Isn't limiting immigration immoral?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Shouldn't countries allow as many people in to become citizens as want to? Would think people who want to be citizens should be allowed to be, even or especially if they broke the law to get here. Case can be made they're more-American than those who're only citizens because of their birth here.

More citizens means more taxes raised, bigger and better military (more recruits and less having to lower the standards for enlistment as has been done recently,) and more patriotic citizens (since there's more who lept through many hoops to become citizens legally or not.)

Isn't any arguement then made against immigration simply a bigot's arguement?
Shouldn't countries allow as many people in to become citizens as want to? Would think people who want to be citizens should be allowed to be, even or especially if they broke the law to get here. Case can be made they're more-American than those who're only citizens because of their birth here.

More citizens means more taxes raised, bigger and better military (more recruits and less having to lower the standards for enlistment as has been done recently,) and more patriotic citizens (since there's more who lept through many hoops to become citizens legally or not.)

Isn't any arguement then made against immigration simply a bigot's arguement?
You might ask Greece and other countries where boatloads of refugees are coming in, and
all too many drowning because of overloaded boats. It places a greater load on a country's
social services for one thing.

If we were not in hock up to our ears and the economy was humming then I might see it differently, but the way it is we are doing well to take care of our own citizens. Morally
speaking it would be nice if we could take all comers but practically speaking there
is a limit to what we can absorb.
Of everyone on this board, it is my opinion, that you have absolutely no ground to stand on when speaking of morality.

The board is continually lectured by you and others that morality (religion) can not be the basis of laws or conduct.

So no, since their is no morality, according to you and others, then NO it is no immoral to deny people flooding our country that are in actuality doing damage to our country.

Sorry man, you might have to pay someone just a little more to mow your lawn or pick your lettuce.
Shouldn't countries allow as many people in to become citizens as want to? Would think people who want to be citizens should be allowed to be, even or especially if they broke the law to get here. Case can be made they're more-American than those who're only citizens because of their birth here.

More citizens means more taxes raised, bigger and better military (more recruits and less having to lower the standards for enlistment as has been done recently,) and more patriotic citizens (since there's more who lept through many hoops to become citizens legally or not.)

Isn't any arguement then made against immigration simply a bigot's arguement?

Your views lack common sense and logic which is typical of a bleeding heart liberal. Illegals are more American than Americans are? WTF!!

There is nothing bigoted about limiting the number of immigrants who can come here to protect resources and jobs for the rightful citizens of this country. Being born here does count and rightly so!! There are 2 billion of impoverished across the world . Should we just let them all in and be stacked in like sardines and competing for jobs, food, water and social services and just turn into a third world country? Can you even think at all??? My God, I can't believe what I am reading in your posts. How old are you? You cannot be a mature adult. with those idiotic views.
What a concept! Got a question for you there Sparky; if someone told you to pick any house you want to live in inside the United States, what would you choose? Would it be a 2 bedroom, or 3 bedroom ranch, or rather one of those luxurious mansions with a swimming pool, hot tub, and wet bar?

You see, it is all relative my friend.
Shouldn't countries allow as many people in to become citizens as want to? Would think people who want to be citizens should be allowed to be, even or especially if they broke the law to get here. Case can be made they're more-American than those who're only citizens because of their birth here.

More citizens means more taxes raised, bigger and better military (more recruits and less having to lower the standards for enlistment as has been done recently,) and more patriotic citizens (since there's more who lept through many hoops to become citizens legally or not.)

Isn't any arguement then made against immigration simply a bigot's arguement?

There needs to be time for the job market to adjust. To do otherwise means declining wages for everyone, including immigrants.
Shouldn't countries allow as many people in to become citizens as want to? Would think people who want to be citizens should be allowed to be, even or especially if they broke the law to get here. Case can be made they're more-American than those who're only citizens because of their birth here.

More citizens means more taxes raised, bigger and better military (more recruits and less having to lower the standards for enlistment as has been done recently,) and more patriotic citizens (since there's more who lept through many hoops to become citizens legally or not.)

Isn't any arguement then made against immigration simply a bigot's arguement?

There needs to be time for the job market to adjust. To do otherwise means declining wages for everyone, including immigrants.

Exactly, we have to choose between giving job opportunities and social and natural resources to our own citizens or millions/billions of foreigners. We can't do both. It is impossible when you consider that there are two billion impoverished across the world who would like to come here. What person in their right mind would choose foreigners over our own citizens especially those who had no respect for our immigration laws in the first place? It's truly baffling and so anti-American that it makes me sick to read such nonsense.
This probably one of the top 10 most ridiculous post I ever read on USMB. We are having problems now with illegals let alone suggest WTF.
Just imagine ALL mexicans, salvadorian, chinese, guatemala and the rest of the world coming in to this country? What were you thinking son?
Shouldn't countries allow as many people in to become citizens as want to? Would think people who want to be citizens should be allowed to be, even or especially if they broke the law to get here. Case can be made they're more-American than those who're only citizens because of their birth here.

More citizens means more taxes raised, bigger and better military (more recruits and less having to lower the standards for enlistment as has been done recently,) and more patriotic citizens (since there's more who lept through many hoops to become citizens legally or not.)

Isn't any arguement then made against immigration simply a bigot's arguement?

When does immigration change to invasion? You're asking some really stupid questions of late.
so what would anyone gain by letting the 5 BILLION people (who WANT to live here) just convert this place into a sewer (like they've done with the country that they want to flee), hmm?
Another hairbrained/toddlerbrained thread. Jeebus.

We should do an i.q. test for thread creators. I know the joke would be it would become a ghost town........but i only.mean drp like the bottom 10% like delta, steph, the rabbi, guno, truthmatters, etc

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