Is The Wuhan Coronavirus Really A Chinese Bioweapon?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Is The Wuhan Coronavirus Really A Chinese Bioweapon?
Conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions.

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jay W. Richards, Douglas Axe and William Briggs
After nearly one year, questions remain unanswered about whether the Chinese coronavirus was natural or man-made and whether its release into the world was accidental or malicious.
Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan has stirred up media attention with her claim that the coronavirus connected with COVID-19 is the result of Chinese bioengineering. She’s been saying this for a while, but the renewed attention follows a paper she and her coauthors uploaded to a public research repository. Tucker Carlson recently interviewed her on his popular Fox News show, where she went so far as to claim that Chinese authorities not only created the bug but released it on the world intentionally.
These claims, which we should treat separately, have been in the air for months. One online documentary that made the rounds in the spring got things started. It claimed that the cell-invading appendages (called spike proteins) on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are suspiciously like the appendages on the original SARS virus, which caused an outbreak in 2003. The claim seems to be that scientists engineered a coronavirus from bats so it would infect humans.
What Does Scientific Inquiry Find About Coronavirus?
Like all proteins, these spike proteins are made in cells by linking amino acids to produce long chains that fold up into their working form. So if someone made the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by splicing pieces of the original SARS spike protein into the spike protein from a bat virus, we should see this. Specifically, when we examine the amino-acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we should see pieces that match the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein, with the rest matching the bat spike protein.
As the figure below shows, we see nothing of the sort. There are only three extended regions in which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein differs from what is reported to be the most similar bat virus spike protein (from bat coronavirus RaTG13). Even in these regions, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is more like the bat virus protein than the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein.
So what did happen? For a few months, the press and the World Health Organization went with the “Chinese wet market” story. Anyone who pointed to evidence that the coronavirus might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was dubbed a conspiracy theorist.
The evidence kept growing, however, and finally overcame whatever spell corporate media was under. We know this lab studied bats infected with coronaviruses. Two years before the outbreak, U.S. Embassy officials had warned about lax safety standards at the lab. And in May 2020, NBC obtained a report from British and American intelligence that said that “there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a ‘hazardous event’ sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.”
Is the Charge Itself a Chinese Op?
These claims keep resurfacing because they confirm the (quite reasonable) hostility that many Americans, especially conservatives, have toward the Chinese leadership. But surely, the Chinese military understands this, giving us still more reason to exercise caution.
Might Yan actually be doing the bidding — wittingly or not — of the Chinese regime? What if this is itself a clever propaganda op hatched in Beijing? That’s what Jordan Schachtel suggests in a recent article.
After all, the coronavirus is a PR disaster for the Chinese Communists no matter how you slice it. Now that the coronavirus is out, though, Beijing could benefit by building the reputation of a scary research program that cooked up a bug to contaminate the world. If the rest of the world panics and shuts down their economies, all the better.
This is speculative, of course, but conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions — no matter whose ox is gored.

In Orange man's second term a thorough investigation needs to be done by the CIA. FBI, and NSA as much as possible to determine the origins of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. If it turns out this was a deliberate release, there needs to be serious retribution up to the point of sparking a full fledged overthrow of the ChiComs. This has ruined lives and perhaps changed our perceptions of freedoms forever! A price must be paid and payment extracted with interest.
If China Jooey Xi Biden wins, we can forget any investigations on the origins of the Wuahan Kung Flu that could make the CCP look bad. Slow Joe’s son Hunter and Joey Xi's brother James is in the Chicom pocket and will become Billionaires.
This single strand virus has splice points in its RNA. Many people believe it was bio-engineered despite what the CDC is saying. The virus is very selective on who it attacks. I am still undecided but leaning towards manufactured..

In a normal virus the proteins are all the same. In this the proteins are two or three different strains and may have been inserted.

Without the virology logs from China we may never know...
Scientific consensus is that selectivity came about naturally, its affinity for ACE2 receptors. We covered these mutations yesterday (and at other times) on the snake meat thread.
Besides, Wuhanvirus causes too many catastrophic affects beyond respiratory ones like blood clots, strokes, kidney failure, and cardiac arrest to be purely natural.
To many systems are affected to be naturally occurring.. Another good point. This goes back to the multiple origin protein spikes on this virus. How did that occur without mutating all of the internal protein spikes?? IT doesn't make sense unless it has been spliced.
Is The Wuhan Coronavirus Really A Chinese Bioweapon?
Conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions.

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jay W. Richards, Douglas Axe and William Briggs
After nearly one year, questions remain unanswered about whether the Chinese coronavirus was natural or man-made and whether its release into the world was accidental or malicious.
Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan has stirred up media attention with her claim that the coronavirus connected with COVID-19 is the result of Chinese bioengineering. She’s been saying this for a while, but the renewed attention follows a paper she and her coauthors uploaded to a public research repository. Tucker Carlson recently interviewed her on his popular Fox News show, where she went so far as to claim that Chinese authorities not only created the bug but released it on the world intentionally.
These claims, which we should treat separately, have been in the air for months. One online documentary that made the rounds in the spring got things started. It claimed that the cell-invading appendages (called spike proteins) on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are suspiciously like the appendages on the original SARS virus, which caused an outbreak in 2003. The claim seems to be that scientists engineered a coronavirus from bats so it would infect humans.
What Does Scientific Inquiry Find About Coronavirus?
Like all proteins, these spike proteins are made in cells by linking amino acids to produce long chains that fold up into their working form. So if someone made the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by splicing pieces of the original SARS spike protein into the spike protein from a bat virus, we should see this. Specifically, when we examine the amino-acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we should see pieces that match the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein, with the rest matching the bat spike protein.
As the figure below shows, we see nothing of the sort. There are only three extended regions in which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein differs from what is reported to be the most similar bat virus spike protein (from bat coronavirus RaTG13). Even in these regions, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is more like the bat virus protein than the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein.
So what did happen? For a few months, the press and the World Health Organization went with the “Chinese wet market” story. Anyone who pointed to evidence that the coronavirus might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was dubbed a conspiracy theorist.
The evidence kept growing, however, and finally overcame whatever spell corporate media was under. We know this lab studied bats infected with coronaviruses. Two years before the outbreak, U.S. Embassy officials had warned about lax safety standards at the lab. And in May 2020, NBC obtained a report from British and American intelligence that said that “there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a ‘hazardous event’ sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.”
Is the Charge Itself a Chinese Op?
These claims keep resurfacing because they confirm the (quite reasonable) hostility that many Americans, especially conservatives, have toward the Chinese leadership. But surely, the Chinese military understands this, giving us still more reason to exercise caution.
Might Yan actually be doing the bidding — wittingly or not — of the Chinese regime? What if this is itself a clever propaganda op hatched in Beijing? That’s what Jordan Schachtel suggests in a recent article.
After all, the coronavirus is a PR disaster for the Chinese Communists no matter how you slice it. Now that the coronavirus is out, though, Beijing could benefit by building the reputation of a scary research program that cooked up a bug to contaminate the world. If the rest of the world panics and shuts down their economies, all the better.
This is speculative, of course, but conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions — no matter whose ox is gored.

In Orange man's second term a thorough investigation needs to be done by the CIA. FBI, and NSA as much as possible to determine the origins of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. If it turns out this was a deliberate release, there needs to be serious retribution up to the point of sparking a full fledged overthrow of the ChiComs. This has ruined lives and perhaps changed our perceptions of freedoms forever! A price must be paid and payment extracted with interest.
If China Jooey Xi Biden wins, we can forget any investigations on the origins of the Wuahan Kung Flu that could make the CCP look bad. Slow Joe’s son Hunter and Joey Xi's brother James is in the Chicom pocket and will become Billionaires.
When it comes to communist or socialist states (same fucking thing) nothing surprises me. There are no individual rights in ChiCom China. There are no morals or ethics except that which is owed to their god, the State.

We need regime change in China once and for all.
#5‘s argument for selectivity fails because ACE2 receptors occur in many organs.

Is that your expertise and PH.D knowledge of Micro-Biology speaking?
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Is The Wuhan Coronavirus Really A Chinese Bioweapon?
Conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions.

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jay W. Richards, Douglas Axe and William Briggs
After nearly one year, questions remain unanswered about whether the Chinese coronavirus was natural or man-made and whether its release into the world was accidental or malicious.
Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan has stirred up media attention with her claim that the coronavirus connected with COVID-19 is the result of Chinese bioengineering. She’s been saying this for a while, but the renewed attention follows a paper she and her coauthors uploaded to a public research repository. Tucker Carlson recently interviewed her on his popular Fox News show, where she went so far as to claim that Chinese authorities not only created the bug but released it on the world intentionally.
These claims, which we should treat separately, have been in the air for months. One online documentary that made the rounds in the spring got things started. It claimed that the cell-invading appendages (called spike proteins) on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are suspiciously like the appendages on the original SARS virus, which caused an outbreak in 2003. The claim seems to be that scientists engineered a coronavirus from bats so it would infect humans.
What Does Scientific Inquiry Find About Coronavirus?
Like all proteins, these spike proteins are made in cells by linking amino acids to produce long chains that fold up into their working form. So if someone made the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by splicing pieces of the original SARS spike protein into the spike protein from a bat virus, we should see this. Specifically, when we examine the amino-acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we should see pieces that match the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein, with the rest matching the bat spike protein.
As the figure below shows, we see nothing of the sort. There are only three extended regions in which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein differs from what is reported to be the most similar bat virus spike protein (from bat coronavirus RaTG13). Even in these regions, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is more like the bat virus protein than the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein.
So what did happen? For a few months, the press and the World Health Organization went with the “Chinese wet market” story. Anyone who pointed to evidence that the coronavirus might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was dubbed a conspiracy theorist.
The evidence kept growing, however, and finally overcame whatever spell corporate media was under. We know this lab studied bats infected with coronaviruses. Two years before the outbreak, U.S. Embassy officials had warned about lax safety standards at the lab. And in May 2020, NBC obtained a report from British and American intelligence that said that “there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a ‘hazardous event’ sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.”
Is the Charge Itself a Chinese Op?
These claims keep resurfacing because they confirm the (quite reasonable) hostility that many Americans, especially conservatives, have toward the Chinese leadership. But surely, the Chinese military understands this, giving us still more reason to exercise caution.
Might Yan actually be doing the bidding — wittingly or not — of the Chinese regime? What if this is itself a clever propaganda op hatched in Beijing? That’s what Jordan Schachtel suggests in a recent article.
After all, the coronavirus is a PR disaster for the Chinese Communists no matter how you slice it. Now that the coronavirus is out, though, Beijing could benefit by building the reputation of a scary research program that cooked up a bug to contaminate the world. If the rest of the world panics and shuts down their economies, all the better.
This is speculative, of course, but conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions — no matter whose ox is gored.

In Orange man's second term a thorough investigation needs to be done by the CIA. FBI, and NSA as much as possible to determine the origins of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. If it turns out this was a deliberate release, there needs to be serious retribution up to the point of sparking a full fledged overthrow of the ChiComs. This has ruined lives and perhaps changed our perceptions of freedoms forever! A price must be paid and payment extracted with interest.
If China Jooey Xi Biden wins, we can forget any investigations on the origins of the Wuahan Kung Flu that could make the CCP look bad. Slow Joe’s son Hunter and Joey Xi's brother James is in the Chicom pocket and will become Billionaires.
Yes I firmly believe it was a deliberate biological attack on the United States by the Chinese Communist worse than 9/11.
Is The Wuhan Coronavirus Really A Chinese Bioweapon?
Conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions.

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jay W. Richards, Douglas Axe and William Briggs
After nearly one year, questions remain unanswered about whether the Chinese coronavirus was natural or man-made and whether its release into the world was accidental or malicious.
Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan has stirred up media attention with her claim that the coronavirus connected with COVID-19 is the result of Chinese bioengineering. She’s been saying this for a while, but the renewed attention follows a paper she and her coauthors uploaded to a public research repository. Tucker Carlson recently interviewed her on his popular Fox News show, where she went so far as to claim that Chinese authorities not only created the bug but released it on the world intentionally.
These claims, which we should treat separately, have been in the air for months. One online documentary that made the rounds in the spring got things started. It claimed that the cell-invading appendages (called spike proteins) on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are suspiciously like the appendages on the original SARS virus, which caused an outbreak in 2003. The claim seems to be that scientists engineered a coronavirus from bats so it would infect humans.
What Does Scientific Inquiry Find About Coronavirus?
Like all proteins, these spike proteins are made in cells by linking amino acids to produce long chains that fold up into their working form. So if someone made the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by splicing pieces of the original SARS spike protein into the spike protein from a bat virus, we should see this. Specifically, when we examine the amino-acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we should see pieces that match the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein, with the rest matching the bat spike protein.
As the figure below shows, we see nothing of the sort. There are only three extended regions in which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein differs from what is reported to be the most similar bat virus spike protein (from bat coronavirus RaTG13). Even in these regions, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is more like the bat virus protein than the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein.
So what did happen? For a few months, the press and the World Health Organization went with the “Chinese wet market” story. Anyone who pointed to evidence that the coronavirus might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was dubbed a conspiracy theorist.
The evidence kept growing, however, and finally overcame whatever spell corporate media was under. We know this lab studied bats infected with coronaviruses. Two years before the outbreak, U.S. Embassy officials had warned about lax safety standards at the lab. And in May 2020, NBC obtained a report from British and American intelligence that said that “there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a ‘hazardous event’ sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.”
Is the Charge Itself a Chinese Op?
These claims keep resurfacing because they confirm the (quite reasonable) hostility that many Americans, especially conservatives, have toward the Chinese leadership. But surely, the Chinese military understands this, giving us still more reason to exercise caution.
Might Yan actually be doing the bidding — wittingly or not — of the Chinese regime? What if this is itself a clever propaganda op hatched in Beijing? That’s what Jordan Schachtel suggests in a recent article.
After all, the coronavirus is a PR disaster for the Chinese Communists no matter how you slice it. Now that the coronavirus is out, though, Beijing could benefit by building the reputation of a scary research program that cooked up a bug to contaminate the world. If the rest of the world panics and shuts down their economies, all the better.
This is speculative, of course, but conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions — no matter whose ox is gored.

In Orange man's second term a thorough investigation needs to be done by the CIA. FBI, and NSA as much as possible to determine the origins of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. If it turns out this was a deliberate release, there needs to be serious retribution up to the point of sparking a full fledged overthrow of the ChiComs. This has ruined lives and perhaps changed our perceptions of freedoms forever! A price must be paid and payment extracted with interest.
If China Jooey Xi Biden wins, we can forget any investigations on the origins of the Wuahan Kung Flu that could make the CCP look bad. Slow Joe’s son Hunter and Joey Xi's brother James is in the Chicom pocket and will become Billionaires.
Yes I firmly believe it was a deliberate biological attack on the United States by the Chinese Communist worse than 9/11.

Why would China wait almost two (2) months to notify WHO and the world of the epidemic?

Manufactured, escaped from negligence, and spread because Xi wanted it to.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Funny how China locked all travel from Wuhan to all other Chinese cities but allowed travel to the rest of the world. That alone should be considered an act of war

That act alone tells me the they;
1. Knew how deadly this virus was.
2. Knew that this was human to human transmittable.
3. Knowingly seeded the rest of the world with it.

Cant get more brazen than that...
It's a global communist hysteria weapon.

The Chi-coms pretended to be covering up a massive outbreak of a serious disease, the democrooks acted as if Trump fell for it and called his travel restrictions "xenophobic", then distorted the statistics and acted as if Trump didn't react strongly enough to something that isn't an annual flu. The whole point was to collapse the economies of the world because the chi-coms aren't going to survive 4 more years of Trump, nor will the bed wetters .The whole ting is complete bullshit, and everyone running around with a fuckin mask on is either an idiot, a sheep, or just doesn't want to stand out.

I prefer to stand out. I'm a sheep dog.

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Ground zero was a block away from a virology lab that was manipulating coronaviruses.
I mean, goddamn. Kindergarten math guys.. 2+2
Is The Wuhan Coronavirus Really A Chinese Bioweapon?
Conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions.

25 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jay W. Richards, Douglas Axe and William Briggs
After nearly one year, questions remain unanswered about whether the Chinese coronavirus was natural or man-made and whether its release into the world was accidental or malicious.
Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan has stirred up media attention with her claim that the coronavirus connected with COVID-19 is the result of Chinese bioengineering. She’s been saying this for a while, but the renewed attention follows a paper she and her coauthors uploaded to a public research repository. Tucker Carlson recently interviewed her on his popular Fox News show, where she went so far as to claim that Chinese authorities not only created the bug but released it on the world intentionally.
These claims, which we should treat separately, have been in the air for months. One online documentary that made the rounds in the spring got things started. It claimed that the cell-invading appendages (called spike proteins) on the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) are suspiciously like the appendages on the original SARS virus, which caused an outbreak in 2003. The claim seems to be that scientists engineered a coronavirus from bats so it would infect humans.
What Does Scientific Inquiry Find About Coronavirus?
Like all proteins, these spike proteins are made in cells by linking amino acids to produce long chains that fold up into their working form. So if someone made the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein by splicing pieces of the original SARS spike protein into the spike protein from a bat virus, we should see this. Specifically, when we examine the amino-acid sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, we should see pieces that match the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein, with the rest matching the bat spike protein.
As the figure below shows, we see nothing of the sort. There are only three extended regions in which the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein differs from what is reported to be the most similar bat virus spike protein (from bat coronavirus RaTG13). Even in these regions, the SARS-CoV-2 protein is more like the bat virus protein than the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein.
So what did happen? For a few months, the press and the World Health Organization went with the “Chinese wet market” story. Anyone who pointed to evidence that the coronavirus might have leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was dubbed a conspiracy theorist.
The evidence kept growing, however, and finally overcame whatever spell corporate media was under. We know this lab studied bats infected with coronaviruses. Two years before the outbreak, U.S. Embassy officials had warned about lax safety standards at the lab. And in May 2020, NBC obtained a report from British and American intelligence that said that “there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a ‘hazardous event’ sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.”
Is the Charge Itself a Chinese Op?
These claims keep resurfacing because they confirm the (quite reasonable) hostility that many Americans, especially conservatives, have toward the Chinese leadership. But surely, the Chinese military understands this, giving us still more reason to exercise caution.
Might Yan actually be doing the bidding — wittingly or not — of the Chinese regime? What if this is itself a clever propaganda op hatched in Beijing? That’s what Jordan Schachtel suggests in a recent article.
After all, the coronavirus is a PR disaster for the Chinese Communists no matter how you slice it. Now that the coronavirus is out, though, Beijing could benefit by building the reputation of a scary research program that cooked up a bug to contaminate the world. If the rest of the world panics and shuts down their economies, all the better.
This is speculative, of course, but conservatives should focus, as much as we can, on the scientific evidence to settle these questions — no matter whose ox is gored.

In Orange man's second term a thorough investigation needs to be done by the CIA. FBI, and NSA as much as possible to determine the origins of the Wuhan Covid-19 virus. If it turns out this was a deliberate release, there needs to be serious retribution up to the point of sparking a full fledged overthrow of the ChiComs. This has ruined lives and perhaps changed our perceptions of freedoms forever! A price must be paid and payment extracted with interest.
If China Jooey Xi Biden wins, we can forget any investigations on the origins of the Wuahan Kung Flu that could make the CCP look bad. Slow Joe’s son Hunter and Joey Xi's brother James is in the Chicom pocket and will become Billionaires.
I don't know if this was created on purpose, but it sure was exported on purpose....just in time for the 2020 election. We had a large clue when the Chinese stopped people from going to Wuhan, but let people out.

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