Israeli wedding party celebrates Dawabsheh killings

Your joy at this is unseemly.

There is almost complete condemnation of this sick act.

Everyone should condemn every distasteful act. Every knifing, every terror bombing should be met with universal disdain.

Unfortunately it isn't.
Notice when confronted with Palestinian/Muslim terrorism and barbarism it's ignored? If that isn't Racist, I don't know what is
Actually, it's off topic. This thread isn't about the Fogel's. Start your own thread if you want to discuss Fogel outrage and stop trying to hijack this one, you dick!

Now, are you outraged by the behavior of the kids in the video?

Yes, or fuckin' no?
The Israel Defense Force has occupied Palestinian territory. The Palestinians are fighting back the only way available to them. The IDF is using its USA-supplied military hardware to kill Palestinian terrorists as carefully as it can, but it is in the nature of that military technology that the IDF is inevitably going to kill more non-combatants than terrorists.

This is the nature of an asymmetrical war that is going to continue until a settlement is imposed from the outside. Israel is in too deep to abandon "settlements" of half a million Jews or the annexed territory of Jerusalem and the Bekaa Valley. The Palestinians won't give up as long as they have the support of four hundred million Arabs and world opinion. And wringing and finger pointing is a waste of time.

The USA is politically paralyzed by the powerful coalition of AIPAC and the religious right, a coalition that will not last much longer. We are going to have a real two-state solution whether we like it or not. The real issue is: can we bring Israel in for a soft landing or is there going to be a crash like the one in 70 AD which ended the last "Jewish homeland"?
WTF does that have to do with this thread?
The Israel Defense Force has occupied Palestinian territory. The Palestinians are fighting back the only way available to them. The IDF is using its USA-supplied military hardware to kill Palestinian terrorists as carefully as it can, but it is in the nature of that military technology that the IDF is inevitably going to kill more non-combatants than terrorists.

This is the nature of an asymmetrical war that is going to continue until a settlement is imposed from the outside. Israel is in too deep to abandon "settlements" of half a million Jews or the annexed territory of Jerusalem and the Bekaa Valley. The Palestinians won't give up as long as they have the support of four hundred million Arabs and world opinion. And wringing and finger pointing is a waste of time.

The USA is politically paralyzed by the powerful coalition of AIPAC and the religious right, a coalition that will not last much longer. We are going to have a real two-state solution whether we like it or not. The real issue is: can we bring Israel in for a soft landing or is there going to be a crash like the one in 70 AD which ended the last "Jewish homeland"?
WTF does that have to do with this thread?
This thread is about violence by Israelis and Palestinians, specifically the Dawabsheh killings. The discussion has consisted of condemnation by partisans of each side of the acts of the other side. Accusations of barbarism and terrorism abound.

My contribution is to remind our colleagues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is what our military experts call asymmetrical warfare. The nature of the asymmetry is seen in the very different tactics and weaponry available to the combatants. Failure to see the conflict as an asymmetrical war causes the Palestinian side to condemn Israeli air strikes while the Israeli side condemns Palestinian terrorism.

My post argues that moral indignation on both sides isn't going to end the war. Neither side can bring the conflict to a decisive conclusion. What is needed is a real path to peace, a path which at this point cannot be found by mutual agreement between the warring parties.

I hope this helps you understand.
This thread is about violence by Israelis and Palestinians, specifically the Dawabsheh killings.
The thread is about the reaction to the wedding party celebration, not violence in general.

The discussion has consisted of condemnation by partisans of each side of the acts of the other side. Accusations of barbarism and terrorism abound.

My contribution is to remind our colleagues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is what our military experts call asymmetrical warfare. The nature of the asymmetry is seen in the very different tactics and weaponry available to the combatants. Failure to see the conflict as an asymmetrical war causes the Palestinian side to condemn Israeli air strikes while the Israeli side condemns Palestinian terrorism.

My post argues that moral indignation on both sides isn't going to end the war. Neither side can bring the conflict to a decisive conclusion. What is needed is a real path to peace, a path which at this point cannot be found by mutual agreement between the warring parties.

I hope this helps you understand.
I understand your point, I just don't agree with it. A war denotes two armies of comparable strength going at each other. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the 4th most militarized country on the planet, on the other, you have a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
...A war denotes two armies of comparable strength going at each other...

War denotes armed and organized large-scale conflict.

Relative strength has nothing to do with it.

See "asymmetrical warfare".

...That's not what we have here...

That is how we win. That is how you lose.

...On the one side, you have the 4th most militarized country on the planet...
Great fun, isn't it?

...on the other, you have a population under occupation...
On the other hand, we have isolated and disjointed pockets of the foolhardy descendants of the Jackrabbits and Losers of 1948

Fools who couldn't negotiate - or fight - their way out of a wet paper bag.

Fools who need to be contained and controlled, lest they harm sane people, or even themselves, yet further.

...that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
Nobody willingly gives weapons to mad dogs like your Palestinians.

Even most of the neighboring Muslim-Arab countries have wised-up about that over the decades.

Not to worry.

Your brethren will be re-located to the East Bank of the Jordan River soon enough, and then all this goes away.
Jews have been expelled from hundreds of countries, Muslims from only one

Oh shucks, you forgot to list the tyrannical cesspools the Jews have been expelled from.
Yep, 99% of them are doing real well now, aren't they?
You should be more concerned about who, if anyone, will take in the Jews
Israel will gladly take in more Jews. The West Bank and Gaza will do just fine for the expansion of a modern, educated culture to replace Islamist retrogrades.
This thread is about violence by Israelis and Palestinians, specifically the Dawabsheh killings.
The thread is about the reaction to the wedding party celebration, not violence in general.

The discussion has consisted of condemnation by partisans of each side of the acts of the other side. Accusations of barbarism and terrorism abound.

My contribution is to remind our colleagues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is what our military experts call asymmetrical warfare. The nature of the asymmetry is seen in the very different tactics and weaponry available to the combatants. Failure to see the conflict as an asymmetrical war causes the Palestinian side to condemn Israeli air strikes while the Israeli side condemns Palestinian terrorism.

My post argues that moral indignation on both sides isn't going to end the war. Neither side can bring the conflict to a decisive conclusion. What is needed is a real path to peace, a path which at this point cannot be found by mutual agreement between the warring parties.

I hope this helps you understand.
I understand your point, I just don't agree with it. A war denotes two armies of comparable strength going at each other. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the 4th most militarized country on the planet, on the other, you have a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
We agree on the main point. I have no wish to quibble over what a "war" is. Your characterization of the Palestinians as "a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves," is accurate but it isn't the whole story. If it were, the prisoners in the Gaza ghetto and the West Bank would have had their final solution" years ago. The Palestinians are baked by 400,000,000 Muslim Arabs, hundreds of millions more non-Arab Muslim and almost all the nations of the UN. The USA is the lone hold-out and the cost to America is reaching its limit.
This thread is about violence by Israelis and Palestinians, specifically the Dawabsheh killings.
The thread is about the reaction to the wedding party celebration, not violence in general.

The discussion has consisted of condemnation by partisans of each side of the acts of the other side. Accusations of barbarism and terrorism abound.

My contribution is to remind our colleagues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is what our military experts call asymmetrical warfare. The nature of the asymmetry is seen in the very different tactics and weaponry available to the combatants. Failure to see the conflict as an asymmetrical war causes the Palestinian side to condemn Israeli air strikes while the Israeli side condemns Palestinian terrorism.

My post argues that moral indignation on both sides isn't going to end the war. Neither side can bring the conflict to a decisive conclusion. What is needed is a real path to peace, a path which at this point cannot be found by mutual agreement between the warring parties.

I hope this helps you understand.
I understand your point, I just don't agree with it. A war denotes two armies of comparable strength going at each other. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the 4th most militarized country on the planet, on the other, you have a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
We agree on the main point. I have no wish to quibble over what a "war" is. Your characterization of the Palestinians as "a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves," is accurate but it isn't the whole story. If it were, the prisoners in the Gaza ghetto and the West Bank would have had their final solution" years ago. The Palestinians are baked by 400,000,000 Muslim Arabs, hundreds of millions more non-Arab Muslim and almost all the nations of the UN. The USA is the lone hold-out and the cost to America is reaching its limit.
Israel knows that a UN vote for a two-state solution will soon be imposed by the UN with a US abstention in the Security Council probably back to the 67 Armistice lines recognized world-wide until Israel's land grab.

Of course Israel won't comply, that's why she's building and planning 8,000 new units. The Israelis are fortifying the valley which leads to her heart they know someday will be coming.

Armageddon is a coming reality. If she doesn't give up E. Jerusalem and accept the deal.
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We agree on the main point. I have no wish to quibble over what a "war" is. Your characterization of the Palestinians as "a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves," is accurate but it isn't the whole story. If it were, the prisoners in the Gaza ghetto and the West Bank would have had their final solution" years ago. The Palestinians are baked by 400,000,000 Muslim Arabs, hundreds of millions more non-Arab Muslim and almost all the nations of the UN. The USA is the lone hold-out and the cost to America is reaching its limit.
I agree with what you said, except I don't think the Arabs want to wipe out Israel. They just want the Pals to be treated fairly. But that's just me.
This thread is about violence by Israelis and Palestinians, specifically the Dawabsheh killings.
The thread is about the reaction to the wedding party celebration, not violence in general.

The discussion has consisted of condemnation by partisans of each side of the acts of the other side. Accusations of barbarism and terrorism abound.

My contribution is to remind our colleagues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is what our military experts call asymmetrical warfare. The nature of the asymmetry is seen in the very different tactics and weaponry available to the combatants. Failure to see the conflict as an asymmetrical war causes the Palestinian side to condemn Israeli air strikes while the Israeli side condemns Palestinian terrorism.

My post argues that moral indignation on both sides isn't going to end the war. Neither side can bring the conflict to a decisive conclusion. What is needed is a real path to peace, a path which at this point cannot be found by mutual agreement between the warring parties.

I hope this helps you understand.
I understand your point, I just don't agree with it. A war denotes two armies of comparable strength going at each other. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the 4th most militarized country on the planet, on the other, you have a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
We agree on the main point. I have no wish to quibble over what a "war" is. Your characterization of the Palestinians as "a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves," is accurate but it isn't the whole story. If it were, the prisoners in the Gaza ghetto and the West Bank would have had their final solution" years ago. The Palestinians are baked by 400,000,000 Muslim Arabs, hundreds of millions more non-Arab Muslim and almost all the nations of the UN. The USA is the lone hold-out and the cost to America is reaching its limit.
Israel knows that a UN vote for a two-state solution will soon be imposed by the UN with a US abstention in the Security Council probably back to the 67 Armistice lines recognized world-wide until Israel's land grab.

Of course Israel won't comply, that's why she's building and planning 8,000 new units. The Israelis are fortifying the valley which leads to her heart they know someday will be coming.

Armageddon is a coming reality. If she doesn't give up E. Jerusalem and accept the deal.
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
This thread is about violence by Israelis and Palestinians, specifically the Dawabsheh killings.
The thread is about the reaction to the wedding party celebration, not violence in general.

The discussion has consisted of condemnation by partisans of each side of the acts of the other side. Accusations of barbarism and terrorism abound.

My contribution is to remind our colleagues that the conflict between Israel and Palestine is what our military experts call asymmetrical warfare. The nature of the asymmetry is seen in the very different tactics and weaponry available to the combatants. Failure to see the conflict as an asymmetrical war causes the Palestinian side to condemn Israeli air strikes while the Israeli side condemns Palestinian terrorism.

My post argues that moral indignation on both sides isn't going to end the war. Neither side can bring the conflict to a decisive conclusion. What is needed is a real path to peace, a path which at this point cannot be found by mutual agreement between the warring parties.

I hope this helps you understand.
I understand your point, I just don't agree with it. A war denotes two armies of comparable strength going at each other. That's not what we have here. On the one side, you have the 4th most militarized country on the planet, on the other, you have a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
We agree on the main point. I have no wish to quibble over what a "war" is. Your characterization of the Palestinians as "a population under occupation, that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves," is accurate but it isn't the whole story. If it were, the prisoners in the Gaza ghetto and the West Bank would have had their final solution" years ago. The Palestinians are baked by 400,000,000 Muslim Arabs, hundreds of millions more non-Arab Muslim and almost all the nations of the UN. The USA is the lone hold-out and the cost to America is reaching its limit.
Israel knows that a UN vote for a two-state solution will soon be imposed by the UN with a US abstention in the Security Council probably back to the 67 Armistice lines recognized world-wide until Israel's land grab.

Of course Israel won't comply, that's why she's building and planning 8,000 new units. The Israelis are fortifying the valley which leads to her heart they know someday will be coming.

Armageddon is a coming reality. If she doesn't give up E. Jerusalem and accept the deal.
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
Zionism in America has indeed Controlled our foreign policy in the ME hostage to Israeli whim. People today are taking a deeper look at this control and seeing that foreign Terrorism in America is tied to Zionist control at home with their political money doled out by the likes of Addelson, the gambler.

Trump noted that Israel is the only one to hold the peace key. If this keeps up, Jews in America are going to be lumped with illegal immigrants, Latinos and Muslims. People are angry at our politicians and change is coming.
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

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