ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father

Have you all been paying attention to the FACT that only ISLAMIC CULTISTS allow, and yes, PROMOTE that their CHILDREN be put out front to be killed and USUALLY before their fathers or other adults.... Name me one ANIMAL that does that! Thus proving these vermin aren't even as noble as the lowest animal!
The drug cartels use child killers too. Mexicans are no better than muslim cultists.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?

Hopefully enjoying their childhood like a ten year old boy should...
The Children's Crusades (1212)

The following description of the Children's Crusade is taken from Steven Runciman's classic three volume work, A History of the Crusades (Cambridge, 1951), Volume III: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades, pp.139-144. Paul Halsall has included an excerpt from the Chronica Regiae Coloniensis at the Internet Medieval Source Book.

* * *

One day in May 1212 there appeared at Saint-Denis, where King Philip of France was holding his court, a shepherd-boy of about twelve years old called Stephen, from the small town of Cloyes in the Orléannais. He brought with him a letter for the King, which, he said, had been given to him by Christ in person, who had appeared to him as he was tending his sheep and who had bidden him go and preach the Crusade. King Philip was not impressed by the child and told him to go home. But Stephen, whose enthusiasm had been fired by his mysterious visitor, saw himself now as an inspired leader who would succeed where his elders had failed. For the past fifteen years preachers had been going round the country-side urging a Crusade against the Moslems of the East or of Spain or against the heretics of Languedoc. It was easy for an hysterical boy to be infected with the idea that he too could be a preacher and could emulate Peter the Hermit, whose prowess had during the past century reached a legendary grandeur. Undismayed by the King's indifference, he began to preach at the very entrance to the abbey of Saint-Denis and to announce that he would lead a band of children to the rescue of Christendom. The seas would dry up before them, and they would pass, like Moses through the Red Sea, safe to the Holy Land. He was gifted with an extraordinary eloquence. Older folk were impressed, and children came flocking to his call. After his first success he set out to journey round France summoning the children; and many of his converts went further afield to work on his behalf. They were all to meet together at Vendôme in about a month's time and start out from there to the East.

Towards the end of June the children massed at Vendôme. Awed contemporaries spoke of thirty thousand, not one over twelve years of age. There were certainly several thousand of them, collected from all parts of the country, some of them simple peasants, whose parents in many cases had willingly let them go on their great mission. But there were also boys of noble birth who had slipped away from home to join Stephen and his following of "minor prophets" as the chroniclers called them. There were also girls amongst them, a few young priests, and a few older pilgrims, some drawn by piety, others, perhaps, from pity, and others, certainly, to share in the gifts that were showered upon them all. The bands came crowding into the town, each with a leader carrying a copy of the Oriflamme, which Stephen took as the device of the Crusade. The town could not contain them all, and they encamped in the fields outside.

When the blessing of friendly priests had been given, and when the last sorrowing parents had been pushed aside, the expedition started out southward. Nearly all of them went on foot. But Stephen, as befitted the leader, insisted on having a gaily decorated cart for himself, with a canopy to shade him from the sun. At his side rode boys of noble birth, each rich enough to possess a horse. No one resented the inspired prophet travelling in comfort. On the contrary, he was treated as a saint, and locks of his hair and pieces of his garments were collected as precious relics. They took the road past Tours and Lyons, making for Marseilles. It was a painful journey. The summer was unusually hot. They depended on charity for their food, and the drought left little to spare in the country, and water was scarce. Many of the children died by the wayside. Others dropped out and tried to wander home. But at last the little Crusade reached Marseilles.

Yes, Islam is still living a life that was acceptable 800 years ago!
thanks for missing the point...
I spoke yesterday about a kid maybe 10 in a VC village walking toward us smiling with one hand behind his back. That move usually meant he was holding down the spoon on a hand grenade. Our Kit Carson kept yelling at him "NOONG LAI NOONG LAI" but he kept walking toward us......the shot had to be taken and was taken...he went straight over backwards, the grenade detonated underneath him, and tore his body in half. We took that ville apart for that....fucking savages.
War is Hell.
Yes, it is. It's either kill or be killed. I'll take the matter the age of the enemy combatant. It's tough to have to kill a child, but if the child's intent is to kill you and likely himself in the process...pull the fucking trigger.
They now celebrate their children dying for a pedophile Cult leader!

The Daily Mail ^

Islamic State militants and sympathisers are triumphantly circulating images of a 10-year-old boy they claim has been 'martyred' with while fighting alongside his father in Syria. Describing the child as ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken before his alleged death show him smiling at the camera, wearing military fatigues and brandishing a huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took to social media to identify the 'cub fighter' by his alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding that both he and his father were killed during clashes in Syria in recent weeks, but not specifying exactly where they died or who they...
Unfortunately child soldiers are nothing new, and brainwashing children to hate and kill people is disturbing to say the least.
Have you all been paying attention to the FACT that only ISLAMIC CULTISTS allow, and yes, PROMOTE that their CHILDREN be put out front to be killed and USUALLY before their fathers or other adults.... Name me one ANIMAL that does that! Thus proving these vermin aren't even as noble as the lowest animal!
The drug cartels use child killers too. Mexicans are no better than muslim cultists.
You denigrate all Mexicans to comment on the drug cartels? What a simpleton you appear to be.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
He's 10. He doesn't have the metal capabilities to decide whether or not he should do something as dangerous as go into battle or not. That's why CHILDREN need adults to run their lives at age 10 and you're under you parents rule until age 18. Unfortunately for this kid the adults in his life failed him miserably. I'd hardly call that "epic".
The Children's Crusades (1212)

The following description of the Children's Crusade is taken from Steven Runciman's classic three volume work, A History of the Crusades (Cambridge, 1951), Volume III: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades, pp.139-144. Paul Halsall has included an excerpt from the Chronica Regiae Coloniensis at the Internet Medieval Source Book.

* * *

One day in May 1212 there appeared at Saint-Denis, where King Philip of France was holding his court, a shepherd-boy of about twelve years old called Stephen, from the small town of Cloyes in the Orléannais. He brought with him a letter for the King, which, he said, had been given to him by Christ in person, who had appeared to him as he was tending his sheep and who had bidden him go and preach the Crusade. King Philip was not impressed by the child and told him to go home. But Stephen, whose enthusiasm had been fired by his mysterious visitor, saw himself now as an inspired leader who would succeed where his elders had failed. For the past fifteen years preachers had been going round the country-side urging a Crusade against the Moslems of the East or of Spain or against the heretics of Languedoc. It was easy for an hysterical boy to be infected with the idea that he too could be a preacher and could emulate Peter the Hermit, whose prowess had during the past century reached a legendary grandeur. Undismayed by the King's indifference, he began to preach at the very entrance to the abbey of Saint-Denis and to announce that he would lead a band of children to the rescue of Christendom. The seas would dry up before them, and they would pass, like Moses through the Red Sea, safe to the Holy Land. He was gifted with an extraordinary eloquence. Older folk were impressed, and children came flocking to his call. After his first success he set out to journey round France summoning the children; and many of his converts went further afield to work on his behalf. They were all to meet together at Vendôme in about a month's time and start out from there to the East.

Towards the end of June the children massed at Vendôme. Awed contemporaries spoke of thirty thousand, not one over twelve years of age. There were certainly several thousand of them, collected from all parts of the country, some of them simple peasants, whose parents in many cases had willingly let them go on their great mission. But there were also boys of noble birth who had slipped away from home to join Stephen and his following of "minor prophets" as the chroniclers called them. There were also girls amongst them, a few young priests, and a few older pilgrims, some drawn by piety, others, perhaps, from pity, and others, certainly, to share in the gifts that were showered upon them all. The bands came crowding into the town, each with a leader carrying a copy of the Oriflamme, which Stephen took as the device of the Crusade. The town could not contain them all, and they encamped in the fields outside.

When the blessing of friendly priests had been given, and when the last sorrowing parents had been pushed aside, the expedition started out southward. Nearly all of them went on foot. But Stephen, as befitted the leader, insisted on having a gaily decorated cart for himself, with a canopy to shade him from the sun. At his side rode boys of noble birth, each rich enough to possess a horse. No one resented the inspired prophet travelling in comfort. On the contrary, he was treated as a saint, and locks of his hair and pieces of his garments were collected as precious relics. They took the road past Tours and Lyons, making for Marseilles. It was a painful journey. The summer was unusually hot. They depended on charity for their food, and the drought left little to spare in the country, and water was scarce. Many of the children died by the wayside. Others dropped out and tried to wander home. But at last the little Crusade reached Marseilles.
That was in 1212. We are in 2014, I'd like to think our society had progressed since then. Obviously the Muslims have not.
The Children's Crusades (1212)

The following description of the Children's Crusade is taken from Steven Runciman's classic three volume work, A History of the Crusades (Cambridge, 1951), Volume III: The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades, pp.139-144. Paul Halsall has included an excerpt from the Chronica Regiae Coloniensis at the Internet Medieval Source Book.

* * *

One day in May 1212 there appeared at Saint-Denis, where King Philip of France was holding his court, a shepherd-boy of about twelve years old called Stephen, from the small town of Cloyes in the Orléannais. He brought with him a letter for the King, which, he said, had been given to him by Christ in person, who had appeared to him as he was tending his sheep and who had bidden him go and preach the Crusade. King Philip was not impressed by the child and told him to go home. But Stephen, whose enthusiasm had been fired by his mysterious visitor, saw himself now as an inspired leader who would succeed where his elders had failed. For the past fifteen years preachers had been going round the country-side urging a Crusade against the Moslems of the East or of Spain or against the heretics of Languedoc. It was easy for an hysterical boy to be infected with the idea that he too could be a preacher and could emulate Peter the Hermit, whose prowess had during the past century reached a legendary grandeur. Undismayed by the King's indifference, he began to preach at the very entrance to the abbey of Saint-Denis and to announce that he would lead a band of children to the rescue of Christendom. The seas would dry up before them, and they would pass, like Moses through the Red Sea, safe to the Holy Land. He was gifted with an extraordinary eloquence. Older folk were impressed, and children came flocking to his call. After his first success he set out to journey round France summoning the children; and many of his converts went further afield to work on his behalf. They were all to meet together at Vendôme in about a month's time and start out from there to the East.

Towards the end of June the children massed at Vendôme. Awed contemporaries spoke of thirty thousand, not one over twelve years of age. There were certainly several thousand of them, collected from all parts of the country, some of them simple peasants, whose parents in many cases had willingly let them go on their great mission. But there were also boys of noble birth who had slipped away from home to join Stephen and his following of "minor prophets" as the chroniclers called them. There were also girls amongst them, a few young priests, and a few older pilgrims, some drawn by piety, others, perhaps, from pity, and others, certainly, to share in the gifts that were showered upon them all. The bands came crowding into the town, each with a leader carrying a copy of the Oriflamme, which Stephen took as the device of the Crusade. The town could not contain them all, and they encamped in the fields outside.

When the blessing of friendly priests had been given, and when the last sorrowing parents had been pushed aside, the expedition started out southward. Nearly all of them went on foot. But Stephen, as befitted the leader, insisted on having a gaily decorated cart for himself, with a canopy to shade him from the sun. At his side rode boys of noble birth, each rich enough to possess a horse. No one resented the inspired prophet travelling in comfort. On the contrary, he was treated as a saint, and locks of his hair and pieces of his garments were collected as precious relics. They took the road past Tours and Lyons, making for Marseilles. It was a painful journey. The summer was unusually hot. They depended on charity for their food, and the drought left little to spare in the country, and water was scarce. Many of the children died by the wayside. Others dropped out and tried to wander home. But at last the little Crusade reached Marseilles.
That was in 1212. We are in 2014, I'd like to think our society had progressed since then. Obviously the Muslims have not.
Unfortunately you Christians HAVE changed since then. If it were up to me, Islam would be eradicated everywhere it exists. As an atheist, i think all religions are stupid, but Islam isnt just stupid, its dangerous. It has a unique ability to create monsters by the millions. Islam is a poison on humanity.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
He's 10. He doesn't have the metal capabilities to decide whether or not he should do something as dangerous as go into battle or not. That's why CHILDREN need adults to run their lives at age 10 and you're under you parents rule until age 18. Unfortunately for this kid the adults in his life failed him miserably. I'd hardly call that "epic".

Boys in Sparta were trained as warriors from the age of seven.

Trained to kill.

They became men at a far younger age than America's "men".

Most of America's "men" will never join the military. Most will never kill a man, and most will never risk their life to fight and kill for what what they believe in.

Yet we have women doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

And across the ocean there are children doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

Have you all been paying attention to the FACT that only ISLAMIC CULTISTS allow, and yes, PROMOTE that their CHILDREN be put out front to be killed and USUALLY before their fathers or other adults.... Name me one ANIMAL that does that! Thus proving these vermin aren't even as noble as the lowest animal!
The drug cartels use child killers too. Mexicans are no better than muslim cultists.
Except the Mexicans don't number in the tens of millions and aim at children without any financial or drug reward for their 'service'. Not yet anyway.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
He's 10. He doesn't have the metal capabilities to decide whether or not he should do something as dangerous as go into battle or not. That's why CHILDREN need adults to run their lives at age 10 and you're under you parents rule until age 18. Unfortunately for this kid the adults in his life failed him miserably. I'd hardly call that "epic".

Boys in Sparta were trained as warriors from the age of seven.

Trained to kill.

They became men at a far younger age than America's "men".

Most of America's "men" will never join the military. Most will never kill a man, and most will never risk their life to fight and kill for what what they believe in.

Yet we have women doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

And across the ocean there are children doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".


Anti=American BS..........

The Nazi's used little kids to be fighters when they ran out of men........Worked out well for them didn't it..........

The father sent the kid to his death, and the barbarian horde shout with praise to the death of a 10 year old. What a bunch of scumbags............

ISIS does well when fighting an inept Iraqi force.......Not so much when they fight us or people who don't run. If we went back in with Ground troops again.....then ISIL would be toast. They can't stand up to our forces. Never could and never will. All they can do is die well. That's it.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
He's 10. He doesn't have the metal capabilities to decide whether or not he should do something as dangerous as go into battle or not. That's why CHILDREN need adults to run their lives at age 10 and you're under you parents rule until age 18. Unfortunately for this kid the adults in his life failed him miserably. I'd hardly call that "epic".

Boys in Sparta were trained as warriors from the age of seven.

Trained to kill.

They became men at a far younger age than America's "men".

Most of America's "men" will never join the military. Most will never kill a man, and most will never risk their life to fight and kill for what what they believe in.

Yet we have women doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

And across the ocean there are children doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

what are you calling "bravery"? what are you calling "men"? Seems to me that you imagine you are
disparaging American men for not seeking to go out in the field and murder and die in order to qualify for an eternity in a whore house in the sky. People often refer to suicides as "cowardly" As for far as a child being told---"it's noble to murder and die for the "cause" -----some scum advocate ---------I do not see that system as turning children
into "MEN" early in life-------I see it as depraved. Suicide is very very common in young people-----both male and
female Any depraved society willing to exploit that fact and by encouraging children to enter into battle will meet
with "SUCCESS" in killing lots of kids
The mistake people here are making is comparing American 10 yr. olds with 10 yr. olds in 3rd world countries.

American 10 yr. olds live in a fantasy state of games, playtime, cartoons, .......basically in a state of developmental limbo.

Whereas, in the 3rd world countries of the middle east, asia, africa, and other lands. By the age of 10 children are expected to act, behave, and take on adult responsibilities. ....... :cool:
The mistake people here are making is comparing American 10 yr. olds with 10 yr. olds in 3rd world countries.

American 10 yr. olds live in a fantasy state of games, playtime, cartoons, .......basically in a state of developmental limbo.

Whereas, in the 3rd world countries of the middle east, asia, africa, and other lands. By the age of 10 children are expected to act, behave, and take on adult responsibilities. ....... :cool:

children can be taught to be depraved and to honor the stink and filth of Islamic IDEALS----in the same way American children learn to honor heroes and saints such as LOUIS PASTEUR ------Islamic children are taught to murder and to look forward to RAPE and OTHER EMULATIONS OF THE PIG OF MECCA the first words out of the lips of innocent muslim children is YITBACH AL......... "death to...." it is not a matter of being "more advanced" it is a matter of filth and depravity. Long ago I heard muslims talking about a LEGEND of their heritage------a child who had SLASHED THE HEADS OFF OF LOTS OF PEOPLE in honor of the dog in the sky
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
wrong word epic,tragic is much much better. You really must be kidding
The mistake people here are making is comparing American 10 yr. olds with 10 yr. olds in 3rd world countries.

American 10 yr. olds live in a fantasy state of games, playtime, cartoons, .......basically in a state of developmental limbo.

Whereas, in the 3rd world countries of the middle east, asia, africa, and other lands. By the age of 10 children are expected to act, behave, and take on adult responsibilities. ....... :cool:
No. They are expected to adopt the demented rulings of their Chief Child Molester, Mohammed...the less than worthless leader of "modern day" Islam.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?

Not dying for an invisible man who lives in the sky.

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