Israel demands Traitors release!


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
What a friend we have in Israel... Netanyahu demands Jonathan Pollard a convicted traitor to America for Israel be released for Palestinian prisoners...This is why AIPAC should register as a foreign agency and not a political action committee serving an American interest group...

Israel will be the death of this nation.

Jonathan Pollard Means Israeli-American Squabbling Instead of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiation - The Daily Beast

Usually, prisoner swaps involve, well, swaps. You release my prisoners, I release yours. But what to make of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand that, in return for freeing Palestinian prisoners, the United States release Jonathan Pollard, an American citizen who is serving a life sentence for passing information to Israel?

This strange triangulation exposes the farce of negotiations. The New York Times quoted Netanyahu’s reasons for negotiating as “preventing the creation of a binational state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,” and “preventing the establishment of an additional Iranian-sponsored terrorist state on Israel’s borders.” One state, two states: whatever it is, he’s against it. But since he needs to satisfy both Washington and his right-wing base, Netanyahu plays the Pollard card to signal that he isn’t really dealing with Palestinians; he’s haggling with America.
What a friend we have in Israel... Netanyahu demands Jonathan Pollard a convicted traitor to America for Israel be released for Palestinian prisoners...This is why AIPAC should register as a foreign agency and not a political action committee serving an American interest group...

Israel will be the death of this nation.

Jonathan Pollard Means Israeli-American Squabbling Instead of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiation - The Daily Beast

Usually, prisoner swaps involve, well, swaps. You release my prisoners, I release yours. But what to make of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand that, in return for freeing Palestinian prisoners, the United States release Jonathan Pollard, an American citizen who is serving a life sentence for passing information to Israel?

This strange triangulation exposes the farce of negotiations. The New York Times quoted Netanyahu’s reasons for negotiating as “preventing the creation of a binational state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,” and “preventing the establishment of an additional Iranian-sponsored terrorist state on Israel’s borders.” One state, two states: whatever it is, he’s against it. But since he needs to satisfy both Washington and his right-wing base, Netanyahu plays the Pollard card to signal that he isn’t really dealing with Palestinians; he’s haggling with America.
"...Netanyahu has proved adept at intervening in American politics; he is equally good at leveraging latent tensions over Israel-America relations. But exacting concessions from the mediator is not the point. You don’t hold talks in Oslo to make peace with Norwegians. Netanyahu wants to replace Israeli-Palestinian negotiation with Israeli-American squabbling, because he wants to stall. Those of us who are serious about a two-state solution cannot let him."
What a friend we have in Israel... Netanyahu demands Jonathan Pollard a convicted traitor to America for Israel be released for Palestinian prisoners...This is why AIPAC should register as a foreign agency and not a political action committee serving an American interest group...

Israel will be the death of this nation.

Jonathan Pollard Means Israeli-American Squabbling Instead of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiation - The Daily Beast

Usually, prisoner swaps involve, well, swaps. You release my prisoners, I release yours. But what to make of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand that, in return for freeing Palestinian prisoners, the United States release Jonathan Pollard, an American citizen who is serving a life sentence for passing information to Israel?

This strange triangulation exposes the farce of negotiations. The New York Times quoted Netanyahu’s reasons for negotiating as “preventing the creation of a binational state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,” and “preventing the establishment of an additional Iranian-sponsored terrorist state on Israel’s borders.” One state, two states: whatever it is, he’s against it. But since he needs to satisfy both Washington and his right-wing base, Netanyahu plays the Pollard card to signal that he isn’t really dealing with Palestinians; he’s haggling with America.

i wasn't sure about the daily beast so i checked it in other sources and it appears to be true.

US rejected Netanyahu?s request to free Pollard ahead of negotiations with Palestinians | JPost | Israel News

i really couldn't believe it. these people are supposed to be our allies. we are trying to facilitate a peace process, not become part of the negotiations.

i think perhaps peace really isn't a priority for israel.
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I really have tried very hard not to dislike Israel although I have to admit that I have a bias against Israeli policies as I feel that they do not serve the demands of justice. Still I try very hard not to be angery with them, however it is actions like this that really piss me off. Who does Netanyahu think he is to attempt to influence the American System of Justice in this way.It is actions like this that make me look with a jaundiced eye on him and all of the policies that he espouces ( sp ). He does not serve himself or his country well when he acts in this manner !!!
patrickcaturday, et al,

The time to have been made is when the espionage was taking place. Now, it is just the final moves in the chess game.

I really have tried very hard not to dislike Israel although I have to admit that I have a bias against Israeli policies as I feel that they do not serve the demands of justice. Still I try very hard not to be angery with them, however it is actions like this that really piss me off. Who does Netanyahu think he is to attempt to influence the American System of Justice in this way.It is actions like this that make me look with a jaundiced eye on him and all of the policies that he espouces ( sp ). He does not serve himself or his country well when he acts in this manner !!!

In the counterintelligence (CI) game, the effort is in the detection, exploitation and neutralization (DEN) of the opponents controlled asset (in this case - Jonathan Pollard - the piece on the chess board). The Israelis were able to spot, assess, recruit, and train an operative already in place, and glean valuable intelligence of a strategic nature. Now, the value of Pollard has changed, as well as his control. As long as he sits in jail, he is of very little use; except, as a deterrent reminder that if CI catches you, this is what you can expect. But, from time to time, it may become lucrative for the US to exchange a spy. It is no longer a CI game (Pollard is caught), but a political game (what do we have that the Israelis want, and what do the Israelis have that we want).

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making the first set of overtures. He is saying, you have something we want. (Want to trade?)
  • It is up to the Obama Administration to determine if Israel has something we want.

I suspect, given the timing, that the US is asking for Israel's cooperation in the Peace Negotiation arrangements with the Palestinians. The US is probably asking for some concession or gesture to be made. It is hard to say.

BUT, it is no longer a Justice System issue, and it is no longer a CI enforcement issue. Now, it is all political - and there is nothing in this world that is more loathing, dirty, steeped in corruptions, layered in lies, and an open and frank discussion between two politicians. (Worse than leprosy.)

Most Respectfully,
Hopefully Pollard will get to be home with his family soon enough.
It always amazes me how easily zionists can fall in love with a traitor to an ally that has kept Israel on life-support for 65 years.

Morality is dead in Israel...that's why peace is elusive...Morality is Dead in the Jewish State because it is not concerned about morality by the UN votes, EU Sanctions, or human rights.

Pollard should serve his life sentence.
Hopefully Pollard will get to be home with his family soon enough.
It always amazes me how easily zionists can fall in love with a traitor to an ally that has kept Israel on life-support for 65 years.

Morality is dead in Israel...that's why peace is elusive...Morality is Dead in the Jewish State because it is not concerned about morality by the UN votes, EU Sanctions, or human rights.

Pollard should serve his life sentence.

It always amazes me that your government can pull a straight face when demanding us to release 100 killers with blood on their hands, people who have GUARANTEED they will continue to kill, and that said government still demands it with false promises of nothing.

Meanwhile, when we are asking for a tribute of 1 prisoner, who already did almost 30+ years in prison, and we ask for his release simply for humanitarian reasons, not politics, which is the reason you want us to free prisoners, and when coming to this request you play it all shocked.

It is that shocking, that you demand something of us, that in the same conditions, well, hell the same condition, conditions concerning human life, you're not wishing to pull up the same morale?

And why is it so surprising? Jonathan did what he did out of love for Israel, and he was punished for it. It is only natural that our people and government want to see him finally released. He is sick and weak and will surely not put America into risk again. He can barely walk and talk.

And why is this only with Israel, spies all over the world didn't sit one day in prison, but when the guilty one is Jewish, is that when you pull the bad cop mask?

Why is that?
patrickcaturday, et al,

The time to have been made is when the espionage was taking place. Now, it is just the final moves in the chess game.

I really have tried very hard not to dislike Israel although I have to admit that I have a bias against Israeli policies as I feel that they do not serve the demands of justice. Still I try very hard not to be angery with them, however it is actions like this that really piss me off. Who does Netanyahu think he is to attempt to influence the American System of Justice in this way.It is actions like this that make me look with a jaundiced eye on him and all of the policies that he espouces ( sp ). He does not serve himself or his country well when he acts in this manner !!!

In the counterintelligence (CI) game, the effort is in the detection, exploitation and neutralization (DEN) of the opponents controlled asset (in this case - Jonathan Pollard - the piece on the chess board). The Israelis were able to spot, assess, recruit, and train an operative already in place, and glean valuable intelligence of a strategic nature. Now, the value of Pollard has changed, as well as his control. As long as he sits in jail, he is of very little use; except, as a deterrent reminder that if CI catches you, this is what you can expect. But, from time to time, it may become lucrative for the US to exchange a spy. It is no longer a CI game (Pollard is caught), but a political game (what do we have that the Israelis want, and what do the Israelis have that we want).

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making the first set of overtures. He is saying, you have something we want. (Want to trade?)
  • It is up to the Obama Administration to determine if Israel has something we want.

I suspect, given the timing, that the US is asking for Israel's cooperation in the Peace Negotiation arrangements with the Palestinians. The US is probably asking for some concession or gesture to be made. It is hard to say.

BUT, it is no longer a Justice System issue, and it is no longer a CI enforcement issue. Now, it is all political - and there is nothing in this world that is more loathing, dirty, steeped in corruptions, layered in lies, and an open and frank discussion between two politicians. (Worse than leprosy.)

Most Respectfully,

An amazingly level headed evaluation of this event. I happen to agree with it.
Hopefully Pollard will get to be home with his family soon enough.
It always amazes me how easily zionists can fall in love with a traitor to an ally that has kept Israel on life-support for 65 years.

Morality is dead in Israel...that's why peace is elusive...Morality is Dead in the Jewish State because it is not concerned about morality by the UN votes, EU Sanctions, or human rights.

Pollard should serve his life sentence.

It always amazes me that your government can pull a straight face when demanding us to release 100 killers with blood on their hands, people who have GUARANTEED they will continue to kill, and that said government still demands it with false promises of nothing.Meanwhile, when we are asking for a tribute of 1 prisoner, who already did almost 30+ years in prison, and we ask for his release simply for humanitarian reasons, not politics, which is the reason you want us to free prisoners, and when coming to this request you play it all shocked.

It is that shocking, that you demand something of us, that in the same conditions, well, hell the same condition, conditions concerning human life, you're not wishing to pull up the same morale?

And why is it so surprising? Jonathan did what he did out of love for Israel, and he was punished for it. It is only natural that our people and government want to see him finally released. He is sick and weak and will surely not put America into risk again. He can barely walk and talk.

And why is this only with Israel, spies all over the world didn't sit one day in prison, but when the guilty one is Jewish, is that when you pull the bad cop mask?

Why is that?

A murderer is responsible for one murder; a Traitor has the potential to kill a Nation he swore to protect!
patrickcaturday, et al,

The time to have been made is when the espionage was taking place. Now, it is just the final moves in the chess game.

I really have tried very hard not to dislike Israel although I have to admit that I have a bias against Israeli policies as I feel that they do not serve the demands of justice. Still I try very hard not to be angery with them, however it is actions like this that really piss me off. Who does Netanyahu think he is to attempt to influence the American System of Justice in this way.It is actions like this that make me look with a jaundiced eye on him and all of the policies that he espouces ( sp ). He does not serve himself or his country well when he acts in this manner !!!

In the counterintelligence (CI) game, the effort is in the detection, exploitation and neutralization (DEN) of the opponents controlled asset (in this case - Jonathan Pollard - the piece on the chess board). The Israelis were able to spot, assess, recruit, and train an operative already in place, and glean valuable intelligence of a strategic nature. Now, the value of Pollard has changed, as well as his control. As long as he sits in jail, he is of very little use; except, as a deterrent reminder that if CI catches you, this is what you can expect. But, from time to time, it may become lucrative for the US to exchange a spy. It is no longer a CI game (Pollard is caught), but a political game (what do we have that the Israelis want, and what do the Israelis have that we want).

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is making the first set of overtures. He is saying, you have something we want. (Want to trade?)
  • It is up to the Obama Administration to determine if Israel has something we want.

I suspect, given the timing, that the US is asking for Israel's cooperation in the Peace Negotiation arrangements with the Palestinians. The US is probably asking for some concession or gesture to be made. It is hard to say.

BUT, it is no longer a Justice System issue, and it is no longer a CI enforcement issue. Now, it is all political - and there is nothing in this world that is more loathing, dirty, steeped in corruptions, layered in lies, and an open and frank discussion between two politicians. (Worse than leprosy.)

Most Respectfully,
America should stay out of this conflict...there is not longer a strategic interest for us only importing less than 17% of our energy needs. It is Europe who needs to get more involved in the peace process whose energy needs are at stake.

It is the Financial Corporations that put pressure on America to save the World markets that force us to get involved in Politics like Pollard and arming everybody in the ME to maintain the status quo rather than helping our own ailing economy which has ruined America.
It always amazes me how easily zionists can fall in love with a traitor to an ally that has kept Israel on life-support for 65 years.

Morality is dead in Israel...that's why peace is elusive...Morality is Dead in the Jewish State because it is not concerned about morality by the UN votes, EU Sanctions, or human rights.

Pollard should serve his life sentence.

It always amazes me that your government can pull a straight face when demanding us to release 100 killers with blood on their hands, people who have GUARANTEED they will continue to kill, and that said government still demands it with false promises of nothing.Meanwhile, when we are asking for a tribute of 1 prisoner, who already did almost 30+ years in prison, and we ask for his release simply for humanitarian reasons, not politics, which is the reason you want us to free prisoners, and when coming to this request you play it all shocked.

It is that shocking, that you demand something of us, that in the same conditions, well, hell the same condition, conditions concerning human life, you're not wishing to pull up the same morale?

And why is it so surprising? Jonathan did what he did out of love for Israel, and he was punished for it. It is only natural that our people and government want to see him finally released. He is sick and weak and will surely not put America into risk again. He can barely walk and talk.

And why is this only with Israel, spies all over the world didn't sit one day in prison, but when the guilty one is Jewish, is that when you pull the bad cop mask?

Why is that?

A murderer is responsible for one murder; a Traitor has the potential to kill a Nation he swore to protect!

Is "potential" the same as the ACTUAL blood of innocent infants on your hands?
Hopefully Pollard will get to be home with his family soon enough.
It always amazes me how easily zionists can fall in love with a traitor to an ally that has kept Israel on life-support for 65 years.

Morality is dead in Israel...that's why peace is elusive...Morality is Dead in the Jewish State because it is not concerned about morality by the UN votes, EU Sanctions, or human rights.

Pollard should serve his life sentence.

Morality has nothing whatsoever to do with the situation - it's national interests, politics and back room negotiating. Israel is NO different than any other nation when it comes to the negotiations of spies, intelligence and such. Israel is NO different than we are and it has NOTHING to do with being a "Jewish state".

We all do it and, to cop Rocco's phrase - it's nothing more than a giant chess game.
It always amazes me that your government can pull a straight face when demanding us to release 100 killers with blood on their hands, people who have GUARANTEED they will continue to kill, and that said government still demands it with false promises of nothing.Meanwhile, when we are asking for a tribute of 1 prisoner, who already did almost 30+ years in prison, and we ask for his release simply for humanitarian reasons, not politics, which is the reason you want us to free prisoners, and when coming to this request you play it all shocked.

It is that shocking, that you demand something of us, that in the same conditions, well, hell the same condition, conditions concerning human life, you're not wishing to pull up the same morale?

And why is it so surprising? Jonathan did what he did out of love for Israel, and he was punished for it. It is only natural that our people and government want to see him finally released. He is sick and weak and will surely not put America into risk again. He can barely walk and talk.

And why is this only with Israel, spies all over the world didn't sit one day in prison, but when the guilty one is Jewish, is that when you pull the bad cop mask?

Why is that?

A murderer is responsible for one murder; a Traitor has the potential to kill a Nation he swore to protect!

Is "potential" the same as the ACTUAL blood of innocent infants on your hands?

A Traitor is akin to a Mother murdered by her child.

No one except Zionists like minded like you; would make a hero of a traitor like Jonathan Pollard.

When Benedict Arnold who betrayed our nation to the English Army in the Revolutionary war retired in England, the English people loathed him until he died.
It might be useful to remember what Pollard was convicted of and passing information to Israel was not the only thing he did.

Jonathan Pollard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shortly after Pollard began working at NIC/TF-168, he met Aviem Sella, an Israeli Air Force combat veteran who was at the time a graduate student at New York University, on leave from his position as a colonel in order to gain a master's degree in computer science. Pollard told Sella that he worked for U.S. naval intelligence, told him of specific incidents where U.S. intelligence was withholding information from Israel, and offered himself as a spy. Though Sella had wondered whether Pollard was part of an FBI sting operation to recruit an Israeli, he ended up believing him. Sella then phoned his air force intelligence commander in Tel Aviv for further instructions, and the call was switched to the air force chief of staff. Sella was ordered to develop a contact with Pollard.[23]

Within a few days, in June 1984, Pollard started passing classified information to Sella and received, in exchange, $10,000 cash and a very expensive diamond and sapphire ring, which Pollard later used to propose marriage to his girlfriend Anne. He also agreed to receive $1,500 per month for further espionage.[24]

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) investigator Ronald Olive has alleged that Pollard passed classified information to South Africa,[25] and attempted, through a third party, to sell classified information to Pakistan on multiple occasions.[26] Pollard also stole classified documents related to China on behalf of his wife, who used the information to advance her personal business interests and kept them around the house, where they were discovered by investigating authorities when Pollard's espionage activity came to light.[27][28][29]

During Pollard's trial, the government's memorandum in aid of sentencing challenges "defendant's claim that he was motivated by altruism rather than greed", asserting that Pollard had "disclosed classified information in anticipation of financial gain" in other instances:

The government's investigation has revealed that defendant provided to certain of his acquaintances U.S. classified documents which defendant obtained through U.S. Navy sources. The classified documents which defendant disclosed to two such acquaintances, both of whom are professional investment advisers, contained classified economic and political analyses which defendant believed would help his acquaintances render investment advice to their clients... Defendant acknowledged that, although he was not paid for his unauthorized disclosures of classified information to the above-mentioned acquaintances, he hoped to be rewarded ultimately through business opportunities that these individuals could arrange for defendant when he eventually left his position with the U.S. Navy. In fact, defendant was involved in an ongoing business venture with two of these acquaintances at the time he provided the classified information to them...[30]

During the course of the Pollard trial, Australian authorities reported the disclosure of classified American documents by Pollard to one of their own agents, a Royal Australian Navy officer who had been engaged in a personnel-exchange naval liaison program between the U.S. and Australia.[31] The Australian officer, alarmed by Pollard's repeated disclosure to him of data caveated No Foreign Access Allowed, reported the indiscretions to his chain of command, which in turn recalled him from his position in the U.S., fearing that the disclosures might be part of a "CIA ruse".[31] Confronted with this accusation after entering his plea, Pollard only admitted to passing a single classified document to the Australian; later, he changed his story, and claimed that his superiors ordered him to share information with the Australians.[31]

The full extent of the information he gave to Israel has still not been officially revealed. Press reports cited a secret 46-page memorandum, which Pollard and his attorneys were allowed to view.[32] They were provided to the judge by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, who described Pollard's spying as including, among other things, obtaining and copying the latest version of Radio-Signal Notations (RASIN), a 10-volume manual comprehensively detailing America's global electronic surveillance network.[9][3

I do not find this man's actions worthy of defense.
Hopefully Pollard will get to be home with his family soon enough.

I don't feel much sympathy for spies - regardless of who's they are. He committed a crime, and he should have to pay for it like any other criminal. :dunno:

He sat 28 years in prison. It is our duty to try and free him

All those who are shocked and horrored by thinking about Netanyahu calling to free him, need to think with themselves, if the situation was reversed, and the spy was American, wouldn't you people have done till the impossible to bring him home?

All those saying "no" lie to themselves.:doubt:
A murderer is responsible for one murder; a Traitor has the potential to kill a Nation he swore to protect!

Is "potential" the same as the ACTUAL blood of innocent infants on your hands?

A Traitor is akin to a Mother murdered by her child.

No one except Zionists like minded like you; would make a hero of a traitor like Jonathan Pollard.

When Benedict Arnold who betrayed our nation to the English Army in the Revolutionary war retired in England, the English people loathed him until he died.

You probably miss one important point, Pbel.

I am not an American.

And therefore, I do not see Jonathan Pollard as a traitor. I see him as someone who fought for my country and sits two decades in prison.

I am not bound to the American logic, and why should I? why should our PM or any of our civilians?
Hopefully Pollard will get to be home with his family soon enough.

I don't feel much sympathy for spies - regardless of who's they are. He committed a crime, and he should have to pay for it like any other criminal. :dunno:

He sat 28 years in prison. It is our duty to try and free him

All those who are shocked and horrored by thinking about Netanyahu calling to free him, need to think with themselves, if the situation was reversed, and the spy was American, wouldn't you people have done till the impossible to bring him home?

All those saying "no" lie to themselves.:doubt:

Pollard is an American born in Texas, and he was being paid by Israel, it had little to do with love of Israel...It is Israelis like you who give this scum of the earth impotance.

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