Israel’s Founding A ‘crime Against Humanity,’ Says South Africa’s Anc


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
South Africa’s ruling party condemned Israel as a nation founded on the basis of apartheid, and branded the establishment of the state a crime against humanity.

The allegation was made in a statement issued over the weekend, as South Africa’s anti-Israel lobby planned to protest a conference Sunday held by the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) in Johannesburg.

“As the Alliance we are now heightening our campaign aimed at boycotting and isolating Israel as a state founded on the basis of apartheid, which according to international law and several UN conventions is a crime against humanity,” read the statement, which was co-signed by African National Congress secretary-general Gwede Mantashe.

The members of the Alliance — the ANC, the Communist Party, the Congress of South African Trade Unions and the South African National Civics Organization — pledged “ongoing solidarity with the people of Palestine” and endorsed the movement calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

Finally, the group called on transport sector workers at South African docks and airports to refuse to handle products bound for Israel, and on retail-sector workers to reject any jobs involving goods manufactured in, or originating from, Israel.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry called the statement “shocking and unacceptable.”

“The state of Israel is the fulfillment of the millenary dreams and aspirations of the Jewish people and is the only safe haven for a persecuted nation,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Emmanuel Nahshon said in a written statement. “In Israel all citizens enjoy equal rights, regardless of their creed and religion. The ANC statement is a shameful surrender to Israel hatred, promoted by anti-Semites and by haters.”

On Sunday, the South African Jewish Board of Deputies was set to hold a conference under the motto “Celebrating 20 years of South Africa’s Freedom,” highlighting the Jewish community’s role in the struggle against apartheid. A senior ANC official, David Makhura, was scheduled to speak at the event, but reportedly canceled his appearance.

Several anti-Israel groups praised the cancellation by Makhura, the premier of the Gauteng province. “This non-participation by Comrade Makhura is welcomed as we see no reason why any leader of the ANC should be on a platform hosted by the SAJBD,” Muhammed Desai, a South African leader of the BDS movement, stated in a press release.

“The SAJBD are proving to be a bunch of hypocrites; we hereby inform them to spare their celebratory comments and rhetoric about freedom whilst on the other hand they support the Israel-led genocide against Palestine,” the ANC’s local youth league said in a statement.

“The ANCYL [ANC Youth League] in Gauteng will embark on a protest action against the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) Conference taking place today on Sunday the 14th September 2014 in Sandton, under the theme ‘Celebrating 20 years of South Africa’s Freedom,’” it added.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies said on its website: “The focus of the conference will be to celebrate the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s democracy, reflect on the journey thus far and also engage in a topical discussion about pertinent issues in the development of South Africa and its citizenry.”

It noted as well: “During the Apartheid years, although constituting a small minority of the population, the Jewish community played a disproportionate role in the struggle for democracy.”

Read more: Israel's founding a 'crime against humanity,' says South Africa's ANC | The Times of Israel Israel s founding a crime against humanity says South Africa s ANC The Times of Israel
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Yes, it is political, since the communists in South Africa share the same views as the pathetic know it all socialists here.
Yes. Israel is an apartheid state. It refuses to legitimize terrorism that kills Israeli citizens.

Shame on countries that don't allow their citizens to be murdered. They should all be like America, a country that imports killers just to be fair.
Yes. Israel is an apartheid state. It refuses to legitimize terrorism that kills Israeli citizens.

Shame on countries that don't allow their citizens to be murdered. They should all be like America, a country that imports killers just to be fair.
Do you know the meaning of "apartheid?"

"'Apartheid' isn't just a term of insult; it's a word with a very specific legal meaning, as defined by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1973 and ratified by most United Nations member states (Israel and the United States are exceptions, to their shame).

Apartheid in Israel? Hardly.



"According to Article II of that convention, the term applies to acts 'committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.'

"Denying those others the right to life and liberty, subjecting them to arbitrary arrest, expropriating their property, depriving them of the right to leave and return to their country or the right to freedom of movement and of residence, creating separate reserves and ghettos for the members of different racial groups, preventing mixed marriages — these are all examples of the crime of apartheid specifically mentioned in the convention."

Greater Israel is behind Apartheid in Palestine.

Does the term apartheid fit Israel Of course it does. - LA Times

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