Is the left really against schools hiring students or is the issue Gingrich said it?

Are liberals really against schools paying kids to do tasks around the school?

  • Yes, liberals really oppose it

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No, it's only because Newt said it

    Votes: 18 62.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We understand your argument perfectly...

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, they are going to put our union buddies out of jobs and show kids that work is better than welfare. Oh, whatever shall become of us? Quick, let's bring up horror stories about the early industrial revolution, even though conditions like that couldn't really exist in this country with the modern technology."


That's all it's about, guy.

You all have no problem making kids sell candy to support those bloated union salaries. Might be going to Chester the Molestors house, for all you know, but hey, we need those contributions going.

But replace the Union Ball-scratchers with kids who'd do a better job? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!


Can you begin keeping your assertions to one per post. When you make so many incorrect ones in a single paragraph, the will to point them out to you with details wanes.

Well, I realize that you lack reasoning skills, and have to constantly flip through your talking points, but do try to keep up....

Good thing you don't have a job in the private sector. You wouldn't last a week.
Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.
Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.

So you are saying they can't do both?

Because right now, they are doing neither, if the test scores are any indication.

And seriously, work is "demeaning" and "Degrading"? Seriously?

And every time I think that we can't possibly have sunk further as a country. No wonder the Chinese are beating the pants off of us.
Holy shit. The inability of some of you to understand the argument being made by those who oppose Newt's suggestion is epic in nature.

Sanctimonious? check

Sweeping? check

Completely unsupported by any argument? check

Agreed with by other liberals as if there were an actual argument? check

Waiter? check (sorry, got away from me there)

Typical liberal argument...
Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.

This arrogance is ultimately why liberals don't help the people they claim to. It's up to you if someone else should take a job, not them. Removal of choice. Work in your school? No, choice removed. Work for less then minimum wage? Sorry, not your choice, you can't. It goes on. Liberalism is arrogance in action and it's for the smug benefit of liberals and not anyone else.
Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.

So you are saying they can't do both?

Because right now, they are doing neither, if the test scores are any indication.

And seriously, work is "demeaning" and "Degrading"? Seriously?

And every time I think that we can't possibly have sunk further as a country. No wonder the Chinese are beating the pants off of us.

You don't think it's degrading for the other kids to know you earned the money you are spending? Hmm...I don't either.

This thing about students shouldn't be working is idiotic. Let's ensure they have no freaking clue what it takes to earn money when they graduate college. Yeah, that's a path to success...
Holy shit. The inability of some of you to understand the argument being made by those who oppose Newt's suggestion is epic in nature.

This is your republican tea party voter.

They will defend ANYTHING in the name of the party.

Its now a religion to them and they will believe whatever they are told to believe by the crazies who run this wing of the party.

It scares the hell out of the real power in the republican party but its their own faults for courting this base into the polls.

They needed votes because they could not cheat enough to win anymore and certainly could not get enough ligitimate votes to win elections after Nixon.

In the 1980s they started cheating their asses off in elections.

That got them some elections but then the cheating started getting hard because they kept getting caught cheating.

So they started courting the religious vote.

They equated republican with being the ONLY choice for christains because they would repeal abortion.

They of course never did any such thing but their ranks then started to inculde these crazies who started tio actually try and do things like close down womens health care in their own cities. The monster grew and took over the party.

Now you have the power and the money in the republican party looking down on their little Frankenstien and trying to figure out how to whip them back into the corral.

The republican party is a mess and no decent candidate wants to even run on the ticket and their cheating is no where even enough.

There hopes are in the future when they will have mountains of cash from the citizens united decision and a tamed tea party back in its crate.

Have fun tea party dudes , that is until they put you back in the crate.
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Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.

This does not have to be the case. Children could be given the option to work, the option of whatever chores that are available. :dunno: When I was in building construction and CAD during my high school years we did projects for the community, who, then donated building materials and supplies toward our education. Perhaps many children would not drop out if they were given the incentive to earn a little pocket money. They can then learn to be responsible spenders before being able to acquire debts. The sad fact is that some students drop out because *just* learning... bores them. :dunno:

As for children taking adult jobs, this makes me wanna smack you into maturity. :evil:
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Countless progressives have said they have no problem with youth having the option of working. But they are raging against Newt having said we should provide the option.

The only conclusion is that they are doing it because it's Newt. not sure why.
Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.

This does not have to be the case. Children could be given the option to work, the option of whatever chores that are available. :dunno: When I was in building construction and CAD during my high school years we did projects for the community, who, then donated building materials and supplies toward our education. Perhaps many children would not drop out if they were given the incentive to earn a little pocket money. They can then learn to be responsible spenders before being able to acquire debts. The sad fact is that some students drop out because *just* learning... bores them. :dunno:

As for children taking adult jobs, this makes me wanna smack you into maturity. :evil:

Adult jobs? YOu don't have children do you? My son cleaned toilets and swept floors for his allowance. God forbid he had to clean his room, too! Oh such evil I put on that child.
Countless progressives have said they have no problem with youth having the option of working. But they are raging against Newt having said we should provide the option.

The only conclusion is that they are doing it because it's Newt. not sure why.

Nobody has a problem with the idea of young people working a job. in 15 or 16years old.

One problem with what Newt said is the clear disdain that he shows for poor people. Claiming that poor people don't have any idea what work is? What a shithead.

Another, the idea that elementary school students should be used to save tax dollars in schools. Even nutters should find that to be stupid.
Children should not be doing adult jobs. And they should NOT be working in the schools they attend. It's demeaning and degrading.

What they should be doing is studying.

This does not have to be the case. Children could be given the option to work, the option of whatever chores that are available. :dunno: When I was in building construction and CAD during my high school years we did projects for the community, who, then donated building materials and supplies toward our education. Perhaps many children would not drop out if they were given the incentive to earn a little pocket money. They can then learn to be responsible spenders before being able to acquire debts. The sad fact is that some students drop out because *just* learning... bores them. :dunno:

As for children taking adult jobs, this makes me wanna smack you into maturity. :evil:

Adult jobs? YOu don't have children do you? My son cleaned toilets and swept floors for his allowance. God forbid he had to clean his room, too! Oh such evil I put on that child.

There are days my kids fight over who is going to do what for me and then there are days that I struggle to get them to do anything... :dunno: I have found that even money does not always sway them. My nine year olds do their own laundry sometimes and my 14 year old does dishes... I do not always have them clean the bathroom but because I have found that they are too fond of playing with the blue stuff and, NO, it is NOT for squirting pictures on the floor... :badgrin: Yeah, cleaning their rooms are usually the last thing they prefer to have to do... :doubt:
Countless progressives have said they have no problem with youth having the option of working. But they are raging against Newt having said we should provide the option.

The only conclusion is that they are doing it because it's Newt. not sure why.

Nobody has a problem with the idea of young people working a job. in 15 or 16years old.

One problem with what Newt said is the clear disdain that he shows for poor people. Claiming that poor people don't have any idea what work is? What a shithead.

Another, the idea that elementary school students should be used to save tax dollars in schools. Even nutters should find that to be stupid.

Man, I'm with you on that one. I mean thinking that people who need money would be first in line to take a job. Idiotic...
One problem with what Newt said is the clear disdain that he shows for poor people. Claiming that poor people don't have any idea what work is? What a shithead.

Another, the idea that elementary school students should be used to save tax dollars in schools. Even nutters should find that to be stupid.

Newt knows what to say to make their brains light up.

We understand your argument perfectly...

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, they are going to put our union buddies out of jobs and show kids that work is better than welfare. Oh, whatever shall become of us? Quick, let's bring up horror stories about the early industrial revolution, even though conditions like that couldn't really exist in this country with the modern technology."

Why is the idea of an adult losing their job to a child such a joke to you?

As for conditions not possibly being as bad with modern technology, you are far too old to be so naive.

Countless progressives have said they have no problem with youth having the option of working. But they are raging against Newt having said we should provide the option.

The only conclusion is that they are doing it because it's Newt. not sure why.

No. The reason is that Newt wants to change child labor laws. Please be honest.

Iridescence said:
This does not have to be the case. Children could be given the option to work, the option of whatever chores that are available. :dunno: When I was in building construction and CAD during my high school years we did projects for the community, who, then donated building materials and supplies toward our education.

I keep asking you guys to stop lying, and you just can't help yourselves. We are not talking about high school students.
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