Debate Now Is the Cultural Paradigm Shifting Along with the Demographic Changes?

However, now that you bring that up, the deepening polarization of the left and right is indeed a cultural paradigm shift. It is amazing that both polar extremes are roughly equal in population but quite at odds with what the countries priorities should be.

A paradigm shift means that the country as a whole (or by its overwhelming majority) changes its philosophical outlook, and thus the direction of its development changes as well.

What we have at the time is something the country went through several times during the last two centuries, namely, a surge in new arrivals, and a reactionary, mouth-breathing insurgency against them. Chinese, Irish, German, Italian, you name it, the waves of xenophobia and nativism arrived and swept over the country with the predictability of the sunrise.

The division is caused by the fact that the Democrats largely keep their calm, even insist that humans be treated as humans. (For the time being I am proud of them and their resisting the prion disease of the brain that befell Republicans.) The GOP is in full nativist mode, helped along by hate-peddling xenophobic outfits like "FAIR" (Orwell is chuckling over that one), and presided over by the wall-building Hater-in-Chief currently squatting in the Oval Office, and his primary henchman, Steven Miller.

Thus I'd say, that's not a paradigm shift, at least not yet, but just another instance of well-known meandering in which part of the country loses its brain, gives their integrity and humanity a solid ass-kicking, and opts for some kind of fascist strongman in order to be saved from the frightening unwashed hordes "invading" the U.S. of A. from the South. They even import toddlers now, the most fearsome of invaders.

Again, near the end of 2020 we'll know more about where the country is heading.
What incredible historical ignorance, and denial of the present.
What an incredibly snipped out of context that one cannot really make sense of it--perhaps we might quote the whole we can marvel at the historical ignorance?
Cherry-picked snippets can, and do..mean anything you want them to. Often they obscure what the original had to say, yes?

What we have at the time is something the country went through several times during the last two centuries, namely, a surge in new arrivals, and a reactionary, mouth-breathing insurgency against them. Chinese, Irish, German, Italian, you name it, the waves of xenophobia and nativism arrived and swept over the country with the predictability of the sunrise.

The division is caused by the fact that the Democrats largely keep their calm, even insist that humans be treated as humans. (For the time being I am proud of them and their resisting the prion disease of the brain that befell Republicans.) The GOP is in full nativist mode, helped along by hate-peddling xenophobic outfits like "FAIR" (Orwell is chuckling over that one), and presided over by the wall-building Hater-in-Chief currently squatting in the Oval Office, and his primary henchman, Steven Miller.
What an incredibly snipped out of context that one cannot really make sense of it--perhaps we might quote the whole we can marvel at the historical ignorance?
Cherry-picked snippets can, and do..mean anything you want them to. Often they obscure what the original had to say, yes?
Having trouble following along?

The democrats are not, and have never been known for, "keeping their calm," or "treating humans as humans." Exactly the contrary.

Clear enough?
Having trouble following along?

The democrats are not, and have never been known for, "keeping their calm," or "treating humans as humans." Exactly the contrary.

Clear enough?
Nice statement. Nothing but unsupported opinion though--and how does this fit in with the OP? You took exception to a sentence..have anything cogent to say about the rest of the post?

As an political party I can think of cares all that much about humanity..other than votes cast, of course.
My first shot--

The cultural paradigm of the country has always changed, sometimes gradually and sometimes quite quickly, i.e. ending slavery, westward movement, women voting, the railroad, the dust bowl, movement from farms to cities, industrialization, increasing number of states, the pill, smaller families, women working, etc,etc.etc. The creativity of the country has always involved change and adaptation, not clinging to and enforcing on others the "old" values. The Constitution has served us well throughout.
Yeah I've been saying it right along... Cultural change is inevitable. Who says it's all bad? I'm sure white culture won't disappear completely.... Just as I'm sure Hispanic culture won't last forever.
Nice statement. Nothing but unsupported opinion though--and how does this fit in with the OP? You took exception to a sentence..have anything cogent to say about the rest of the post?

As an political party I can think of cares all that much about humanity..other than votes cast, of course.
There's that historical ignorance I was talking about.
Demographics always shift, but the principles upon which this great nation was founded do not. That's why the democrats have been working so hard for so long to undermine those things that perpetuate those principles: family, faith, tradition, and honor. They have made such a habit of undermining, that they now try to apply it to every aspect of reality itself.
The pandemic was only an excuse to implement plans which had been devised well in advance.

If COVID hadn't come along, some other pretense wouldhave sufficed.
Yep. The transfer of wealth from the middle class to the elites was absolutely enormous.

The choice to shut down only small business was obviously part of the program and actually ran CONTARY to sensible policy. It forced more people into fewer places, thus increasing any given person's chances of infection.

If the powers that be were really concerned with limiting people's exposure, the very first thing they would have shut down is public transit. One could not design a better vector for disease than one that crams people together in very tight quarters all touching the same places and breathing the same air.

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