isolationism waiting in the wings


Left Coast Isolationist
Oct 28, 2004
... i advocate withdrawing all US troops from around the world and closing the US borders and defending them, cutting off all US funding around the world and investing it in american soil, anyone that can not prove theyy belong here are sent back to whereve they came from ... as far as the rest of the world goes....hey solve your own problems or starve, die kill each other i really don't care .... no one likes the US ... fine by me bugger off figure it out on your own ... maybe the UN french germans russians and chinesse will do better ... that would suit me just fine ...
As much as id love to just ignore the rest of the world and its problems, i dont think its plausible. weve tried it several times in history. And we kept getting drawn into world wars. I dont think its safe to withdrawl from the world and show our enemies we dont care.
we'd get screwed if we did that...not that it'd not be good for us. The whiney, pussified, bitchy public would get all pissed off because they'd have a modicum of 'hardship' in their lives.
dilloduck said:
Agreed---Like it or not we must participate in the world game so we may as well help shape it.

why must we participate? if the world media is to be belived no one wants our help .... one can argue global economics and all but i am quite sure if the us had to it could survive solo ....

the real question for me is could europe defend itself against the middle east? and could the middle east defend itself against israel?....china would wipe out japan in an afternoon and russia would become russia again no?
manu1959 said:
why must we participate? if the world media is to be belived no one wants our help .... one can argue global economics and all but i am quite sure if the us had to it could survive solo ....

the real question for me is could europe defend itself against the middle east? and could the middle east defend itself against israel?....china would wipe out japan in an afternoon and russia would become russia again no?

Participation comes in many forms
dilloduck said:
Participation comes in many forms

agreed ... can non participation be considered ?

similarly by not voting for an presidential canidate a vote for change in the process?
I am a strict isolationist, but knowing that will never happen, how about taking the Enola Gay out of retirement? That would be my second choice.
Merlin said:
I am a strict isolationist, but knowing that will never happen, how about taking the Enola Gay out of retirement? That would be my second choice. vavourite....isolationism through superior fire power.... :mm:

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