpark. I totally agree but yet I still get sucked into flame wars....I guess I still have some de-programming still to go. Great post as usual...

Oh me too, look, requires constant self-vigilance to catch our own reflexes. But with diligence, practice …
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.

Yeah, I heard about that. Corporations running the streets picking people up to take to jail for no reason. Somebody should do something about that.
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.

Yeah, I heard about that. Corporations running the streets picking people up to take to jail for no reason. Somebody should do something about that.

My friend.....87 percent that is serving jail time has committed a victim less crime by simply violating one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances...we don't have laws because a corporation cannot pass laws. We are not under Common Law...we are under the UCC/admiralty law which is why every crime has a monetary value......
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.

Yeah, I heard about that. Corporations running the streets picking people up to take to jail for no reason. Somebody should do something about that.

My friend.....87 percent that is serving jail time has committed a victim less crime by simply violating one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances...we don't have laws because a corporation cannot pass laws. We are not under Common Law...we are under the UCC/admiralty law which is why every crime has a monetary value......

Where is it written that jails should only be for crimes of victimization? Let me ask: my cousin's son died from an overdose about a year and a half ago, were they victims of the person that sold her son the drugs?
Obozo should have been impeached and removed for his amnesty policy. How can a president give millions of people (who aren't even citizens) a certificate telling them they can break our laws??

The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.

Yeah, I heard about that. Corporations running the streets picking people up to take to jail for no reason. Somebody should do something about that.

My friend.....87 percent that is serving jail time has committed a victim less crime by simply violating one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances...we don't have laws because a corporation cannot pass laws. We are not under Common Law...we are under the UCC/admiralty law which is why every crime has a monetary value......

Where is it written that jails should only be for crimes of victimization? Let me ask: my cousin's son died from an overdose about a year and a half ago, were they victims of the person that sold her son the drugs?

The kid didn't have free will? And BTW, the CIA brings in 90 percent of all drugs into this country....and that is a fact. Is Anhuieser Busch responsible because someone drinks themselves to death??? If there was no market for drugs,m we wouldn't have that problem and it boils down to parenting....sorry to hear about your cousin's son...that sucks mightily.
The presidency has taken on far too much power, I haven't thought too much about why. Perhaps because congress is filled with demagogues who simply like to listen to themselves speak?
The same way he gave hundreds of people the freedom to walk out of jail after real American judges put them there.

American corporations are why many are there, you have for profit prisons trading on bondage and a return to convict leasing. Anything can be made "illegal", and the jobs coming back is fantasy.

Yeah, I heard about that. Corporations running the streets picking people up to take to jail for no reason. Somebody should do something about that.

My friend.....87 percent that is serving jail time has committed a victim less crime by simply violating one of their acts, statutes, codes or ordinances...we don't have laws because a corporation cannot pass laws. We are not under Common Law...we are under the UCC/admiralty law which is why every crime has a monetary value......

Where is it written that jails should only be for crimes of victimization? Let me ask: my cousin's son died from an overdose about a year and a half ago, were they victims of the person that sold her son the drugs?

The kid didn't have free will? And BTW, the CIA brings in 90 percent of all drugs into this country....and that is a fact. Is Anhuieser Busch responsible because someone drinks themselves to death??? If there was no market for drugs,m we wouldn't have that problem and it boils down to parenting....sorry to hear about your cousin's son...that sucks mightily.

You avoided the question.

Nobody forced the drugs into his arm, but the fact remains that drug dealers are killers and yes, causes victimization. Bush may not be responsible if somebody gets drunk and kills somebody, but the law says the bar tender or establishment that served him is.
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Everyone has heard that quote but it's not what we're talking about here. I do not allow off-topic posts on my threads so you must delete.
We conservatives.........cut through the crap, and ask the leftists in every thread they post, why Obama refused to enforce the law, when he SWORE to uphold the constitution. !

Yes indeed and i am amazed that neither trump nor romney in 2012 talked about the obama amnesties.

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