Is Roman Polanski a criminal?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.


Absolutely a criminal, a pig, a bastard and a scum filled lowlife.
The Left seems to have a Jim Jones effect on their cult members.

The most heinous crimes are now no big deal, so long as the rich and powerful in the Left wants them protected.

I even wonder if Roman asked the mother to drive her daughter to him so he could drug and rape her, much like cult leaders have mothers give their daughters to them to have sex with. Being brainwashed, they do it without a thought.
Roman is a pedophile, and this shows how the Left is normalizing it.

He fled to France to evade justice but that does not stop the rich and powerful in Hollywood to continue to sing his praises and make movies with him, like Harrison Ford did in the movie "Frantic".
Roman is a pedophile, and this shows how the Left is normalizing it.

He fled to France to evade justice but that does not stop the rich and powerful in Hollywood to continue to sing his praises and make movies with him, like Harrison Ford did in the movie "Frantic".

And give him prestigious awards.

And common sense tells you that wasn't the only time he raped a child.
It is the job of society to hold people accountable for crimes they commit against society.

How is it that not even the victims claim foul and Hollywood continued to praise Roman and make movies with him?
I noticed the victim said it was no big deal. As far as what Hollywood did I guess they felt it was ok.

The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.


Nobody on the left worshiped Roman Polanski. He was reviled on all sides.

But hey, if you live in the just and righteous conservative state of Missouri, I believe there are politicians who believe child marriage (at 12) is A-OK. :)

The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.



Well, Mr. Polanski didn't go to prison for it.

I guess its "no big deal" in an entertainment industry that gave us R. Kelly, Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken, among other Sex Offenders.

But its still offensive to the people.
Nobody on the left worshiped Roman Polanski. He was reviled on all sides.

But hey, if you live in the just and righteous conservative state of Missouri, I believe there are politicians who believe child marriage (at 12) is A-OK. :)
Actors like Harrison Ford have no problem working with him as his career has been wonderful after evading the American judicial system as he fled to France.

Just listen to the sick rationalization by those in Hollywood regarding the incident.

Harvey Weinstein is another Left wing winner

Listen to the Left praise him even though it was an open secret for decades on how he treated women.


The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.


I even wonder if Roman asked the mother to drive her daughter to him so he could drug and rape her, much like cult leaders have mothers give their daughters to them to have sex with. Being brainwashed, they do it without a thought.
Exactly e.g. cult leaders - found amongst all kinds of political backgrounds - not just amongst leftists.

Independent of a 13 year old Samantha Geimer being raped by an adult and stating as a minor, I didn't mind - has no bearing on the existing law - the adult will be punished.
If she states as an adult - "it was never a big deal", (okay so be it) doesn't change the fact of Polanski having raped her and having been sentenced to prison. (escaped to France).

Samantha Greimer:
“‘I remember the time when I was starting to work – I became a model at 14 years old,” she explained. “All the girls, the models, slept with the photographers and I was no exception. But sex was something normal, a natural aspect of life. There wasn’t all this drama, all this darkness surrounding sex.”
Especially the model/pageant-scene is well known for that. That is why Clinton and Trump and many alike are always seen at, or connected to such "businesses" and venues.

So what are you trying to point out with your thread? That the rich, famous and powerful couldn't give a rats ass about moral standards prevailing amongst the common folks?
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