Is the Media guilty of the Racism it shouts about? (The Nikki Hailey incident)


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The so called town hall civil war question gotcha moment the Media is running with is a false complaint, because Nikki answered the guy's question with a deeper more intellectual answer that covered Slavery when she talked about man's freedoms-Duh!
If you say the civil war wasn't over freedoms, then you are the one saying it wasn't over slavery-duh!
So obviously this is set up to pander to the population they've been losing in voter support, trying to use division to drag them back by their legs.
So isn't this blatant racism by the media, that
1)they don't think they are smart or wise enough.
2) they don't think certain racial groups should have "the freedoms" and right to vote at their own will.
How is what the media and Dems doing not an attack on their rights and an attack on democracy? How is it not racist?
The so called town hall civil war question gotcha moment the Media is running with is a false complaint, because Nikki answered the guy's question with a deeper more intellectual answer that covered Slavery when she talked about man's freedoms-Duh!
If you say the civil war wasn't over freedoms, then you are the one saying it wasn't over slavery-duh!
So obviously this is set up to pander to the population they've been losing in voter support, trying to use division to drag them back by their legs.
So isn't this blatant racism by the media, that
1)they don't think they are smart or wise enough.
2) they don't think certain racial groups should have "the freedoms" and right to vote at their own will.
How is what the media and Dems doing not an attack on their rights and an attack on democracy? How is it not racist?
We have met the enemy and he is a Democrat pretending to care and emote and be nice and kind and whatever current bullshit is popular.
Definitely, they always accuse others what they're guilty of. And like the little wannabe Marxists they are, the leftist media is always quick to invoke Alinsky's rule #4, "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
The so called town hall civil war question gotcha moment the Media is running with is a false complaint, because Nikki answered the guy's question with a deeper more intellectual answer that covered Slavery when she talked about man's freedoms-Duh!
If you say the civil war wasn't over freedoms, then you are the one saying it wasn't over slavery-duh!
So obviously this is set up to pander to the population they've been losing in voter support, trying to use division to drag them back by their legs.
So isn't this blatant racism by the media, that
1)they don't think they are smart or wise enough.
2) they don't think certain racial groups should have "the freedoms" and right to vote at their own will.
How is what the media and Dems doing not an attack on their rights and an attack on democracy? How is it not racist?
NIkki Haley pandered to the racists in her party in an attempt to get their votes
NIkki Haley pandered to the racists in her party in an attempt to get their votes
That was a silly spin by the media and you proved my point, that the media thinks you're dumb enough to buy it and you did.🤦
You keep forgetting Nikki is a person of color herself, the same heritage as Kamala Harris, which means every false rage on Harris' treatment boomerangs back at the dems and their racism against Nikki.-oops!
That was a silly spin by the media and you proved my point, that the media thinks you're dumb enough to buy it and you did.🤦
You keep forgetting Nikki is a person of color herself, the same heritage as Kamala Harris, which means every false rage on Harris' treatment boomerangs back at the dems and their racism against Nikki.-oops!
Not a spin, it's what actually happened. No person can honestly discuss the causes of the civil war without a single mention of slavery. Yet she deliberately avoided it to avoid alienating the racist republicans she hopes will vote for her.

Don't get me wrong, not all republicans are racists, in fact not even most republicans are racist.

But almost all racists are republicans and she knows it.
The so called town hall civil war question gotcha moment the Media is running with is a false complaint, because Nikki answered the guy's question with a deeper more intellectual answer that covered Slavery when she talked about man's freedoms-Duh!
If you say the civil war wasn't over freedoms, then you are the one saying it wasn't over slavery-duh!
So obviously this is set up to pander to the population they've been losing in voter support, trying to use division to drag them back by their legs.
So isn't this blatant racism by the media, that
1)they don't think they are smart or wise enough.
2) they don't think certain racial groups should have "the freedoms" and right to vote at their own will.
How is what the media and Dems doing not an attack on their rights and an attack on democracy? How is it not racist?
Seven states initially seceded from the union prior to the onset of the Civil war comprising the Confederal States of America - South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas, all of which were slave states. The states of Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina seceded later however of the seven founding states, five of them mentioned slavery in their reason or declaration for secession:

Although they mentioned other causes and sometimes used veiled references to defense of “life and property,” none of the secessionists was shy about making some reference to slavery as a primary cause for their dissolution of ties with a United States government that had, in their eyes, fallen under the domination of the “Black Republicans,” as a careful look through their respective ordinances of secession will reveal.​
The attitudes of the time can be found in more detail in the rhetoric that accompanied the breaks. At the very onset, on December 20, 1860, South Carolina declared that President-elect Abraham Lincoln’s “opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.”​
On January 7, 1861, the ordinance signed in Montgomery that “it is the desire and purpose of the people of Alabama to meet the Slaveholding States of the South, who may approve such purpose, in order to frame a provisional as well as permanent government upon the principles of the Constitution of the United States.”​
On February 2, 1861, Texas declared its decision to be “based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of equality of all men, irrespective of race or color—a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law.”​
On March 9, 1861, Arkansas’s George B. Smoote added a resolution: “Resolved, that the platform on the party known as the Black Republican Party contains unconstitutional dogmas, dangerous in their tendency and highly derogatory to the rights of slave states, and among them the insulting, injurious and untruthful enunciation of the right of the African race of their country to social and political equality with the whites.”​
On April 17, 1861 latecomer Virginia, provoked by Lincoln’s raising troops to suppress the already seceded states, declared “Lincoln’s opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery” as it cut ties with Washington. Tennessee was the 11th and last, its population divided on secession (eastern Tennesseans generally opposed it), but not on the slave issue.​
Such is the underlying motive behind “States’ Rights” and the “heritage” symbolized then as well as now by the Confederate battle flag—and, for that matter, the national “Stars and Bars.”
Seven states initially seceded from the union prior to the onset of the Civil war comprising the Confederal States of America - South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas, all of which were slave states. The states of Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North Carolina seceded later however of the seven founding states, five of them mentioned slavery in their reason or declaration for secession:

Although they mentioned other causes and sometimes used veiled references to defense of “life and property,” none of the secessionists was shy about making some reference to slavery as a primary cause for their dissolution of ties with a United States government that had, in their eyes, fallen under the domination of the “Black Republicans,” as a careful look through their respective ordinances of secession will reveal.​
The attitudes of the time can be found in more detail in the rhetoric that accompanied the breaks. At the very onset, on December 20, 1860, South Carolina declared that President-elect Abraham Lincoln’s “opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery.”​
On January 7, 1861, the ordinance signed in Montgomery that “it is the desire and purpose of the people of Alabama to meet the Slaveholding States of the South, who may approve such purpose, in order to frame a provisional as well as permanent government upon the principles of the Constitution of the United States.”​
On February 2, 1861, Texas declared its decision to be “based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of equality of all men, irrespective of race or color—a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law.”​
On March 9, 1861, Arkansas’s George B. Smoote added a resolution: “Resolved, that the platform on the party known as the Black Republican Party contains unconstitutional dogmas, dangerous in their tendency and highly derogatory to the rights of slave states, and among them the insulting, injurious and untruthful enunciation of the right of the African race of their country to social and political equality with the whites.”​
On April 17, 1861 latecomer Virginia, provoked by Lincoln’s raising troops to suppress the already seceded states, declared “Lincoln’s opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery” as it cut ties with Washington. Tennessee was the 11th and last, its population divided on secession (eastern Tennesseans generally opposed it), but not on the slave issue.​
Such is the underlying motive behind “States’ Rights” and the “heritage” symbolized then as well as now by the Confederate battle flag—and, for that matter, the national “Stars and Bars.”
The south wanted rights and freedom to buy and keep labor, the north wanted freedom and rights for the enslaved laborers, therefore Nikki's statement covered all grounds of the debate that caused the civil war and answered the man's question perfectly. Just because the man didn't grasp it or intended all along to use the aha moment doesn't make the media pouncing any more proper a response nor does it make them any less racist.

By the way, White labor in enslavement camps built to charge people to live in the encampments(rent and grocery charges) more than they made, so they were always indebted to work-was slavery as well. How come everyone forgets labor affected the rights of all humans, Chinese, Black, and poor White displaced people and others.
The so called town hall civil war question gotcha moment the Media is running with is a false complaint, because Nikki answered the guy's question with a deeper more intellectual answer that covered Slavery when she talked about man's freedoms-Duh!
If you say the civil war wasn't over freedoms, then you are the one saying it wasn't over slavery-duh!
So obviously this is set up to pander to the population they've been losing in voter support, trying to use division to drag them back by their legs.
So isn't this blatant racism by the media, that
1)they don't think they are smart or wise enough.
2) they don't think certain racial groups should have "the freedoms" and right to vote at their own will.
How is what the media and Dems doing not an attack on their rights and an attack on democracy? How is it not racist?
In my opinion the Democrats are the true racist party. They control most of the big blue cities and do little to improve the live of the racial minorites that reside in those cities. They promise a lot but never deliver.

Well it seems the blacks are waking up and leaving the Democratic Plantation . The Democratic Party is very worried and trying its best to label Republicans as the racists.

Many people beleive Trump did more to help the blacks than Biden has.


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