Isn't the solution to abortion kind of... well... obvious?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
What is abortion? The act of killing a fetal human inside the womb. What's it called where she has a fetal human in her womb? Pregnancy. What causes pregnancy? Conception. What causes conception? Sex. None of this is controversial to anyone with the basic level of biological understanding needed to be a fully functional adult. It doesn't include any particular battleground notion like personhood or choice. It's just the chain of events leading from having sex with her to her strapped into the stirrups waiting on Dr. Gosnell to vacuum your child out of her. Say you do have a problem with that chain of events, though. Let's just say you're one of the roughly fifty percent of people who doesn't want that to happen to the human you helped conceive. How can you prevent it from happening? Well, that seems pretty simple. Don't knock her up if she's willing to do that. Have the foresight to find out if she's comfortable with the idea and the resolve not to get her pregnant to begin with. I honestly can't understand why this concept of maybe refraining from getting someone in favor of abortion pregnant if you oppose abortion doesn't mentioned more...
Except the ones who are having abortions don't care about the baby, so you're pretty much preaching to the choir. The ones who DO care are already being responsible.
Except the ones who are having abortions don't care about the baby, so you're pretty much preaching to the choir. The ones who DO care are already being responsible.
The ones getting the abortions typically don't want the abortion. It's the assholes who knock them up who do. The majority of abortions are coerced. Another fact that the progressive nutbags don't like to deal with.
Except the ones who are having abortions don't care about the baby, so you're pretty much preaching to the choir. The ones who DO care are already being responsible.
The ones getting the abortions typically don't want the abortion. It's the assholes who knock them up who do. The majority of abortions are coerced. Another fact that the progressive nutbags don't like to deal with.
I disagree with that. There are plenty of women who use abortion as birth control because they're either too lazy to take the pill every day or don't want to use a condom. I know a few, believe me, they're out there.
" Interviews at clinics confirm that at least 70 percent of the women having abortions view abortion as immoral, or at least deviant, behavior. (1) Rather than choosing according to their own moral beliefs, most women are acting against their belief systems. They feel "forced" by circumstances, or loved ones, to violate their consciences for the sake of some "other good."

Women Who Abort Their Reflections on the Unborn
Except the ones who are having abortions don't care about the baby, so you're pretty much preaching to the choir. The ones who DO care are already being responsible.
The ones getting the abortions typically don't want the abortion. It's the assholes who knock them up who do. The majority of abortions are coerced. Another fact that the progressive nutbags don't like to deal with.
I disagree with that. There are plenty of women who use abortion as birth control because they're either too lazy to take the pill every day or don't want to use a condom. I know a few, believe me, they're out there.
I haven't denied that those exist.

But the majority are victims, operating from a position of vulnerability and fear. They are bombarded from cradle to death with the message that their primary purpose in life is to have sex, and that they SHOULD have sex just for the heck of it, and that if they get knocked up and it interferes with their ability to work or have sex, they can and should kill their babies..because their babies are worthless anyway.
Some people believe the reason Democrats latched onto abortion as an issue is because it gives them a stick to beat over the heads of Catholicism, thus Christianity,........ it makes women think Democrats are nice people, but really they just like killing the innocent,........ and it helps them off millions of poor folks, preferably blacks, Hispanics, and white trash.
Some people believe the reason Democrats latched onto abortion as an issue is because it gives them a stick to beat over the heads of Catholicism, thus Christianity,........ it makes women think Democrats are nice people, but really they just like killing the innocent,........ and it helps them off millions of poor folks, preferably blacks, Hispanics, and white trash.
You have a valid point, pre-emptive purging.
Some people believe the reason Democrats latched onto abortion as an issue is because it gives them a stick to beat over the heads of Catholicism, thus Christianity,........ it makes women think Democrats are nice people, but really they just like killing the innocent,........ and it helps them off millions of poor folks, preferably blacks, Hispanics, and white trash.
You have a valid point, pre-emptive purging.
Somewhere around 50 million and counting.....
Reading around yesterday for other things I saw a link about "Straight Americans increasingly engaging in anal sex." :)

Yes, the solution's obvious and they're on it. ;)

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