Is There a Single Person in DNC Hierarchy With the Balls to Stand-Up to False Claims?


May 23, 2014
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review
Does anyone remember at the Chicago convention when the Democratic party refused to sit elected delagates because they did not represent the "FACE OF AMERICA' AND replaced them with Gay guys, Black Guys and Black females, and Native Americans../ You get the ideas. The people replaced were all White men. You could say this was when the party became Progressive/Commie.
"people of color" is the only way to go. Even if you are colorless-----you can DECLARE yourself colorful by virtue of specific qualifications-----like homosexuality or islam
"people of color" is the only way to go. Even if you are colorless-----you can DECLARE yourself colorful by virtue of specific qualifications-----like homosexuality or islam
Democrats are rudderless.
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review
Oh geez... I'm here for you, guy :itsok:
Truth is what it is. Why you idiots can’t win an election.
Kamala Harris will be 2020 nominee for DNC and white elitist like Mika Brazinski will go for it. Idiots.
once again, it's all about race, eh?
It’s about dividing our country and causing violence for political purposes. My friends in the military were black. They used to tease me about why I was only white guy that hung out with them and drank beer and got chicks. I told them straight: “ your the only motherfuckers that don’t give a shit about getting in trouble.” I was poor white trash so that’s, that. a person...they were there to better themselves and, like me, had a child, or children. No racist shit. We had to survive together in combat. Green was only color in the military. I listened to country and they listened to hip-hop. Democrats drive racist bullshit because they need votes.
once again, it's all about race, eh?
To the Democrats it most certainly is.

What would Democrats do if their claims of “racism” against various Republicans and conservative groups were met with the same denial and they were given the same benefit of the doubt that Sharpton receives when he is called a racist?
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review

Actually, you've made an excellent point--one that has been on my mind for some time. This new round of MSM driven racial division in America would have us believe the civil rights movement either never occurred, or achieved nothing for Americans of various skin colors. While this is obviously not true, and a simple check of American history of the past sixty years should negate MSM psychological racial warfare sweeping America today for the campaign of lies that it is, both the radical American Left and more moderate democrat leaders are equally guilty of perpetuating and enabling the lies for accumulation of political capital with which to oppose President Trump at every turn.

That being said, and while I am certain men and women of great character do still exist within democrat leadership, revealing and standing up for the Truth about the radical Leftist race baiting lies would likely immediately end their careers at least, if not result in some kind of discrimination charge based on House or Senate ethics laws. Until some revelation breaks out on the American Left to debunk this terrible, intentional division of American citizens by skin tone, the daily barrage of racism stories delivered by the MSM will continue and likely intensify.

God help us.
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review

Actually, you've made an excellent point--one that has been on my mind for some time. This new round of MSM driven racial division in America would have us believe the civil rights movement either never occurred, or achieved nothing for Americans of various skin colors. While this is obviously not true, and a simple check of American history of the past sixty years should negate MSM psychological racial warfare sweeping America today for the campaign of lies that it is, both the radical American Left and more moderate democrat leaders are equally guilty of perpetuating and enabling the lies for accumulation of political capital with which to oppose President Trump at every turn.

That being said, and while I am certain men and women of great character do still exist within democrat leadership, revealing and standing up for the Truth about the radical Leftist race baiting lies would likely immediately end their careers at least, if not result in some kind of discrimination charge based on House or Senate ethics laws. Until some revelation breaks out on the American Left to debunk this terrible, intentional division of American citizens by skin tone, the daily barrage of racism stories delivered by the MSM will continue and likely intensify.

God help us.
Or Republicans could simply make it so racism by and against whites is treated no differently than racism by or against anyone else and effectively unmask the “social justice” bigots.
once again, it's all about race, eh?
To the Democrats it most certainly is.

What would Democrats do if their claims of “racism” against various Republicans and conservative groups were met with the same denial and they were given the same benefit of the doubt that Sharpton receives when he is called a racist?
you'd have a point if right wingers did not bring the topic up, ALL THE Time! ;)
once again, it's all about race, eh?
To the Democrats it most certainly is.

What would Democrats do if their claims of “racism” against various Republicans and conservative groups were met with the same denial and they were given the same benefit of the doubt that Sharpton receives when he is called a racist?
you'd have a point if right wingers did not bring the topic up, ALL THE Time! ;)
MSM and liberals use it as a political truncheon ALL THE TIME.
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review

Remember, Perez and Ellison run the DNC, nuff said.

The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review

Remember, Perez and Ellison run the DNC, nuff said.

Largest and most invasive racist organization in America. Democratic National Committee.
The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review

Remember, Perez and Ellison run the DNC, nuff said.

Largest and most invasive racist organization in America. Democratic National Committee.

Of course they are, they divide all these "grievance" groups, pit them against each other, then every two years the commiecrats claim to be their protectors. Then right after the election those groups are forgotten for a year, till they ramp up for the next election.

The DNC has pushed white people out of the party over ridiculous claims of blatant racism in America. I don’t recall seeing segregated schools or whites only signs in 2018...or 1976 for that matter. What kind of shit do they constantly have to stir? Democrats need divisions and hatred because they are sick minded people.
Identity Politics Ruined the Democratic Party | National Review

Remember, Perez and Ellison run the DNC, nuff said.

Largest and most invasive racist organization in America. Democratic National Committee.

Of course they are, they divide all these "grievance" groups, pit them against each other, then every two years the commiecrats claim to be their protectors. Then right after the election those groups are forgotten for a year, till they ramp up for the next election.


It seems to me to be a NEW tactic of the Democratic party. USED to be
democrat meant worker's rights to WORK AND BE PRODUCTIVE AND BE
PAID FOR IT ------sorta

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