Israel: Total War on Gaza & Lebanon


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
According to WikiLeaks a little over one year ago Israeli Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi briefed a US congressional delegation on impending Israeli war crimes:

"The memo on the talks between Ashkenazi and [Congressman Ike] Skelton, as well as numerous other documents from the same period of time, to which Aftenposten has gained access, leave a clear message: The Israeli military is forging ahead at full speed with preparations for a new war in the Middle East.

"Note: This war preparation is serious and specific, according to the paper, and clearly is not just a matter of vague contingency planning.

"The paper says that US cables quote Ashkenazi telling the US congressmen, 'I’m preparing the Israeli army for a major war, since it is easier to scale down to a smaller operation than to do the opposite.'

"The general’s plans are driven by fear of growing stockpiles of rockets in Hamas-controlled Gaza and in Hizbullah-controlled Southern Lebanon, the likely theaters of the planned major new war.

"Ashkenazi does not seem capable of considering that, given a number of Israeli invasions and occupations of those regions, the rockets may be primarily defensive."

Ashkenazi may also be unaware of the growing suspicion of many Americans about Israeli motives.

If Israel's next war happens to coincide with a Wall Street assault on Social Security and Medicare, it will be much easier to convince Americans that blind support for Israel is costing far more than 90% of this country can afford to pay.

The next phase of the American Revolution may start at the polls in 2012 by FLUSHING all incumbent Republicans AND Democrats from the DC toilet.

Then watch AIPAC and the Jewish State swirl the same drain as apartheid South Africa.

WikiLeaks: Israel...
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You really need to deal with your insane obsessiveness George.

Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews...
Obsession is an illness George
Sampson option?

Racist rabbis??

Why aren't you???

I'm obsessed with Israeli women but thats all.



Sampson option?

Racist rabbis??

Why aren't you???

I'm obsessed with Israeli women but thats all.



Hitler had babes, too.

Israelis educated in Israel soak up the same racist drivel that whites in Jim Crow Dixie or Germans in Berlin marinated in.

200 nuclear weapons in an ethnocracy that no longer cares about hiding its racism is not a comforting thought.

"With its undertones reminiscent of 1930s Berlin, where Jews were relegated to second-class status and denied the right to rent German-owned properties, the pronouncement has appalled Holocaust survivors."

"'As someone who suffered as a Jew and underwent the Holocaust, I remember the Nazis throwing Jews out of their apartments and city centres in order to create ghettos,' said Noah Flug, the chairman of the International Association of Holocaust Survivors."

It can happen again.

There and here.

Holocaust survivors...
You really need to deal with your insane obsessiveness George.

Speaking only for myself, I think my obsession with Israel and Jews...
Obsession is an illness George
Have you ever in your adult life considered the possibility that your religion, along with Islam and Christianity, were engineered to enslave humanity?
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George why are you obssessed with Israel and the Jews?

hatred does that to people. it eats away at all rational thought.
Point out the rationality in this:

"Holocaust survivors warn of stirrings of neo-fascism

"Survivors of the Holocaust have warned of the first stirrings of neo-fascism in Israel following the emergence of a Right-wing campaign to cleanse Arabs from predominantly Jewish parts of the country...

"In the broader political spectrum, Lehava may represent a tiny minority of malcontents but there is growing unease in Israel after the message about renting homes was effectively endorsed by 300 rabbis.

"The rabbis, some of them of senior rank, signed up to an edict issued last month that declared: 'It is forbidden in the Torah to sell a house or a field in the land of Israel to a foreigner.'"

Hatred based on any religious appeal has proven deadly for centuries, and some of the rabbis advocating apartheid in Israel are paid by the state to do so.

How rational is it to expect hate-filled racists to behave rationally in a country with over 200 nuclear weapons?

Holocaust survivors..
"Survivors of the Holocaust have warned of the first stirrings of neo-fascism in Israel following the emergence of a Right-wing campaign to cleanse Arabs from predominantly Jewish parts of the country...
Ah, the same syndrome californian pseudo-leftist exhibit - capitalizing the profits and socializing the costs - they will bitch about and prevent illegals moving onto their turf (but will happily hire one or two as cheap labor for cooking and lawn-mowing), but will turn red with outrage at lower class neghborhoods, for doing same, of course.
It is forbidden in the Torah to sell a house or a field in the land of Israel to a foreigner.

California...not so much.

Try harder, drivel.

You're becoming predictable.
Sampson option?

Racist rabbis??

Why aren't you???

And there are no racist imams? As for the Sampson (correct spelling: Samson) Option, I don't know where you got that phrase, but if it refers to suicide bombings, then it would refer more to Muslims than to Jews.
On a deeper level though, if you are dissatisfied with life, don't blame the Jews and Israel. Have you ever even been to Israel?
It is forbidden in the Torah to sell a house or a field in the land of Israel to a foreigner.
A quote in the original language in support of the contention would be nice, of course. By the way, where in the religion of atheism is it mandated to rob the needy californian locals to support illegal aliens?
California...not so much.
Cool, so when does Malibu Hills start an "adopt-a-mexican" campain? Or, still better yet, an "adopt-a-palestainian" one?
Sampson option?

Racist rabbis??

Why aren't you???

And there are no racist imams? As for the Sampson (correct spelling: Samson) Option, I don't know where you got that phrase, but if it refers to suicide bombings, then it would refer more to Muslims than to Jews.

The Samson Option is a term used to describe Israel’s alleged deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against nations whose military attacks threaten its existence, and possibly against other targets as well
Samson Option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cool, so when does Malibu Hills start an "adopt-a-mexican" campain? Or, still better yet, an "adopt-a-Palestinian" one?[/size][/font]

What does Malibu Hills have to do with anything, or are you trying to stalk a user on USMB?:eusa_eh:
It is forbidden in the Torah to sell a house or a field in the land of Israel to a foreigner.
A quote in the original language in support of the contention would be nice, of course. By the way, where in the religion of atheism is it mandated to rob the needy californian locals to support illegal aliens?
California...not so much.
Cool, so when does Malibu Hills start an "adopt-a-mexican" campain? Or, still better yet, an "adopt-a-palestainian" one?

They still do not understand that wolves do not eat shepherds. No matter how sly and slinky the wolf.

Just because the wolf eats hens or sheep, does not mean they eat the farmer or shepherd.

Let me hazard a guess:

Ariel Sharon and Golda Meir.
US Congress
US taxpayers

Anytime Ariel's and Golda's ghosts want to start devouring the US congress is fine with me.

Maybe you could find a way to be even more opaque in your comments?

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