Is the DNC positioning to become the Party for illegals, un-Americans, the indecent and insane?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
How long before they confirm this publicly?
I mean come on folks...take a good look at the agenda of the DNC....Look at the list of things they've championed over the last few years. What have you seen them do for good quality, hard working legitimate Americans? We watched them fight to the death for men with beards and a dress to have the legal right to shit next to my 14 year old daughter. They have fought aggressively to keep our border open for third worlders to keep pouring in to degrade American society and cost REAL Americans BILLIONS, they're willing to sacrifice their first born to keep O'Beaner Care alive and well and now they're willing to stop working for the American people, 320 million of us, in order to keep 700k ILLEGALS here mooching off REAL Americans and stealing jobs.
Notice that the Corrupt Democratic Party does everything that it can to prevent the enforcement of our immigration laws.
Today's illegal alien MS-13 criminal is tomorrow's Democrat Party leader.
The real purpose of Sanctuary Cities is to give the corrupt Democrat Politicians permanent political power and to displace white voters.
How long before they confirm this publicly?
I mean come on folks...take a good look at the agenda of the DNC....Look at the list of things they've championed over the last few years. What have you seen them do for good quality, hard working legitimate Americans? We watched them fight to the death for men with beards and a dress to have the legal right to shit next to my 14 year old daughter. They have fought aggressively to keep our border open for third worlders to keep pouring in to degrade American society and cost REAL Americans BILLIONS, they're willing to sacrifice their first born to keep O'Beaner Care alive and well and now they're willing to stop working for the American people, 320 million of us, in order to keep 700k ILLEGALS here mooching off REAL Americans and stealing jobs.

They are making us like Venezuala
The DNC is ALREADY the party of illegals, they side with illegals even while illegals kill and rape American citizens. Last week a father found an illegal raping his 6 year old daughter in her bedroom.

Yeah, but, but, but..."that's just one case, 99.99% of illegal Mexicans are extremely high quality humans!"
How long before they confirm this publicly?
I mean come on folks...take a good look at the agenda of the DNC....Look at the list of things they've championed over the last few years. What have you seen them do for good quality, hard working legitimate Americans? We watched them fight to the death for men with beards and a dress to have the legal right to shit next to my 14 year old daughter. They have fought aggressively to keep our border open for third worlders to keep pouring in to degrade American society and cost REAL Americans BILLIONS, they're willing to sacrifice their first born to keep O'Beaner Care alive and well and now they're willing to stop working for the American people, 320 million of us, in order to keep 700k ILLEGALS here mooching off REAL Americans and stealing jobs.

They are making us like Venezuala

Shit, Venezuela may be a paradise compared to some wetback communities in and around the Southern Mexifornia regions.
Let's not forget the other plank of their platform, promote the spread of Islam in America while vilifying Christianity. They want the Muslim population way higher than 1% of US population.
Republicans want to kill Americans by taking away their healthcare. Literally kill them and then they call themselves the "real" Americans.

Well, sorry guys. REAL Americans don't follow Dukes, Hitler and Satan.
"The party of the insane" is pretty accurate. Democrats smashed windows and torched cars on inauguration day. Hollywood celebs threatened the President with assault, arson and murder. A Sanders democrat activist shot up a republican baseball team and the jury is out on Stephen Paddock's motives.
Republicans want to kill Americans by taking away their healthcare. Literally kill them and then they call themselves the "real" Americans.

Well, sorry guys. REAL Americans don't follow Dukes, Hitler and Satan.

"Take away"...."kill Americans"....huh?
Does this mean these Americans you speak of can't buy heath insurance like the rest of us?
Republicans want to kill Americans by taking away their healthcare. Literally kill them and then they call themselves the "real" Americans.

Well, sorry guys. REAL Americans don't follow Dukes, Hitler and Satan.

Republicans want to kill Americans by taking away their healthcare. Literally kill them and then they call themselves the "real" Americans.

Well, sorry guys. REAL Americans don't follow Dukes, Hitler and Satan.

Republicans want to kill Americans by taking away their healthcare. Literally kill them and then they call themselves the "real" Americans.

Well, sorry guys. REAL Americans don't follow Dukes, Hitler and Satan.

:cuckoo: gotta love it.
LibTards don't even attempt to mask their twisted shit anymore...."DAMNIT....give me free shit or I'll accuse you of killing me."
Is the DNC positioning to become the Party for illegals, un-Americans, the indecent and insane?

yes and for most

the new face of the democrat party is the face of hate

the rest falls in place naturally

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