Is RFKjr going to bolt to the Libertarian Party?


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
RFKjr initially said no no no my family is legacy Dem and so am I. But after being denied the right to debate and the right to Secret Service protection from Traitor Joe, apparently he is having second thoughts...

In July, Mr. Kennedy met privately with Angela McArdle, the chair of the Libertarian Party, at a conference they were both attending in Memphis — a meeting that has not previously been reported.

“He emphasized that he was committed to running as a Democrat but said that he considered himself very libertarian,” Ms. McArdle said in an interview, adding that they agreed on several positions, including the threat of the “deep state” and the need for populist messaging. “We’re aligned on a lot of issues.”

“My perspective is that we are going to stay in touch in case he does decide to run,” Ms. McArdle said. “And he can contact me at any time if that’s the case.”

In a June interview with the libertarian magazine Reason, Mr. Kennedy acknowledged his ideological disagreements with the party — including on issues like environmental protection, abortion and civil rights — while also saying, “I’ve always been aligned with libertarians on most issues.”

RFKjr, to protect the environment, you need to diagnose what ails it correctly, and your party is 180 degrees the other way, using the Co2 FRAUD to steal money and not help the environment, in fact just the opposite.

Take coral, for example. Do your homework. Something like 95% of Earth coral is fine. 5% near where humans live is damaged. The Co2 FRAUD was squirting bleach into coral to blame "warming" that does not exist. THAT is what you support if you support the Co2 FRAUD.

I was the official photographer for the WV Libertarian convention in 2016. I remember when Gary Johnson came in. No hanger on's. No Secret Service. He came in, gave his speech, took questions and then mingled around with everyone with no one controlling who he talked to.
RFKjr initially said no no no my family is legacy Dem and so am I. But after being denied the right to debate and the right to Secret Service protection from Traitor Joe, apparently he is having second thoughts...

In July, Mr. Kennedy met privately with Angela McArdle, the chair of the Libertarian Party, at a conference they were both attending in Memphis — a meeting that has not previously been reported.

“He emphasized that he was committed to running as a Democrat but said that he considered himself very libertarian,” Ms. McArdle said in an interview, adding that they agreed on several positions, including the threat of the “deep state” and the need for populist messaging. “We’re aligned on a lot of issues.”

“My perspective is that we are going to stay in touch in case he does decide to run,” Ms. McArdle said. “And he can contact me at any time if that’s the case.”

In a June interview with the libertarian magazine Reason, Mr. Kennedy acknowledged his ideological disagreements with the party — including on issues like environmental protection, abortion and civil rights — while also saying, “I’ve always been aligned with libertarians on most issues.”

RFKjr, to protect the environment, you need to diagnose what ails it correctly, and your party is 180 degrees the other way, using the Co2 FRAUD to steal money and not help the environment, in fact just the opposite.

Take coral, for example. Do your homework. Something like 95% of Earth coral is fine. 5% near where humans live is damaged. The Co2 FRAUD was squirting bleach into coral to blame "warming" that does not exist. THAT is what you support if you support the Co2 FRAUD.

The DNC appoints one Presidential candidate at a time.

Others are free to play around in their party and get laughed at as they pretend its candidate is chosen by democracy.

Hillary even beat Obama in her own party in terms of the popular vote.
Maybe the No Labels Party; the 'Libertarian Party' is just another Koch owned franchise and propaganda front and worthless.
Hillary even beat Obama in her own party in terms of the popular vote.

Yes. They cheated her, lol it was hilarious; The scam with voice voting, which just means the chairmen presiding over them can hear what he wants to hear, perfect for criminal hacks to use against each other as well as the rank and file. A big percentage of Democrat primaries are held via voice voting, not ballots.
Yes. They cheated her, lol it was hilarious; The scam with voice voting, which just means the chairmen presiding over them can hear what he wants to hear, perfect for criminal hacks to use against each other as well as the rank and file. A big percentage of Democrat primaries are held via voice voting, not ballots.
And they cheated Bernie when he ran against Hillary.

They just can't help themselves those democrats.
Libertarians are pussies who want to have their cake and eat it and not compete with the grown-ups. If he does go there, he will likely pull an equal amount of such pussies from both parties.
Libertarians are about individual rights, but power resides with the collective, the fascists who care nothing about personal freedom.
Libertarians are about individual rights, but power resides with the collective, the fascists who care nothing about personal freedom.
Just be an anarchist if you want to say that government and rules aren't needed in a free society. Otherwise, join the fight. "libertarians" are as bad as "centrists".
In the past, the notion that RFK could jump to the LP might be a possibility. Shits like Bob Barr and Bill Weld were welcomed in. With the advent of and takeover by actual libertarians in the Mises Caucus and pushing aside of the GOPer light factions such would be much less likely.
In the past, the notion that RFK could jump to the LP might be a possibility. Shits like Bob Barr and Bill Weld were welcomed in. With the advent of and takeover by actual libertarians in the Mises Caucus and pushing aside of the GOPer light factions such would be much less likely.

I think that the only reason Jr would float the idea of a (L)ibertarian Party run would be for the ballot access. He doesn't really care about the (L)ibertarian Party.

But the Party itself doesn't really need him either. Not really. The only interest they would have, at least it seems to me, would be funds matching for the subsequent election cycle. And if Jr were to hit the threshold they wouldn't need to get ballot sigs. But sigs haven't really been a problem.
Just be an anarchist if you want to say that government and rules aren't needed in a free society. Otherwise, join the fight. "libertarians" are as bad as "centrists".
Anarchy leads to despotism every time

That is why there are so many on the Left

Try again.

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