ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father

He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?

Not dying for an invisible man who lives in the sky.

Volunteer to lose your head...Dummy! They couldn't care less what or who you believe in or don't!
The mistake people here are making is comparing American 10 yr. olds with 10 yr. olds in 3rd world countries.

American 10 yr. olds live in a fantasy state of games, playtime, cartoons, .......basically in a state of developmental limbo.

Whereas, in the 3rd world countries of the middle east, asia, africa, and other lands. By the age of 10 children are expected to act, behave, and take on adult responsibilities. ....... :cool:
like getting their fucking ass blown away ? that is a great adult responsibility...., yuppp.., you betcha ! :up: ..... :lmao:

:fu: ......:asshole: muslime
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
He's 10. He doesn't have the metal capabilities to decide whether or not he should do something as dangerous as go into battle or not. That's why CHILDREN need adults to run their lives at age 10 and you're under you parents rule until age 18. Unfortunately for this kid the adults in his life failed him miserably. I'd hardly call that "epic".

Boys in Sparta were trained as warriors from the age of seven.

Trained to kill.

They became men at a far younger age than America's "men".

Most of America's "men" will never join the military. Most will never kill a man, and most will never risk their life to fight and kill for what what they believe in.

Yet we have women doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

And across the ocean there are children doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

This isn't Sparta, this is America 2014. People live to be in their 80's. I fail to see how putting a child in harms way at the age of 10 equals bravery. The child doesn't fully understand the consequences of going into battle, he believes anything daddy tells him I.E. there is a Santa Claus. Basically the father of that kid was an idiot and the kid paid the price for his fathers stupidity because he was too young to know any different.

As far as todays men, yes there are a lot of pussies but there are a lot of brave men out there too and many more who would sign up if need be. Just because men aren't lining up to fight and die doesn't mean they won't if the cause is right. It just means that maybe the military isn't for them. Don't forget in the past we had the draft and we don't now. I do think a lot of the "glory" surrounding battle has given away to truth by way of Media. When you can turn on the TV or computer and see what war is really like by viewing past wars it takes the glamour out of it.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?
He's 10. He doesn't have the metal capabilities to decide whether or not he should do something as dangerous as go into battle or not. That's why CHILDREN need adults to run their lives at age 10 and you're under you parents rule until age 18. Unfortunately for this kid the adults in his life failed him miserably. I'd hardly call that "epic".

Boys in Sparta were trained as warriors from the age of seven.

Trained to kill.

They became men at a far younger age than America's "men".

Most of America's "men" will never join the military. Most will never kill a man, and most will never risk their life to fight and kill for what what they believe in.

Yet we have women doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

And across the ocean there are children doing those things who are braver than most of America's "men".

This isn't Sparta, this is America 2014. People live to be in their 80's. I fail to see how putting a child in harms way at the age of 10 equals bravery. The child doesn't fully understand the consequences of going into battle, he believes anything daddy tells him I.E. there is a Santa Claus. Basically the father of that kid was an idiot and the kid paid the price for his fathers stupidity because he was too young to know any different.

As far as todays men, yes there are a lot of pussies but there are a lot of brave men out there too and many more who would sign up if need be. Just because men aren't lining up to fight and die doesn't mean they won't if the cause is right. It just means that maybe the military isn't for them. Don't forget in the past we had the draft and we don't now. I do think a lot of the "glory" surrounding battle has given away to truth by way of Media. When you can turn on the TV or computer and see what war is really like by viewing past wars it takes the glamour out of it.

Or I can choose to allow only my own military experiences to affect my perspective of War, free of what everyone else tries to say to me about how they think they feel about it.
He was ten years old and willingly went to battle and sacrificed his life for something he cared about.

He fought alongside his father and they both spilled their blood together, and lost their lives standing up for what they believed in.


So... in America, what epic things are most ten year olds doing?

Not dying for an invisible man who lives in the sky.

The "sky" becomes a very big place when you consider that just beyond it lies the entire Universe/ Multiverse.

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The mistake people here are making is comparing American 10 yr. olds with 10 yr. olds in 3rd world countries.

American 10 yr. olds live in a fantasy state of games, playtime, cartoons, .......basically in a state of developmental limbo.

Whereas, in the 3rd world countries of the middle east, asia, africa, and other lands. By the age of 10 children are expected to act, behave, and take on adult responsibilities. ....... :cool:

Ain't that the mothafuckin' truth

They now celebrate their children dying for a pedophile Cult leader!

The Daily Mail ^

Islamic State militants and sympathisers are triumphantly circulating images of a 10-year-old boy they claim has been 'martyred' with while fighting alongside his father in Syria. Describing the child as ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken before his alleged death show him smiling at the camera, wearing military fatigues and brandishing a huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took to social media to identify the 'cub fighter' by his alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding that both he and his father were killed during clashes in Syria in recent weeks, but not specifying exactly where they died or who they...

My spin: ISIS running out of military-aged members, using children to fight their battles. :)
They now celebrate their children dying for a pedophile Cult leader!

The Daily Mail ^

Islamic State militants and sympathisers are triumphantly circulating images of a 10-year-old boy they claim has been 'martyred' with while fighting alongside his father in Syria. Describing the child as ISIS' youngest jihadist, chilling photographs taken before his alleged death show him smiling at the camera, wearing military fatigues and brandishing a huge assault rifle. ISIS sympathisers took to social media to identify the 'cub fighter' by his alleged nom de guerre Abu Ubaidah, adding that both he and his father were killed during clashes in Syria in recent weeks, but not specifying exactly where they died or who they...

My spin: ISIS running out of military-aged members, using children to fight their battles. :)
My spin: Radical Muslims are maniacal, worthless, brainwashed killers who value no human life other than their very own...including those of their wives and children. They are the absolute lowest of evil creatures.....scabs on the ass of humanity.

There is more value to mankind in a pound of pig shit than in all radical Muslims combined.
my spin...the is one of the cheapest low life kinda propaganda schemes there is ... and you folks are falling for it.
PM me your email address. I can send you many gruesome images of what ISIS is doing to people. At least one shows a very young boy standing with the radicals, holding his own rifle and grinning with pride as the innocent citizens are slaughtered. The OP is not propaganda. Radical Muslims are vicious animals...not unlike rabid dogs. They should all be "put down".

Additionally, there is other evidence floating around that pride in becoming a jihadist/volunteer-suicide bomber is instilled in young boys 6 and 7 years old....likely even younger. They should die right along with their worthless elders.
my spin...the is one of the cheapest low life kinda propaganda schemes there is ... and you folks are falling for it.
PM me your email address. I can send you many gruesome images of what ISIS is doing to people. At least one shows a very young boy standing with the radicals, holding his own rifle and grinning with pride as the innocent citizens are slaughtered. The OP is not propaganda. Radical Muslims are vicious animals...not unlike rabid dogs. They should all be "put down".

Additionally, there is other evidence floating around that pride in becoming a jihadist/volunteer-suicide bomber is instilled in young boys 6 and 7 years old....likely even younger. They should die right along with their worthless elders.
the propaganda they are spewing is our children are braver than your soldiers....

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