Is Trump's lead a house of cards?


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Trump’s lead in New Hampshire is a house of cards

I think we've all read/heard stories about how once the race shakes out the lower tier candidates, support will coalesces around one establishment candidate. I'm not so sure about that, because the establishment support for Rubio seems to be "well, he's better than Trump or Cruz." But, if the race is largely between Trump and Cruz, then perhaps the poll numbers showing very few voters switching from one candidate would support Trump regardless of who else is still in the race, maybe that's bad news for Trump.
He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?
He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?
Ben, did you watch last night's Democratic debate? If so, what do you think?
He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?
THIS is is what he needs to stick to. I'm hoping he stops with the attacks against the douche Cruz and moves on to bigger and better things like winning and locking up the nomination. He needs to lead and now is the time...

It should be all about him (policies etc), Hillary and Obama.
He seems like the type that will implode. Listening to his talks is not an easy task the way he careens from one topic to the next.
Like I said in another thread : They found a crack in Trumps campaign..if he doesn't feed it he will get the ratings up..
If he continues to cry about Cruz's dirty tricks , people will get turned off.
We all saw what Cruz did. Move on and focus on Solutions~

He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?
Ben, did you watch last night's Democratic debate? If so, what do you think?
I'd rather hit myself than watch Bernie and Hill. LOL

I watched espn and Da Bears from 1985. That team was nearly as dysfunctional as the dems. (-:

Of course, I'd only watch the Donald if Megan was there. With a short skirt. Fox needs to keep her in short skirts like the bimbo on Faux and Friends...
Trump has a solid 1/3rd of the likely GOP electorate, so, no, that is no house of cards.

However, he must get the supporters of Paul and Huckabee and the others who fall out, and at this point that is not happening.

Ask yourselves why Rubio is gaining ground. It is at Trump's expense.
Trump has a solid 1/3rd of the likely GOP electorate, so, no, that is no house of cards.

However, he must get the supporters of Paul and Huckabee and the others who fall out, and at this point that is not happening.

Ask yourselves why Rubio is gaining ground. It is at Trump's expense.
I think the blog I linked was unfortunately titled. IF establishment support lines up for Rubio, he'd be maxed at about 40%. That's enough to beat both Trump and Cruz. But if the Donald has mis-stepped, and so po'd Cruz supporters that they prefer Rubio to him if they decide Cruz is at best coming in third .... then perhaps the Big Quack is pate.

Trump Holds Lead in N.H. as Rubio Gains Ground: Poll
He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?
Ben, did you watch last night's Democratic debate? If so, what do you think?
I'd rather hit myself than watch Bernie and Hill. LOL

I watched espn and Da Bears from 1985. That team was nearly as dysfunctional as the dems. (-:

Of course, I'd only watch the Donald if Megan was there. With a short skirt. Fox needs to keep her in short skirts like the bimbo on Faux and Friends...
A pity! For once it was a DEBATE on issues! Not about moderators or past insults. Like the party or not, it was at least a model of what a debate should be.
Voters leaving the other camps will not rush to Trump

Let's see what happens after Super Tuesday
He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?
Ben, did you watch last night's Democratic debate? If so, what do you think?
I'd rather hit myself than watch Bernie and Hill. LOL

I watched espn and Da Bears from 1985. That team was nearly as dysfunctional as the dems. (-:

Of course, I'd only watch the Donald if Megan was there. With a short skirt. Fox needs to keep her in short skirts like the bimbo on Faux and Friends...
A pity! For once it was a DEBATE on issues! Not about moderators or past insults. Like the party or not, it was at least a model of what a debate should be.
Ok, just shame me. (-: I'll read the transcript

What'd They Say? Transcript From Clinton-Sanders Debate

But man if I hear that old Brooklyn fart say "mooslim" one more time, or Hillary SCREECH, I'll vote gop ...... Oh wait I'm gonna do that anyway!
He's all but disappeared from the news today. All Trump all the time is at least taking a breather.
Curious and Curiouser.

Trump ignores GOP rivals, swings at Obama

It's almost as if Cruz's dirty tricks in Iowa has the Donald cowed. And, both the Donald and Hill have an odd relationship towards their opponents. Hillary is apparently worried that telling voters the truth about Bernie not having a snowball's chance in hell reforming the tax code to pre-Reagan views will make her seem "not progressive." And, the Donald could honestly say "there's not a snowball's chance in hell Cruz will be able to force a real debt deal between Pelosi, McConnell and the Freedom Caucus, and I'm your only option." But if he said that, would he then be the establishment candidate?

Oh and what "dirty tricks" are these?
THIS is is what he needs to stick to. I'm hoping he stops with the attacks against the douche Cruz and moves on to bigger and better things like winning and locking up the nomination. He needs to lead and now is the time...

It should be all about him (policies etc), Hillary and Obama.

Whining for a "do over" in Iowa because he lost is childish and shows that he is not fit to hold office.

I am more convinced than ever that he is just a "Ross Perot" working for the corrupt Clinton machine to split the GOP vote.
Trump is 15 points ahead of Rubio in New Hampshire with Cruz at 7.

Trump is 16 points ahead of Cruz in South Carolina with Rubio at 12.

These numbers should be telling you all something...why you refuse to see it I don't know.

Trump is the only candidate with strong support in the Moderate states AND strong support in the Red states.

Do we want to win an election or don't we?

Trump opens up a very real possibility of winning Pennsylvania for the first time since Reagan. And Michigan, and New Jersey and Wisconsin are on the table as well. Tell me with a straight face that Rubio or Cruz can do that.

For whatever reason, Republicans do not seem to understand the electoral map.

Rubio and Cruz, if they cannot open up new states as battlegrounds, MUST win ALL the Red States plus Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, AND Iowa or New Hampshire.

This is a loss:

Republican 270 to win.png

Cruz isn't going to open up the blue states...nothing against the man, but that's just the reality.

And the moderate establishment Republican candidate like Rubio hasn't moved the needle in Iowa or Colorado or Nevada...much less Bluer states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and New Jersey.

Romney lost all of the above, and every battleground state. And McCain's loss was worse still....he lost Indiana and North Carolina too! That is what we are up against.

2012 270 to win.png

tl;dr ... if we can't expand the electoral map, we can't win an election. Of the viable candidates, Trump has the greatest opportunity to do just that.
THIS is is what he needs to stick to. I'm hoping he stops with the attacks against the douche Cruz and moves on to bigger and better things like winning and locking up the nomination. He needs to lead and now is the time...

It should be all about him (policies etc), Hillary and Obama.

Whining for a "do over" in Iowa because he lost is childish and shows that he is not fit to hold office.

I am more convinced than ever that he is just a "Ross Perot" working for the corrupt Clinton machine to split the GOP vote.
He had the balls to call out Cruz and his campaign for obvious fraud. Carson did as well. Did any of the other pussies? No. Why? Because they are cowards and stand for nothing. They'll go along to get most people. They'll bitch and moan behind closed doors yet do or say nothing. Trump on the other hand had the balls to call out the fraud that Cruz and his campaign participated in. If you're convinced he's working for the Clinton machine to split the GOP vote you haven't been paying attention to anything.

Quit reacting and acting out of emotion.
1,237 needed for nomination · 2,472 available

can Trump do it ?

Also known as the ‘SEC Primary,’ more delegates are bound on this day than any other in the primary race, all by some form of proportional allocation.** Many of the states are deeply conservative, and are being eyed by candidates appealing to such voters as an opportunity to build momentum. But there will be plenty of opportunities for more moderate candidates to come away with delegates, and maybe some victories too.

  • Alabama Primary (50 total delegates/47 bound) — Proportional with 20% threshold
  • Alaska Caucuses (28/25) — Proportional with 13% threshold
  • Arkansas Primary (40/37) — Proportional with 15% threshold
  • Georgia Primary (76) — Proportional with 20% threshold
  • Massachusetts Primary (42/39) — Proportional with 5% threshold
  • Minnesota Caucuses (38/35) — Proportional with 10% threshold
  • North Dakota Caucuses (28/0) — The state does not have a presidential preference poll and all delegates are officially unbound. Caucuses can be flexibly scheduled
  • Oklahoma Primary (43/40) — Proportional with 15% threshold
  • Tennessee Primary (58/55) — Proportional with 20% threshold
  • Texas Primary (155/152) — Proportional with 20% threshold
  • Vermont Primary (16/13) — Proportional with 20% threshold
  • Virginia Primary (49/46) — Proportional
  • Wyoming Caucuses (29/0) — The state does not have a presidential preference poll and all delegates are officially unbound
March 5, 2016 (145 bound delegates)

  • Kansas Caucuses (40) — Proportional with 10% threshold
  • Kentucky Caucuses (45/42) — Proportional with 5% threshold
  • Louisiana Primary (46/43) — Proportional with 20% threshold statewide, no threshold for congressional district delegates
  • Maine Caucuses (23/20) — Proportional with 10% threshold
March 6, 2016 (23 bound delegates)

  • Puerto Rico Primary (23) — Proportional with 20% threshold
March 8, 2016 (140 bound delegates)

  • Hawaii Caucuses (19/16) — Proportional
  • Idaho Primary (32) — Proportional with 20% threshold
  • Michigan Primary (59/56) — Proportional with 15% threshold
  • Mississippi Primary (39/36) — Proportional with 15% threshold
March 12, 2016 (19 bound delegates)

  • District of Columbia Convention (19) — Proportional with 15% threshold
  • Guam Convention (9/0) — Delegates elected at convention and unbound
Super Tuesday: March 15, 2016 (361 bound delegates)
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