CDZ Is This Election Government VS God?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
If you are talking the Christian/Jewish God I think it is.

Socialist government REQUIRES one major thing to operate. They WANT to be God. So in order to be god they MUST replace God. You saw it with Chavez and Castro and that leader in North Korea.

Socialist government MUST take the faith of a people in order to replace it with government. In order to take it they MUST attack it with so called NEW socialist thinking. And they must outlaw or blame any religion or faith in its way.

So you instill a FALSE faith in the population say Islam. And you write rules/laws to protect it above ALL others. You CAN see that today. You find a group of misfits to attack the Christian and the Jew but NOT the muslim. You CAN see that on this very board.

You DEMAND people tolerate and accept when its one group an attack the other for wishing to be treated equal. The point the idea has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with control.

OUR government bias and hate toward the Christian and the Jew are more then evident. The Christian or the Jew can be thrown in jail for protesting the homo. But the muslim can burn them at stakes or throw them off buildings and how does OUR government react? They send money.

Many like to argue that its the culture these savages bring NOT their religion that causes them to kill. How can that be when their religion IS their culture?
Do you not see the death of the American Christian or Jew yet?

Where exactly is the logic to remove firearms from one group while IMPORTING another that hates it and calls for their slaughter? Is it not possible it is the Christian God they seek to destroy? Islam calls for that and democrats back Islam.

Democrats see islam as a way to break the faith in God in Jesus.
Islam see democrats as a way to break the faith in country, in self rule and liberty. Think I am "out there?'. Check Hillary's donor list. Islamic money says I am not. REPEAT islamic money says I am not.

Is This Election Government VS God?

Could be, but that doesn't automatically make your side the Godly one. IMO, your claims are too over-the-top to be considered appropriate as topics of discussion in this forum. The way you worded your post clashes with the very notion of clean debate.
DF, you are talking as if you are an idiot. Economic systems like socialism and capitalism are not anti-God in and of themselves. A government system, whether communistic or democratic, could be very well for one particular god, a set of god, or no gods.

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