Issues For Discussion For Presidential Candidates


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
I'm actually A-Political so I don't really care...

But I thought that I'd mention a few topics of interest for the next election cycle....and see if you had any thoughts as to what these candidates might want to do about these subjects or if there was a subject of your own that is near and dear to your heart.

SEC violations and corruption starting with the Chairperson.
Ok...this is now a chit show...we haven't had a Chairperson in the past 15 years that's been honest. Obvious conflicts of interest everywhere with Congress in violation after violation. So much so that most every member of Congress owes Martha Stewart an apology.

NIH lack of transparency and integrity.
Here's another hornets nest that needs a massive cleaning. How research grants are given, awarded, and spent is a major concern. We spend trillions in public research...but the work gets done in Wuhan labs? Ahem!

DOJ and FBI corruption and weaponization.
How they choose to either pursue a case or not has been joke lately. Let's get real...there's a lot more stink coming from other members of Government other than one past president...and their family members. The ETF that tracks congressional stock investments is still outperforming the mass majority of other mutual funds. The stocks Congress families invests in are absolutely insane with returns.
Then there's the sagging Economy, Banking frauds and subsequent failures, labor shortages, all started by the massive stimulus package of low interest bonds issued by the FED. It's the cause of inflation.

Then there is a massive problem with these internet platforms being publishers limiting domestic speech while allowing KNOWN foreign influencers have influence on elections and misinformation campaigns.
Theres no excuse for this. The individual posting is responsible for their content....that's what the laws are all about. These platforms are not supposed to control all news flow. And now we have Prigozhin of Wagner PMC telling his media influencers what to think and say about everything...some of which go viral for political, medical and international topics.
They are out of excuses...and if the SEC and DOJ and FBI actually were doing their jobs....this wouldn't be happening.
We push for :

= Prosecuting Voter Suppression to the Maximum Extent of the law.

= Eliminate the bogus Debt Fiasco to a pay as you go out of respect for the USA and World Wide Economy.

= Eliminating The Electoral College

= Eliminating United We Stand

=Eliminating Presidential Debates because the Bogus GOP can never stay on topic

= Eliminating 75% of college debt because the loan system is fraudulent

= Eliminate Insider Trading on Capitol Hill

=Increasing Veterans Disability Pay to minimum of a real living wage annually

=Codify SSI plus an 10% annual increase annually

= Codify Medicare Benefits across the board after all it is not free

= Codify Women's Right To Choose

= Eliminate Insider Trading on Capitol Hill
merrill, please confirm that you are old enough to drive.

As for the OP, I would support compulsory General Election debates, structured the way DEBATES are structured, to wit, present a proposition that is relevant to the election. One candidate supports it, one opposes, rebuttal and if necessary another rebuttal. No bullshit.
We push for :

= Prosecuting Voter Suppression to the Maximum Extent of the law.

= Eliminate the bogus Debt Fiasco to a pay as you go out of respect for the USA and World Wide Economy.

= Eliminating The Electoral College

= Eliminating United We Stand

=Eliminating Presidential Debates because the Bogus GOP can never stay on topic

= Eliminating 75% of college debt because the loan system is fraudulent

= Eliminate Insider Trading on Capitol Hill

=Increasing Veterans Disability Pay to minimum of a real living wage annually

=Codify SSI plus an 10% annual increase annually

= Codify Medicare Benefits across the board after all it is not free

= Codify Women's Right To Choose

= Eliminate Insider Trading on Capitol Hill

You do bring up a good point about student loan debt. The system, starting with tuition rates, is absolutely corrupt. Schools are making money hand over fist these days. Giving out sometimes worthless degrees but charging outrageous sums of money for them. And tuition rates seem to rise in relation to scholarships.
What good is a degree in 12th century French poetry? It's fine to study it but as a taxpayer I don't want to fund that.
Let's limit the types of degrees we fund with loans eh? STEM courses of course need funding. So do educators. There's an extreme shortage of teachers because of the politics now involved with children's educations and the "woke " agenda. It's creating an impossible situation in most classrooms. Especially for the students who want to learn.
We push for :

= Prosecuting Voter Suppression to the Maximum Extent of the law.

= Eliminate the bogus Debt Fiasco to a pay as you go out of respect for the USA and World Wide Economy.

= Eliminating The Electoral College

= Eliminating United We Stand

=Eliminating Presidential Debates because the Bogus GOP can never stay on topic

= Eliminating 75% of college debt because the loan system is fraudulent

= Eliminate Insider Trading on Capitol Hill

=Increasing Veterans Disability Pay to minimum of a real living wage annually

=Codify SSI plus an 10% annual increase annually

= Codify Medicare Benefits across the board after all it is not free

= Codify Women's Right To Choose

= Eliminate Insider Trading on Capitol Hill
Wow an America hating kookbot with their list of demands
A WSJ article recently published an article stating how Instagram is currently PROMOTING child porn and exploitation.

In fact normal people are having it pop up in their random scrolling. A couple of average academics did a search and discovered 27 different CP rings....meaning that the average person was capable of finding access into these usually secretive while Meta was busy banning Trump and other conservative voices they were promoting CP.

This is nuts stuff especially when this is just a few months after a congressional hearing about their behaviors.

Obviously something needs to happen on a broad scale. And we need a real leader instead of more divisive pandering.

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