Israeli wedding party celebrates Dawabsheh killings

Zionism in America has indeed Controlled our foreign policy in the ME hostage to Israeli whim. People today are taking a deeper look at this control and seeing that foreign Terrorism in America is tied to Zionist control at home with their political money doled out by the likes of Addelson, the gambler.

Trump noted that Israel is the only one to hold the peace key. If this keeps up, Jews in America are going to be lumped with illegal immigrants, Latinos and Muslims. People are angry at our politicians and change is coming.
The majority of Jews in this country do not support right wing Israel.
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

If the Palestinians wanted peace, they would have accepted it one of the three times it was offered...
If the Palestinians wanted peace, they would have accepted it one of the three times it was offered...
Why should the Palestinian's be coerced into a peace plan that is not fair?

There can be no peace until the occupation ends.

If they had accepted U.N. Resolution 181 in 1947, the Palestinian State would be celebrating 68 years. There would be no occupation, there would be no refugees. Theoretically...
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

If the Palestinians wanted peace, they would have accepted it one of the three times it was offered...
Quite so, if you are willing to call surrender peace. The Palestinians are not willing to do so and neither are the four hundred million Arabs who support their cause. What the Palestinians want is not just peace, they also want justice and freedom. Who can blame them?
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

If the Palestinians wanted peace, they would have accepted it one of the three times it was offered...
Quite so, if you are willing to call surrender peace. The Palestinians are not willing to do so and neither are the four hundred million Arabs who support their cause. What the Palestinians want is not just peace, they also want justice and freedom. Who can blame them?
Justice and peace for Islamics is spelled judenrein.

Really sweetie, you need to get past your quaint RoP slogans.
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

Oh please. If Gaza wanted peace they would just stop firing rockets into Israel, digging tunnels to Israeli kindergartens and sending suicide bombers/stabbers. Give me a break. If peace between Gaza and Israel was the actual goal, the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it. Seriously, what do you really think would happen if Hamas just stopped attacking Israel and decided to co-exist peacefully?
A majority of Israelis want a two-state solution and will accept it gladly IF -- and it is a big IF -- they are confident that their security is guaranteed. That is the UN's job and it has to be done right, which almost certainly means US boots on the ground between Israel and Palestine and a UN controlled border between Palestine and its Arab neighbors.

Israeli compliance isn't going to be accomplished by military force, nor will the USA have to undertake the politically suicidal policy of reducing military aid to Israel. Economic sanctions will do the job swiftly and without shedding a drop of blood.
If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

Oh please. If Gaza wanted peace they would just stop firing rockets into Israel, digging tunnels to Israeli kindergartens and sending suicide bombers/stabbers. Give me a break. If peace between Gaza and Israel was the actual goal, the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it. Seriously, what do you really think would happen if Hamas just stopped attacking Israel and decided to co-exist peacefully?
The Palestinian people (not just prisoners in the Gaza ghetto) want more than just the peace of slavery. They want their land back. They want the illegal occupation to end. They want a nation of their own just as they were promised by the UN and the USA. They want their human rights.

If the French Resistance wanted peace, all they had to do was stop their terrorism on the Nazi occupation forces. Same difference although today's Nazis sport a six-pointed Swastika.
Oh please. If Gaza wanted peace they would just stop firing rockets into Israel, digging tunnels to Israeli kindergartens and sending suicide bombers/stabbers. Give me a break. If peace between Gaza and Israel was the actual goal, the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it. Seriously, what do you really think would happen if Hamas just stopped attacking Israel and decided to co-exist peacefully?
They did that with the Unity government and Israel attacked.
Oh please. If Gaza wanted peace they would just stop firing rockets into Israel, digging tunnels to Israeli kindergartens and sending suicide bombers/stabbers. Give me a break. If peace between Gaza and Israel was the actual goal, the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it. Seriously, what do you really think would happen if Hamas just stopped attacking Israel and decided to co-exist peacefully?
They did that with the Unity government and Israel attacked.

What? Your claim is that Hamas and Fatah ceased all belligerent activity? When was THAT?!

The unity government signed April of 2014? There were over 4000 attacks on Israel that year. And, hello?, tunnels.
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What? Your claim is that Hamas and Fatah ceased all belligerent activity? When was THAT?!

The unity government signed April of 2014? There were over 4000 attacks on Israel that year. And, hello?, tunnels.
And there was over 5000 bombing raids by Israel.

The Associated Press, examining 247 airstrikes that hit residential compounds, out of the some 5,000 Israeli bombing raids, determined that of the 844 killed, 60% or 508 were presumed civilian children (280, of whom 19 were babies and 108 preschoolers between the ages of 1 and 5), women and older men. 98 or 11% were confirmed or suspected Hamas militants.

Only 84 attacks on Israel from April until July. Care to guess how many missile attacks the Israeli's did during that period?

The point is, with the Unity government, Hamas was no longer going to have a militant wing in its organization. It was going to be strictly a political movement. But Israel couldn't have that. So they attacked Gaza.

And I'm sure those kids in the wedding video approved of Israel's naked aggression on Gaza.
Let's review...

You: If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

Me: ...the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it...

You: ...They did that...

Me: (paraphrased) WTF?

You: Only 84 attacks on Israel from April until July

Since WHEN does "only 84 attacks" equate to cessation of belligerent attacks? The world has gone mad. Its like the abused wife saying, "I just want my husband to stop hitting me" and the abusive husband responding with, "What? I only hit her a few dozen times a month. What's the problem?" Sheesh.

The cessation of belligerent attacks means the CESSATION OF ATTACKS. All of them. Completely. Stopped. None. Zero. Nada. No more. Ever. Done. Finished.
Let's review...

You: If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

Me: ...the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it...

You: ...They did that...

Me: (paraphrased) WTF?

You: Only 84 attacks on Israel from April until July

Since WHEN does "only 84 attacks" equate to cessation of belligerent attacks? The world has gone mad. Its like the abused wife saying, "I just want my husband to stop hitting me" and the abusive husband responding with, "What? I only hit her a few dozen times a month. What's the problem?" Sheesh.

The cessation of belligerent attacks means the CESSATION OF ATTACKS. All of them. Completely. Stopped. None. Zero. Nada. No more. Ever. Done. Finished.
In the twisted calculus of the Pal'istanian Islamist terrorist hugger, cessation of attacks against Israel means the rocket fire is reduced until Hamas cashes their next welfare check and can buy supplies to re-arm for acts of war.
Let's review...

You: If Israeli's wanted peace, they would end the occupation and blockade of Gaza.

Me: ...the cessation of belligerent attacks would be the end of it...

You: ...They did that...

Me: (paraphrased) WTF?

You: Only 84 attacks on Israel from April until July

Since WHEN does "only 84 attacks" equate to cessation of belligerent attacks? The world has gone mad. Its like the abused wife saying, "I just want my husband to stop hitting me" and the abusive husband responding with, "What? I only hit her a few dozen times a month. What's the problem?" Sheesh.

The cessation of belligerent attacks means the CESSATION OF ATTACKS. All of them. Completely. Stopped. None. Zero. Nada. No more. Ever. Done. Finished.
Those 84 attacks were in response to Israeli missile attacks and the blockade itself.

Are you saying if you shoot at me, I have no right to shoot back?

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