Is there a ‘war’ against American culture perpetuated by politicians and multiculturalism?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?
The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?

Yes, definitely. Destroy existing institutions and build new ones that support allegiance to the State, i.e., GOVERNMENT. If you like communism, this is the way to get there.
Change is inevitable when those that have been marginalized for decades strike back.
"those who have been marginalized"
Are you speaking of the black people that we elect as president...TWICE?
The ones we cover tuitions for at Ivy League Universities?
The ones we've spent $22 trillion on by way of welfare?

Those "marginalized" people?
The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?

And don't forget the rebirth of the actors of Buffalo Bill Cody's never written presentation: "How to attack the Congress and to undermine the values of the USA"

The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?

Obviously. You'd have to either be PART of the attack on our culture or a damned brainwashed idiot twit not to see it.

  • Suppose a few thousand people went down to that bridge in Texas with guns where 20,000 illegals are invading and gathering, to run them out back across the river back into Mexico to defend our laws and sovereignty.
Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 6.09.24 PM.jpg

Who do you think the government elected and put into place to both represent us and protect us would have the greater problem with?
  1. The illegal Haitians invading our border breaking the law coming in with no documentation with less than 1% vaccinated against Covid destroying private property and burdening our system?
  2. Or the people going there, armed, to defend our laws and land?
Would they back us up and take over to rid us of the problem? Or would they consider the Americans armed terrorists and insurgents outside the law, come in with armored vehicles, helicopters and SWAT teams and order us at gunpoint to surrender and be arrested?

Which would they show first proudly on the news:
  1. The 20,000 hidden invaders hiding under the bridge brought in by Biden?
  2. Or the Americans being rounded up, hands on head, to be prosecuted as seditious vigilantes and likely unvaccinated, unmasked, out of control probable Trump Supporters?
As a white born in america swedish american no the war on culture is fake news. I could care less what statues monuments etc are kept or removed. It matters zero to this citizen.
The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?
The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?

Diversity is destroying American culture, way of life, and history.

Diversity doesn't make us stronger, it makes us weaker. We forced diversity and now it's here. So what we have are millions of people from allover the world, and even millions of American citizens that all want their own version of America, they want what they don't like deleted, they want their culture to be important over all others and so on. No one gives a shit about American history and american culture unless they are hating on it. We have too much diversity.

Look at countries like Switzerland. It's a pain in the ass to become a swiss citizen and it takes a long time, hell you have to be fluent in their language. They are predominantly white, all speak the same language, follow the same rules and all agree on their societies norms without a lot of diversity. They also have in all of europe insanely low gun crimes, high employment rates, high education rates, a good healthcare system and their country is rich and not in crushing debt. I think the lack of diversity helps their society because everyone is comfortable with eachother, and there is comfort in normality.

What does America have? Millions of people from all kinds of countries, backgrounds, religions, and more all bitching and arguing about what they want. And we have millions wanting to destroy American culture for no particular reason I can see.

And it keeps getting worse. Now we're letting Haitians run around, tons of Mexicans, bringing in people from Afghanistan, talks of letting Chinese come in. Even our people are fucking morons like all the blacks that came from families that have lived here 100 years talking about their fucking African culture when the asshole was born in Philly and probably couldn't find Africa on a globe.

Diversity is a crock of shit. But ultimately it's the American people, the real Americans that love this country, it's their fault for letting it happen. We're all cucks just sitting around while our wife (america) gets gang fucked and we sit there and just watch it and let it happen because we can't get our dicks hard and are losers, and politicians sit there with their thumb up their ass calling for more diversity.
The attacks on American institutions, our constitution, our monuments, our historical accomplishments, the American Way, American virtues and even our flag all an attempt to make America the worlds nation…to make illegals and minorites feel warmer and fuzzier inside while pissing off core American, those who share a last name with dead soldiers.
Shouldn’t we recognize this as a “war” on what America is and has been?
Yeah. America was so much greater when negroes and fags and spics knew their the end of a rope.

America was greater when women stayed in the goddam kitchen and couldn't vote.
Change is inevitable when those that have been marginalized for decades strike back.
You have spaz attacks about rich people. Some are purveyors of tyranny like Gates. Then there are rich people who may even be Dems who push the future with inventions and high tech. Neil DeGrasse is about as Prog as it comes. A hammer and sickel flag must be in his home. Yet he gushes about the private side launches of humans into sub orbital and orbital space. He is due for another global warming propaganda spiel. By golly the peasant will be spending a few grand year more in costs to live just on that. And there won't be much improvement from it and they will use conventional improvements to declare some successes.
Diversity is destroying American culture, way of life, and history.
:Yeah, we should never have allowed all those Catholics, Micks, Eyetalians, Pollocks, Frogs, Ruskies, Krauts, and other scum come here. YUGE mistake. They totally destroyed our culture and history!




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