Is Rick Perry Dumb?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -

Strip away the euphemisms and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: Is he dumb — or just “misunderestimated?”

Doubts about Perry’s intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he’s been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn’t so deep — “Gov. Goodhair.” Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

“He’s like Bush only without the brains,” cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.

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Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -

Strip away the euphemisms and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: Is he dumb — or just “misunderestimated?”

Doubts about Perry’s intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he’s been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn’t so deep — “Gov. Goodhair.” Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

“He’s like Bush only without the brains,” cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.

Read more: Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -

Perry isn't dumb at all, the person suggesting this on the other hand (not you the person in the linked article) is pretty stupid to go there in light of the Perry record.

Perry: 10 and 0 election record
Perry: 47% of all net jobs added to the us economy, during obama's presidency, came from Texas alone under Perry's leadership.

You can't keep getting re-elected nor can you have the best jobs record in the country without having brains. Basically to many liberals if you don't believe in the issues the same way that they do you are a "Moron or hateful"

This reminds me of a funny picture i saw the other day...........speaks to the average liberal media outlet's mindset.

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Is this the extent of the Democrat playbook? Anyone who is Republican is "dumb". Are you that bereft of ideas that you can't run against a candidate with anything other than trying to claim they are dumb?

If you guys are so much smarter than anyone else, why can't you persuade people to listen to you rather than resorting to ridicule?
Apparently Obama is ultra intelligent.

Exactly where has that gotten us?
Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -

Strip away the euphemisms and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: Is he dumb — or just “misunderestimated?”

Doubts about Perry’s intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he’s been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn’t so deep — “Gov. Goodhair.” Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

“He’s like Bush only without the brains,” cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.

Read more: Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -

Perry isn't dumb at all, the person suggesting this on the other hand (not you the person in the linked article) is pretty stupid to go there in light of the Perry record.

Perry: 10 and 0 election record
Perry: 47% of all net jobs added to the us economy, during obama's presidency, came from Texas alone under Perry's leadership.

You can't keep getting re-elected nor can you have the best jobs record in the country without having brains. Basically to many liberals if you don't believe in the issues the same way that they do you are a "Moron or filled with hate"

This reminds me of a funny picture i saw the other day...........speaks to the average liberal media outlet's mindset.


gotta love that comparisson...
Is this the extent of the Democrat playbook? Anyone who is Republican is "dumb". Are you that bereft of ideas that you can't run against a candidate with anything other than trying to claim they are dumb?

If you guys are so much smarter than anyone else, why can't you persuade people to listen to you rather than resorting to ridicule?

Not at all!!! Huntsman doesn't appear to be dumb. Paul doen't appear to be dumb. Just the front runners, but then they're playing to their base!!! Read into that whatever you like. :eusa_whistle:
Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -

Strip away the euphemisms and Rick Perry is confronting an unavoidable question: Is he dumb — or just “misunderestimated?”

Doubts about Perry’s intellect have hounded him since he was first elected as a state legislator nearly three decades ago. In Austin, he’s been derided as a right-place, right-time pol who looks the part but isn’t so deep — “Gov. Goodhair.” Now, with the chatter picking back up among his enemies and taking flight in elite Republican circles, the rap threatens to follow him to the national stage.

“He’s like Bush only without the brains,” cracked one former Republican governor who knows Perry, repeating a joke that has made the rounds.

Read more: Is Rick Perry dumb? - Jonathan Martin -
No dumber than obamaturd or any dimwit.
Apparently Obama is ultra intelligent.

Exactly where has that gotten us?

Obama is the poster child for what an educated idiot looks like: "When you lead according theoretical ideals, instead of practical common sense solutions" .

yeah..and now he briongs another academci into the fold to run his finance team.

He just doesnt get it.

You need to think like a business owner to be able to anticipate what a business owner will do.
Apparently Obama is ultra intelligent.

Exactly where has that gotten us?

Osama Bin Laden and a mess of dead terrorists.

Record number of Illegals deported.

National Guard on the South West border.

They only thing he hasn't figured out is that no matter what he does..there is absolutely no way to please conservatives if you are not on their football team.
Apparently Obama is ultra intelligent.

Exactly where has that gotten us?

Osama Bin Laden and a mess of dead terrorists.

Record number of Illegals deported.

National Guard on the South West border.

They only thing he hasn't figured out is that no matter what he does..there is absolutely no way to please conservatives if you are not on their football team.

AND NOW FOR IRONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Dumb? No..he speaks.

Stupid? Yeah. Very.


What do you base that on?

Allegory of the Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perry's a cave dweller.

this applies to you now

Apparently Obama is ultra intelligent.

Exactly where has that gotten us?

Obama is the poster child for what an educated idiot looks like: "When you lead according theoretical ideals, instead of practical common sense solutions" .

yeah..and now he briongs another academci into the fold to run his finance team.

He just doesnt get it.

You need to think like a business owner to be able to anticipate what a business owner will do.

You mean like this Republican?

Jeffrey R. Immelt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Let the Demonization begin!! :lol:
Is this the extent of the Democrat playbook? Anyone who is Republican is "dumb". Are you that bereft of ideas that you can't run against a candidate with anything other than trying to claim they are dumb?

If you guys are so much smarter than anyone else, why can't you persuade people to listen to you rather than resorting to ridicule?

Why do more people watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey than Nova?

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