Islamists plan attacks on Female Missionaries in Egypt


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by WOTN Editor @ Islamists plan attacks on Female Missionaries in Egypt - War On Terror News

The U.S. embassy in Cairo has issued a warning to U.S. women Christian missionaries of the dangers of terror attacks they face in the mostly Muslim Egypt.

In a statement on its website, the embassy says it has credible information suggesting terrorist interest in targeting U.S. female missionaries.

It asks U.S. citizens to exercise vigilance and take necessary precautions to maintain their personal security. It also urges them to enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, or STEP, which makes it easier for the U.S. diplomatic personnel to contact them in case of emergency.

Christians comprise 10 percent of Egypt's population of 83 million. They are regularly the target of attacks, discrimination, and marginalization in the mostly Muslim country. Right groups note Christians have also been the target of Islamist violence.

Meanwhile, the head of a House panel that oversees foreign aid said Friday she would move to block the distribution of $450 million of U.S. assistance to the new government of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. Texas Republican Kay Granger said in a statement that the U.S.-Egypt relationship “has never been under more scrutiny, and rightly so.” Granger said she is not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and cannot support it at this time.

The U.S. embassy in Cairo was damaged in recent "protests."

Barack Obama said the future of bilateral relations will depend on Cairo's response to the incident. He said Egypt's new government is trying to find its way and can be considered neither an enemy nor a friend. VoA.

They are already burning Christian churches, along with slaughtering Coptic Christians at every chance. Don't you just really admire the actions of this "Religion of Peace"? :mad::mad::mad:
the answer to the problem is simple----AIR LIFT THE CHRISTIANS out of there-----I support an even trade of populations----muslims in the US with egyptian background can be exchanged for coptic christians-----AM I NOT BRILLIANT?
Obviously freedom of religion is not a right in this country that is upheld or even exists, I say the problem be solved by the following actions:
1. Egypt must be forcibly converted to Judaism.
2. The most extreme violence must be used against these Mud People.

Attention all Mud People, don't bother replying to this post, Egypt does not have and basic rights, so forcibly installing Judaism upon them will not violate any laws.
Christian missionaries have no business being in Egypt; especially women.

They need to get out, and stay out, of Egypt and all other muslim countries. :cool:

Yes, to avoid violence from the people of the peaceful religion dominant in the region, of course.
Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man
Christian missionaries have no business being in Egypt; especially women.

They need to get out, and stay out, of Egypt and all other muslim countries.

Do you also believe that MUSLIMS should be barred from giving out those lumps of kharah called "the koran" in the USA? I certainly do-----doing so should be a capital crime just as giving out bibles in the cesspit saudi arabia is prosecuted as a crime------Gender is not the issue-----any kanzeer or khalbah who give out the lump of kharah should be shot ALSO the sounding of the filth from the masjids ----uhm that Namaz shit-----should be considered a felony in the USA I live near a pig sty------and every once in a while------one of the stinking pigs shoves his stinking pig ass in the air------right there on the sidewalk where humans walk-----such stinking namaz farting pigs should be shot on sight
Quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man
Christian missionaries have no business being in Egypt; especially women.

They need to get out, and stay out, of Egypt and all other muslim countries.

Do you also believe that MUSLIMS should be barred from giving out those lumps of kharah called "the koran" in the USA? I certainly do-----doing so should be a capital crime just as giving out bibles in the cesspit saudi arabia is prosecuted as a crime------Gender is not the issue-----any kanzeer or khalbah who give out the lump of kharah should be shot ALSO the sounding of the filth from the masjids ----uhm that Namaz shit-----should be considered a felony in the USA I live near a pig sty------and every once in a while------one of the stinking pigs shoves his stinking pig ass in the air------right there on the sidewalk where humans walk-----such stinking namaz farting pigs should be shot on sight

This is a free country. Egypt and most of the other muslim dominate nations aren't. They like it that way too. They love their religious government mix up. So no, there should be no capital punishment or other wise for religious preaching, prayer or practice in the USA. But these nutter bars better realize that they aren't going to install their version of government here either.

If they want to take away portions of the bill of rights to solidify some type of dominance into government favorable to their religious belief, they should take that shit over to Egypt or the like.
good response, Takeastep-----but I do not believe that the civilized world should tacitly accept the religious oppression exerted in muslim countries Perhaps you do not know----there is a general idea among muslims that the fact that THEY are able to suppress other religions while------other peoples do not suppress islam-------somehow PROVES the "superiority" of islam -------islam is a TRIUMPHALIST ideology. My impression of "general ideas" amongst muslims is derived from knowing lots of muslims. A personal impression I have----regarding the popularity of islam in US jails-----is based on that sense of VICTORY OVER ALL OTHERS -----that islam claims-------the UMMAH is a kind of giant street gang
good response, Takeastep-----but I do not believe that the civilized world should tacitly accept the religious oppression exerted in muslim countries Perhaps you do not know----there is a general idea among muslims that the fact that THEY are able to suppress other religions while------other peoples do not suppress islam-------somehow PROVES the "superiority" of islam -------islam is a TRIUMPHALIST ideology. My impression of "general ideas" amongst muslims is derived from knowing lots of muslims. A personal impression I have----regarding the popularity of islam in US jails-----is based on that sense of VICTORY OVER ALL OTHERS -----that islam claims-------the UMMAH is a kind of giant street gang
How many years were you in incarcerated ?

And what crime(s) were you convicted of that caused you to be locked up in prison. :cool:
Do these idiots not remember what happened to Lara Logan?

Sending female missionaries to a muslim country is like a white guy going to a Black Panthers rally with racial slurs written on a sandwich board.
Do these idiots not remember what happened to Lara Logan?

Sending female missionaries to a muslim country is like a white guy going to a Black Panthers rally with racial slurs written on a sandwich board.

Egypt has a fairly large christian minority-----so THEORETICALLY----the people called "missionaries" can simply be christian social workers for the christians over there.
An interesting factoid is that lots of muslims -----and jews when they were in egypt----attended christian run schools------because they were----better Egypt seems to be undergoing in muslim "revival'-----a good time to stay away
An interesting factoid is that lots of muslims -----and jews when they were in egypt----attended christian run schools----
That's because the curriculum at Christian ran schools is generally taught in the english language.

Which is the preferred language to learn for students planning to go to the UK or US for higher education. :cool:
Christian missionaries have no business being in Egypt; especially women.

They need to get out, and stay out, of Egypt and all other muslim countries. :cool:

They are there to offer support and aid to the people Islam oppresses, murders, and otherwise abuses.

They risk their lives to protect your people from your people, who cannibalize them.
Do these idiots not remember what happened to Lara Logan?

Sending female missionaries to a muslim country is like a white guy going to a Black Panthers rally with racial slurs written on a sandwich board.

This just exemplifies the difference between Christians and anti-Christian weirdoes.

You guys cannot comprehend people actually risking their lives to help others.

Of course you can't. And in fact, you think people who are so "stupid" as to do so deserve to be killed.

Which is typical of people who aren't interested in supporting human rights.
This just exemplifies the difference between Christians and anti-Christian weirdoes.

You guys cannot comprehend people actually risking their lives to help others.

Of course you can't. And in fact, you think people who are so "stupid" as to do so deserve to be killed.

Which is typical of people who aren't interested in supporting human rights.

ummm.... quite a few jews don't want your people in israel either. :eusa_whistle:
Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine.
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