Israeli Apartheid

Ohhh. So EVERYONE is wrong except you?? How long have you had these delusions?
This is a Nazi uniform you clown, in this case it was worn by a Conservative party member in the UK which is no surprise.
Problem wih that is they want several homelands, they are a brutal colonialist Apartheid state.
Another lie! First you claim that wasn’t a Nazi Uniform and now this? Please tell us the “ several homelands” they want? If the Arabs hadn’t initiated the 67 War Israel wouldn’t have that territory PLEASE tell us why a Palestinian State wasn’t created before 1967? Better yet; the OFFICIAL PLO policy is that Jews will FORBIDDEN to pray at the Western Wall Why is that? What’s preventing them from doing what Jordan did prior to 67?
Another lie! First you claim that wasn’t a Nazi Uniform and now this? Please tell us the “ several homelands” they want? If the Arabs hadn’t initiated the 67 War Israel wouldn’t have that territory PLEASE tell us why a Palestinian State wasn’t created before 1967? Better yet; the OFFICIAL PLO policy is that Jews will FORBIDDEN to pray at the Western Wall Why is that? What’s preventing them from doing what Jordan did prior to 67?
All Tinmore can do is laugh When asked why there wasn’t a “ Palestinian State” prior to 67 or the Jewish people having “ equal rights” in practicing their religion there is no response There never is 🇮🇱👩‍⚕️
All Tinmore can do is laugh When asked why there wasn’t a “ Palestinian State” prior to 67 or the Jewish people having “ equal rights” in practicing their religion there is no response There never is 🇮🇱👩‍⚕️
All Tinmore can do is laugh When asked why there wasn’t a “ Palestinian State” prior to 67
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.
London New York and many other Countries towns and capitals, many have more than one passport.

Not a single one of those places has a Jewish majority.

I'm pretty sure at a minimum not being a minority group is a requirement to be considered a homeland.

And, in fact, most countries, including our own, allow its citizens to have more than one passport.
This was in the 1980s and it doesn't seem to be against the law in Ukraine.
First of all, ASSHOLE; the concert was in Germany Even if it wasn’t a Law ( which it is) you HONESTLY don’t understand why he couldn’t wear it? Can you imagine anyone in this Country having a Concert with a NOOSE displayed? That ISN’T against the Law ; IGNORANCE MORON