Israel demands Traitors release!

What a friend we have in Israel... Netanyahu demands Jonathan Pollard a convicted traitor to America for Israel be released for Palestinian prisoners...This is why AIPAC should register as a foreign agency and not a political action committee serving an American interest group...

Israel will be the death of this nation.

Jonathan Pollard Means Israeli-American Squabbling Instead of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiation - The Daily Beast

Usually, prisoner swaps involve, well, swaps. You release my prisoners, I release yours. But what to make of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand that, in return for freeing Palestinian prisoners, the United States release Jonathan Pollard, an American citizen who is serving a life sentence for passing information to Israel?

This strange triangulation exposes the farce of negotiations. The New York Times quoted Netanyahu’s reasons for negotiating as “preventing the creation of a binational state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea,” and “preventing the establishment of an additional Iranian-sponsored terrorist state on Israel’s borders.” One state, two states: whatever it is, he’s against it. But since he needs to satisfy both Washington and his right-wing base, Netanyahu plays the Pollard card to signal that he isn’t really dealing with Palestinians; he’s haggling with America.
"...Netanyahu has proved adept at intervening in American politics; he is equally good at leveraging latent tensions over Israel-America relations. But exacting concessions from the mediator is not the point. You don’t hold talks in Oslo to make peace with Norwegians. Netanyahu wants to replace Israeli-Palestinian negotiation with Israeli-American squabbling, because he wants to stall. Those of us who are serious about a two-state solution cannot let him."
What a friend the Jews have in Phillip!!! If he wasn't so obsessed with the Jews, he would have read about a South Korean who basically committed the same thing as Pollard, but he only got a 7-year sentence, got released after 6 years, and the South Korean community in America was up in arms that he even got sent to jail. Meanwhile, I am willing to bet that Phillip hasn't even read all the different articles about Pollard, and how he was made an example. Meanwhile, Phillip probably has nothing to say about Addison Ames who actually was responsible for the death of American agents. No doubt Phillip is salivating over the fact that murderers will be released from jail so that they can start killing some more Israelis

pollard won't appeal for parole. instead, he expects a presidential pardon.

israel refuses to give back the documents pollard delivered to them and that we (the USA) have requested.

i think also a very salient point is that the USA is supposed to be a disinterested or neutral third party in these peace talks but the israeli government is too obtuse to understand that this request/demand by netanyahu and israel jeopardises that position and puts the USA in the seat of a negotiating party.

this has nothing to do with south korea, aldrich ames, or whatever really and those cases are not similar to pollard's case anyway. there may be a better forum for that other than this one.
"...Netanyahu has proved adept at intervening in American politics; he is equally good at leveraging latent tensions over Israel-America relations. But exacting concessions from the mediator is not the point. You don’t hold talks in Oslo to make peace with Norwegians. Netanyahu wants to replace Israeli-Palestinian negotiation with Israeli-American squabbling, because he wants to stall. Those of us who are serious about a two-state solution cannot let him."
What a friend the Jews have in Phillip!!! If he wasn't so obsessed with the Jews, he would have read about a South Korean who basically committed the same thing as Pollard, but he only got a 7-year sentence, got released after 6 years, and the South Korean community in America was up in arms that he even got sent to jail. Meanwhile, I am willing to bet that Phillip hasn't even read all the different articles about Pollard, and how he was made an example. Meanwhile, Phillip probably has nothing to say about Addison Ames who actually was responsible for the death of American agents. No doubt Phillip is salivating over the fact that murderers will be released from jail so that they can start killing some more Israelis

pollard won't appeal for parole. instead, he expects a presidential pardon.

israel refuses to give back the documents pollard delivered to them and that we (the USA) have requested.

i think also a very salient point is that the USA is supposed to be a disinterested or neutral third party in these peace talks but the israeli government is too obtuse to understand that this request/demand by netanyahu and israel jeopardises that position and puts the USA in the seat of a negotiating party.

this has nothing to do with south korea, aldrich ames, or whatever really and those cases are not similar to pollard's case anyway. there may be a better forum for that other than this one.
Gee, Seal, wasn't it a Catholic who wrote something about Pollard -- how he was being used as an example and that the State Department was very anti-Semitic and that is why he got a very harsh sentence. I am sure if you looked diligently, you will find the article to which I am referring. Along the way, in your researching, I hope you do a little researching about the So. Korean case. Then you can tell us if he only deserved 7 years. I guess since the South Korean wasn't Jewish, you wouldn't even bother. In fact, you probably didn't even bother to read in years past all there is to read about the Pollard case. Meanwhile, of course, Seal has no problem at all with the Palestinians demanding that all prisoners have to be freed.
I think we should've executed Waker - he was in uniform and a traitor who recruited others.
ABDELKADER HELMY a rocket scientist convicted of trying to ship advanced United States missile technology to Egypt has been sentenced to 46 months in prison. ABDELKADER HELMY was sentenced in 1989 for selling technology related to the Condor Missile project to Egypt which found its way to Iraq.: served 2 years

Michael Schwartz [not Jewish] Navy Officer arrested in 1996 (spied 4 years) for Saudi Arabia:

Albert Sombolay (spied for Iraq and Jordan)was arrested and admitted to providing military information regarding the Desert Shield deployment, military identification cards, and chemical weapons equipment to Jordan, while he was stationed in Germany. He was a naturalized U.S. citizen born in Zaire.

Albert Sombolay spied for Iraq and Jordan as an Army Specialist. He said he was paid "about $1,300 for his activites," and also admitted getting in touch with Iraqi officials. Specialist Sombolay pleaded guilty to charges of espionage and contacting the enemy.
Sombolay also offered to photograph his unit's activities in Saudi Arabia, according to the statement. Soldier Gets 34 Years for Espionage He was sentenced to 34 years of hard labor. The last recorded reduction of his sentence was in 1992 when his sentence was reduced to 19 years with further appeals pending.

Arif Ali Durrani, a Pakistani, was convicted in federal court in San Diego on five counts involving the illegal export of fighter-jet components to Iran. He received a 12-year sentence for exporting arms to Iran.

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