Israel’s “Soft Landing” in this situation is probably best

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
As of now:

1. Israel is targeting Gaza, which is where Hamas operates. We all know Hamas is a murderous, terrorist organization that has gone too far by murdering thousands of Israelis in this latest attack.

2. Israel is warning/encouraging innocent civilians in Gaza to flee (Hamas did no such thing). Hamas/Palestinian activists clearly want them to stay, to use western morality/guilt/respect of life as a weapon to defend themselves and hide behind, and for their civilians to die for political capital and optics.

3. Palestinian activists are spreading widespread disinformation on social media to create a false equivalency between their aimless murder of all Israelis and Israel’s targeting of Hamas military installations and leaders (who/which have been purposefully installed amidst innocents). And predictably, the American MSM and leftists are completely falling for it. It’s hard to believe how daft these supposedly educated folk can be, they are very naive.

4. The USA has 2 aircraft carriers staring down Iran/Hezbollah to deter their involvement as Israel deals with Hamas one on one.

5. Because of this, Iran should be watching helplessly as the terrorists they’d like to support in Gaza are defeated. If they acted, a righteous counterattack would be necessary, and all civilian blood would be on their hands. First world nations shouldn’t be expected to just sit there and absorb murderous terrorist attacks.. if Iran was humane, and if Palestinians were so innocent, they would assist In outing Hamas and Hezbollah (who commit these attacks) instead of spending all of their efforts condemning the victims of this attack. They won’t because at the end of the day they give plenty of begrudging condemnations in front of the cameras but quickly move to support for the violence against Israel and list their reasons that it’s just.

So let’s encourage innocents to leave Gaza as Israel correctly eliminates Hamas.

Let’s condemn hamas for not evacuating their people, and condemn the loud, victim-seeking Palestinian activists/Iran for not also helping with the evacuations.

Also, let’s keep USA pressure in the area to prevent Hezbollah and Iran from interfering in “Israel vs. Hamas”. Let them duke it out, Hamas asked for it, they’re getting it. Israel can’t be expected to sit there and have such attacks poured on them at any time.

Ridding the area of Hamas is a net good for peace and respect for human life.
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Where would they go?
Couldn’t they go to the countries that are suddenly claiming to be so humane? Iran? Syria?… where all the loud activists are who are blaming Israel for everything, let’s take them all there.

Anywhere but by Hamas military targets. But Hamas is probably forcing them to stay.

And don’t forget, Israel would probably accept plenty of innocent civilians, provided they weren’t Hamas-influenced

Reality check.

The Zionists will go too far, and when they are dragging dead babies out of these buildings, most of the world will go back to hating them.
If innocents were evacuated from the area, Hamas could fight what they want to fight. But Hamas is clearly inhumane, rejects evacuation, and wants innocents nearby so they get killed in the war… and people like you get duped into blaming the wrong people for their death.

Reality check.

The Zionists will go too far, and when they are dragging dead babies out of these buildings, most of the world will go back to hating them.
Which is precisely why they are going to clean house this time. They have nothing to lose since you people will hate them either way. YOUR hate is what will ensure that the Palestinians will get butt fucked for the next year. :dunno:
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Reality check.

The Zionists will go too far, and when they are dragging dead babies out of these buildings, most of the world will go back to hating them.
^Jew hater; endorses cutting the heads off Jewish babies
Thing is, israel nor egypt will let them cross their borders. They are warning them to evacuate to south gaza. As I understand it.
If innocents were evacuated from the area, Hamas could fight what they want to fight. But Hamas is clearly inhumane, rejects evacuation, and wants innocents nearby so they get killed in the war… and people like you get duped into blaming the wrong people for their death.
You are asking people to abandon their homes so that an ENEMY doesn't look bad attacking them.

Are you really surprised some of them are saying "Hard Pass"?

Israel has a choice here... They can limit their actions to merely taking out Hamas leaders and taking back the territory that was invaded.

They are choosing to punish all of Gaza, and creating more terrorists in the process.
^Jew hater; endorses cutting the heads off Jewish babies

Has anyone given us the "names" of those babies yet? BEcause we keep hearing these claims about beheaded babies, and they don't provide any proof.

Oh, shit, they are walking that claim back... what a surprise.

Reality check.

The Zionists will go too far, and when they are dragging dead babies out of these buildings, most of the world will go back to hating them.
Why are the babies in a Hamas military facility?
Has anyone given us the "names" of those babies yet? BEcause we keep hearing these claims about beheaded babies, and they don't provide any proof.

Oh, shit, they are walking that claim back... what a surprise.
^anti-Semitism denier; has not denied supporting the violent removal of the heads of Jewish babies
Has anyone given us the "names" of those babies yet? BEcause we keep hearing these claims about beheaded babies, and they don't provide any proof.

Oh, shit, they are walking that claim back... what a surprise.
So, machine gunned babies are OK, but you draw the line at beheading them?
Where would they go?

Egypt has come out and said flatly they don't want any Gazan refugees in their country, period. And how many Gazans have their benefactors Iran and Qatar offered to take in? Exactly zero that's how many.
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Why are the babies in a Hamas military facility?
You mean Apartment Buildings, Hospitals and Schools?

You kind of sound like Timothy McVeigh justifying blowing up the day care center in the Murrough Building.

^anti-Semitism denier; has not denied supporting the violent removal of the heads of Jewish babies
Go back to writing Bigfoot Porn.. you sound like less of a retard.
No babies were beheaded. The Zionists lied again.
You mean Apartment Buildings, Hospitals and Schools?

You kind of sound like Timothy McVeigh justifying blowing up the day care center in the Murrough Building.

Go back to writing Bigfoot Porn.. you sound like less of a retard.
No babies were beheaded. The Zionists lied again.
Hey retard, quit pushing the Hamas propaganda. You’re just another Anti-Semite outing itself. Since Hamas uses hospitals, schools, and apartment buildings to fire on Israelis, they become legitimate targets. Your love of beheaded Jewish babies just cements that you are a lowlife, criminal and terrorist loving POS.
Palestinian activists who say nothing happened just sound like flat earthers who say NASA falsified all pictures and data, and forced the astronauts to lie about it.

It’s just too kooky to be taken seriously. We see the violence, suddenly it’s all faked. LOL
Palestinian activists who say nothing happened just sound like flat earthers who say NASA falsified all pictures and data, and forced the astronauts to lie about it.

It’s just too kooky to be taken seriously. We see the violence, suddenly it’s all faked. LOL

No one denies the attack happened.

But the claims about beheaded babies have been walked back by Israeli authorities.

Hey, remember the Gulf War, when there were these stories about how the mean-old Iraqis were stealing incubators from the hospitals and leaving babies on the cold floor to die.

Utter bullshit. Made up by the Kuwaiti government in exile to drum up support for the war.

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