Is racism even real anymore?

In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.
Their fathers and grandfathers faced real racism. THEY won the battle. The children now are spoiled, entitled brats who, like you said, need to grow the hell up. They wont though. They cant see themselves as the rest of the civilized world sees them
That's a lie. You're white so this kind of ignorance exists and is expected from a subgroup in the white community.
if white folks for the last few decades weren't terrified into submission by the thought they might be called racist this country wouldn't be in the state it is in today what with the never ending riots and such . But I dunno, I think we're kinda numb to it at this point. After all, we're racist no matter what we do. Might as well embrace it.
We are getting to the point where people will live nowhere near a higher percentage of African Americans if they can get out. It is even tougher to watch TV programs, entertainment, sports and movies with many African Americans in them.

Even if you subtract the propensity towards criminal violence, black people make terrible neighbors. They're rude and you have to walk on eggshells around them to avoid the inevitable accusation of being racist.
Why is it that members of a race who have killed millions in the US alone talking about the propensity of criminal violence in other races?
The only reason blacks vote Democratic is because they know which party is full of racists.....
The only reason blacks vote Republican is because they know which party is full of racists.....
97% of Blacks dont vote for repubs because we know they are the party of racists. There is a reason all the white power groups support the repubs.

The only reason some white supremacists support the party is because they know we are stronger against illegal immigration. As to the blacks, most are ignorant of politics which is why they vote the way they do. They get what little they know about politics from people like Oprah or LeBoob James, both pretty ignorant about politics themselves.

In spite of all the racial things Creepy Joe has said in his life, they will still vote mostly Democrats because again, they are ignorant about who or why they are voting for.
Ray, you are a white supremacist.

Tonight's lesson:

White Ignorance- Or; Why Blacks Left the Republican Party

At this time, meaning right now, there are whites in America who have chosen to ignore the last 150 years of history. When trying to discuss race with a “conservative” white republican, you are almost guaranteed to hear the lecture on why blacks should be republicans today because the Abraham Lincoln was a republican and he freed the slaves. Forgotten in this revised history was the fact Lincoln did not believe in racial equality. Also forgotten as I have already mentioned, was the 100 years of apartheid and the more than 50 years after the civil rights act into today. This distorted reality has the far right talking crazy. It is Teflon history in high definition.

Furthermore, there are some black republicans today who have forgotten the great tradition established by great black republicans of the past. Many black republicans today would be denounced by great black republicans of the past because they disrespect the memory and honor of those same great black republicans. Republicans like Frederick Douglass who stood in front of whites in 1852, more than a decade before the Emancipation Proclamation asking whites “What to the slave is the fourth of July? Or Isabella Baumfree, better known as Sojourner Truth who stood in front of whites at the Seneca Convention and informed them that she was just as much a woman as any of the women at that meeting. I think these two great black republicans would have some choice words for people like Larry Elders and Candice Owens.

The Confiscation Act of 1862 was passed by congress on July 17, 1862. According to historians, Lincoln and some in congress were considering moving blacks out of America. The Second Confiscation Act had provisions for the colonization of blacks who chose to leave. Congress appropriated $600,000 to provide assistance for blacks to be moved elsewhere. Blacks refused. But Lincoln was determined. On Aug. 14, 1862, Lincoln met with black representatives at the White House. Blacks still refused. The “Great Emancipator” then basically released himself from his mind. In the following paragraphs are some words spoken that day by President Abraham Lincoln R-Illinois:

"It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated" and that for blacks to refuse to colonize elsewhere would be "extremely selfish."

How selfish of those “blacks” born and raised here, who toiled under the most miserable conditions, to not accept the generous offers from their betters. This is the problem in our land, we get half story and not history. When people talk about historical revisionism, the reality is that we all have been taught revised history and no matter how unpleasant these next words will look like, the fact remains that many Americans were taught a white supremacist version of our history.

Here is more from Lincoln. This is the Abraham Lincoln they didn’t tell us about in school.

“You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.”

On that August day in 1862, Lincoln was not there to discuss options.

“I do not propose to discuss this, but to present it as a fact with which we have to deal,” Lincoln continued. “I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact, about which we all think and feel alike, I and you.”

Lincoln then booked his passage on the crazy train. He went off the rails on the delegates, and went so far as to blame blacks for the Civil War:

“See our present condition—the country engaged in war!—our white men cutting one another’s throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence.”

Never mind that whites bought blacks over here and the government he grew up in and now presided over made slavery legal, it is the fault of blacks that a civil war broke out on his watch. The president then tried to double down on his original idea— colonizing blacks elsewhere. He wanted badly for blacks to accept his proposal. He came with the paternalism, believing only he could fix the problem.

“I suppose one of the principal difficulties in the way of colonization is that the free colored man cannot see that his comfort would be advanced by it,” Lincoln reasoned. “You may believe you can live in Washington or elsewhere in the United States the remainder of your life [as easily], perhaps more so than you can in any foreign country, and hence you may come to the conclusion that you have nothing to do with the idea of going to a foreign country. This is (I speak in no unkind sense) an extremely selfish view of the case.”

“But you ought to do something to help those who are not so fortunate as yourselves.”

The Great Emancipator thought if these free leaders would help lead black people out of the United States, that would make it easier for white slaveholders to free the rest. Standard operating procedure. Blacks must be the ones to initiate an end to racial problems. Because in Lincolns view, blacks were the ones who started the problem.

“If you could give a start to white people, you would open a wide door for many to be made free. If we deal with those who are not free at the beginning, and whose intellects are clouded by Slavery, we have very poor materials to start with. If intelligent colored men, such as are before me, would move in this matter, much might be accomplished. It is exceedingly important that we have men at the beginning capable of thinking as white men, and not those who have been systematically oppressed.”

Blacks were to ignore their systematic oppression and consider only how white men saw things. Can you imagine what those blacks had to be thinking? Lincoln insulted these blacks and did so to their faces.

There is much to encourage you,” Lincoln continued pitching. “For the sake of your race you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people.”

The blacks he was talking to and about were born in America. They had more direct involvement in building America and its wealth than did Lincoln himself. Yet Lincoln believed himself and the white race superior while the Negro was a “problem.” Some republicans bragging about being the party of Lincoln do not want to talk honestly about Lincoln. Exactly what was the comfort blacks were living in at that time? When discussing Lincolns racism, so many whites want to make excuses. I have been told Lincoln’s views on race evolved, yet he pushed this idea until the night he went to that play at Ford’s Theatre.

Let’s end the lie right here. The party of Lincoln wanted to free blacks and in return we were to be moved back to Africa or somewhere in South America. So let’s drop the lie about the republican party and face the fact that republicans were just as racist and now today the republicans party is the racist party while democrats have become more diverse.

While the far right and some black and non white stooges try pushing the slavery ended then Martin Luther King showed up and finally ended racism fairy tale, the fact is that republicans lost blacks because of their actions after slavery. During reconstruction initially it looked like blacks and whites would be able to get beyond slavery as a nation and perhaps unite. But it did not happen because of a republican backlash to black progress called the lily-white movement.

“The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by
Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.” “This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

The racism inherent in much of the current republican base allows a failure to understand that blacks are able to think critically and make decisions without white input. We know what republicans have done. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Rutherford Hayes, a republican, ended reconstruction. We had the republican lily white movement to purge blacks from the party. Republicans endorsed separate but equal, every republican administration in the early to mid 1900's broke promises made to blacks, most notably during the Great Mississippi flood, which resulted in massive black casualties, displacement and basically returning southern blacks back to slave status.

The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 was the most destructive river flood in the history of the United States. Twenty-seven thousand square miles of the United States was under water up to 30 feet deep. Because of this flood, the federal government built the system of levees and floodways we see along the Mississippi River today. More than 200,000 African Americans were displaced from their homes along the Mississippi and had to live for lengthy periods in “relief camps.” Calling them relief camps is overly kind as supplies and means of evacuation after flooding were given to primarily to whites. Blacks got whatever was left. African Americans could not receive supplies without providing the name of a white employer or a voucher from somebody white. Blacks were made to work against their will and were not allowed to leave. In some discussions it has been said that blacks were put in concentration camps. Whether or not that is true, blacks were subject to dangerous and inhumane conditions.

Walter White, then the president of the NAACP visited the Mississippi delta. When he returned to New York he had some very choice words for the conditions he saw that blacks had to endure. “Negroes in hundreds of cases were forced to work at the point of guns on the levees long after it was certain that the levees would break. Conscripted Negro labor did practically all of the hard and dangerous work in fighting the flood. Harrowing as many of these stories are, they are the almost inevitable products of a gigantic catastrophe and are part of the normal picture of the industrial and race situation in certain parts of the South. The greatest and most significant injustice is in the denial to Negroes of the right of free movement and of the privilege of selling their services to the highest bidder. That, if persisted in, would recreate and crystallize a new slavery almost as miserable as the old.” White called the facilities the federal troops used to hold until their employers could claim them concentration camps.

Whites report as well as others caught the attention of Herbert Hoover who was serving as Secretary of Commerce. Hoover was charged with the responsibility of flood relief. In classic racist fashion without white oversight, the report from a black person on the condition they saw other blacks enduring would not be good enough for the whites in charge. So Hoover decided he needed to create a Colored Advisory Committee. This committee was appointed to investigate the NAACP’s complaints. The Colored Advisory Committee was chaired by Tuskegee Institute president Robert Moton, with eleven other people from Tuskegee serving as as committee members. Hoover was using black conservatives in hopes that what the came from the Booker T Washington side would be less critical and could be used to discredit the drilling the federal government took from the NAACP. Once again, the Washington philosophy failed black Americans in spectacular fashion.

Before we go further, I think it’s important to know who Robert Moton is. Moton is a very consequential figure in black political history. His political story is a cautionary tale for current blacks who call themselves conservative but whose beliefs align with right wing white racial extremists. His life story shows a fact of slavery that some whites purposefully leave out of the tale of how blacks sold each other into slavery.

Moton was born in 1867. His father had been a wealthy African Cheiftain that got rich by selling slaves. That is until he was sold into slavery. Moton graduated from Hampton Institute in 1890. When Booker T. Washington died in 1915, Moton succeeded Washington as President of Tuskegee. During his time at Tuskegee, Moton expanded the curriculum at Tuskegee to include liberal arts. However, during his time Moton allowed the Tuskegee Experiment to be conducted. Moton by all standards was an impressive man, but he had one flaw, his belief in accommodation.

Like Washington, Moton believed that the best way to advance the cause of African Americans was to convince white people of black people's worth through their exemplary behavior. He didn't fight segregation or challenge white authority. Moton sat on the boards of major philanthropies with the likes of Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller Jr. It is not overstating that Moton held great influence in the America of that period.

After the NAACP roasted the government, Hoover, who was thinking about a presidential run, was told by advisors to get influential blacks involved in order address the criticism from the NAACP. Such is why Hoover used him to Chair the Colored Advisory Committee. I describe this as using because that’s exactly what Hoover did. The Committee goes to investigate the situation in Mississippi. On December 12, 1927, The Colored Advisory Commission sent Hoover a letter with the findings from their investigation. They reported on the conditions they found on arrival and made 13 recommendations to Hoover.

Moton presented the findings of the commission to Hoover and advocated for immediate assistance to those most in need. Hoover asked Moton to not let information contained in the commission report be leaked to the public. So Moton kept the findings from the public In return for doing that, Hoover hinted to Moton that if he get elected president, Moton and his people would be part of the Hoover administration. Hoover also implied that as president he would to divide the land of planters bankrupted from the flood into African American-owned farms.

Because of these promises, Moton made sure the Commission did not leak the full story of what they saw and were told by blacks who were suffering mightily in the Mississippi delta. Moton then pumped up the Hoover's candidacy in the African American community. Once he was elected President in 1928, Hoover caught a case of amnesia and forgot about the promises he made to Moton and the black community. To quote Ice Cube, Moton got, “fucked out of his green by a white boy with no Vaseline.” In 1932 Moton ended being accommodating and when he finished, the damage he did to the republican party has lasted to this very day. Moton withdrew his support for Hoover and switched to the Democratic Party. His move created a historic shift as African Americans began to abandon the Republicans Party, the party of Lincoln, the party of the Emancipation Proclamation, and turned to the Democratic Party.

But a few stragglers stayed faithful to the Republican party still after 70 years of the party ignoring blacks and breaking promises. Until 1964. That was when a democrat that signed what amounted to our second Emancipation Proclamation when President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Members of todays republican party spin a disingenuous tale about republican support for the Civil Rights and voting rights act. They tell about a democratic filibuster and will tell us that more democrats opposed these bills than republicans. These things are true. But they only tell part of the story. According to Merriam-Webster the definition of disingenuous is, lacking in candor: giving a false appearance of simple frankness.” In the house, 221 democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, 112 republicans did. In the senate, 47 democrats voted for the Voting Rights Act, 30 republicans did.

It’s time for the sellouts and Uncle Toms to fall back. Because the house negro does not own the house and once they think they do, they get removed. Earlier I quoted Booker T. Washington. Some whites love using his words to counter arguments made by blacks today regarding continuing white racism. To reflect our modern reality, I have modified Washington’s comments.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti white racism. ... Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs ... There is a certain class of white race-"problem solvers" who don’t want America to get well.”

1964 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. By 1964 there were blacks whose families had been republicans for almost 100 years. The Goldwater nomination was a slap in the face of black people. When we got civil rights, republicans decided that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, turned their backs on us and began letting southern white racists become part of the party. So just cut the crap. The history of the republican party is one of broken promises to black people. All today’s republican establishment does for blacks is throw out Uncle Toms or Aunties and tell us they are the ones we should listen to. Black republicans that do not deny that racism exists are part of the party, but you will not see them on Fox News. We are not republicans because republicans took a knee on us. Now they want us to come back so they can implement policies that will put a chokehold on us. The republican party is anti-affirmative action, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, pro maintenance of the memory of the confederacy but we are supposed to run to the republican party because Abraham Lincoln freed slaves from the same confederacy republicans defend today. The shame is that there are blacks in America who are fooled by the gaslighting.

The following statement pretty much sums it up relative to blacks and our experiences with the major political parties. This is a comment from a man who saw the beginning of the first civil rights movement. A man who saw his parents spit on by whites during the days of Jim Crow.

I don’t say that to take sides with democrats, because I'm old enough and have seen MORE than enough to know that NEITHER political party is truly and collectively concerned about the well being of the black citizens of this country. It was no badge of honor to abolish slavery, or pass the civil rights act, the voting act or to even sign affirmative action into law.

Those were the most basic of human rights as well as rights of a tax paying citizen to be treated equally and fairly, so there is ZERO gratitude owed to either party for those so called "historical moments".

Anonymous black internet forum poster

The racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we are told how we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.

Here endeth the lesson.


Fauntroy, Michael K. (2007), Republicans and the Black vote, Lynne Rienner Publishers .

Henry Louis Gates Jr., Did Lincoln Want to Ship Black People Back to Africa? people-back-to-africa-1790858389

The Negro and the Flood, Walter White, The Nation, Vol. 124, No. 3233, April 15,1927.

The Mississippi River Great Flood of 1927, Malik Simba, The Mississippi River Great Flood of 1927

The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927-Ain’t Got No Place to Go, Laura Coyle, Published Sept. 7, 2016; updated Jan. 11, 2019, The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1927

Robert Moton and the Colored Advisory Commission, Robert Moton and the Colored Advisory Commission | American Experience | PBS

Robert Moton's Second Report, Robert Moton's Second Report | American Experience | PBS
What about those pesky facts though?

“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

Other studies have found the opposite. frankly, I think cops shoot way too many people of all races.... 1000 Officer involved homicides every year.
If you want to stop cops killing blacks, the solution is simple: tell blacks to listen to all orders by a police officer. Don't give a cop a reason to use deadly force, and they won't.

Capital idea.

Her's a reason a cop shouldn't use deadly force on an unarmed person.
We'll throw in you the same jail we throw everyone else who shoots an unarmed person.
Where they just LOVE cops.
What about those pesky facts though?

“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

Other studies have found the opposite. frankly, I think cops shoot way too many people of all races.... 1000 Officer involved homicides every year.
Given the fact that multitudes of studies have confirmed the fact that the criminal justice system is racist, the post BL produced is just another racist trying to deny. Police do shoot, beat up and kill far too many people.
If you want to stop cops killing blacks, the solution is simple: tell blacks to listen to all orders by a police officer. Don't give a cop a reason to use deadly force, and they won't.

Capital idea.

Her's a reason a cop shouldn't use deadly force on an unarmed person.
We'll throw in you the same jail we throw everyone else who shoots an unarmed person.
Where they just LOVE cops.
Now that's the solution to this problem.
What about those pesky facts though?

“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

Other studies have found the opposite. frankly, I think cops shoot way too many people of all races.... 1000 Officer involved homicides every year.
Given the fact that multitudes of studies have confirmed the fact that the criminal justice system is racist, the post BL produced is just another racist trying to deny. Police do shoot, beat up and kill far too many people.

To check your credibility I have a question for you; do blacks “shoot, beat up and kill far too many people”?
If you want to stop cops killing blacks, the solution is simple: tell blacks to listen to all orders by a police officer. Don't give a cop a reason to use deadly force, and they won't.

Capital idea.

Her's a reason a cop shouldn't use deadly force on an unarmed person.
We'll throw in you the same jail we throw everyone else who shoots an unarmed person.
Where they just LOVE cops.
Now that's the solution to this problem.

Yes, if you're a criminal or criminal minded person like most leftists are, that is a solution.
What about those pesky facts though?

“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

Other studies have found the opposite. frankly, I think cops shoot way too many people of all races.... 1000 Officer involved homicides every year.
Given the fact that multitudes of studies have confirmed the fact that the criminal justice system is racist, the post BL produced is just another racist trying to deny. Police do shoot, beat up and kill far too many people.

Just the opposite. They don't shoot, beat up or kill nearly enough. If they did, lowlifes would actually start listening to them.
If you want to stop cops killing blacks, the solution is simple: tell blacks to listen to all orders by a police officer. Don't give a cop a reason to use deadly force, and they won't.

Capital idea.

Her's a reason a cop shouldn't use deadly force on an unarmed person.
We'll throw in you the same jail we throw everyone else who shoots an unarmed person.
Where they just LOVE cops.

Ah yes, that's the solution: empower the criminal even more. How is that working out in Seattle, Portland, and even in your town of Chicago?
he racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we are told how we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.

There you go, another black who is misinformed.

The Civil Rights act was passed by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats. Even Al Gore's father voted against it, and you blacks put his son up to run for President. Now let's revisit what your current Democrat candidate has said in the past, and some in the very recent past:

I would not send my kid to a bussed school because it would be a racial jungle.

Poor kids are just as smart as white kids.

You can't go to a 7-11 or Duncan Doughnuts without an Indian accent.

You are not black if you don't vote for me.

They're going to put y'all back in chains.

Obama is bright, articulate, and clean.

Blacks are not like Hispanics who have different cultures.

What Biden's boss said about Obama: 20 years ago, he (Obama) would have been serving us coffee.

We won't even get into what he shared about his joy working with segregationist Senators either. But the fact is, you can't give me a Trump comment that goes anywhere near what Biden has said. You brainwashed Democrats pick and choose; hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest.

That aside, and the fact Democrats heavily support the largest black killing machine in the country (Planned Parenthood) you don't understand how the Democrat party is throwing you under the bus. Many blacks work blue collar jobs that are taken away from them by illegal immigrants that the Democrats support having. Think of it: 20 million illegals in this country!

Do Democrats support blacks? Yes they do, for the votes. When something better comes along, under the bus you go. Remember who fought School Vouchers, even taking the issue to court to have it stopped. Vouchers give some black kids the ability to get out of their urban school and go to one of their parents choice. They sided with their teachers unions over your entire race of people.

The Uncle Tom's as you call them are the educated blacks who truly understand the Democrat party and what they did to their people. A great piece written by this Uncle Tom, Walter E Williams, put it best in his article Black Self-Sabagage. Mind you, nobody has ever challenged the Doctor on his fact findings, and I doubt you'll even click the link. But maybe you are a little bored today or something:

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage

if white folks for the last few decades weren't terrified into submission by the thought they might be called racist this country wouldn't be in the state it is in today what with the never ending riots and such . But I dunno, I think we're kinda numb to it at this point. After all, we're racist no matter what we do. Might as well embrace it.
We are getting to the point where people will live nowhere near a higher percentage of African Americans if they can get out. It is even tougher to watch TV programs, entertainment, sports and movies with many African Americans in them.

Even if you subtract the propensity towards criminal violence, black people make terrible neighbors. They're rude and you have to walk on eggshells around them to avoid the inevitable accusation of being racist.
Why is it that members of a race who have killed millions in the US alone talking about the propensity of criminal violence in other races?
All I know is that I am wary of American made high tech products until proven now. I rather fly on a European Airbus Passenger Jet then a Boeing Passenger Jet today.
Why is it that members of a race who have killed millions in the US alone talking about the propensity of criminal violence in other races?

Are all people who happen to be of the same 'race' guilty of all the crimes of anyone of that same 'race' that ever committed any crime? Should you be required to pay the ticket for every black person in the history of America who ever ran a stop sign? Are you responsible for every (how about any?) black people who run a stop sign anywhere in the country today?
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.

We have PLENTY of successful Black folks up here in the northwest, mainly Washington & Oregon state from what I have seen. Attorney's, medical personnel, construction, automotive parts counter personnel, & even heavy equipment. These are positions of employmment that I have seen or done business with that have knowledgeable/professional Black folks hired to perform a job & they seem to be performing their jobs in an excellent manner. Honestly, up here where I am located(eastern Washington state) I have experienced only one case of racial bias(poor White trash type) & other than that no bias. We are mostly livestock/crop & dairy farmers(we feed America & a LOT more!)& are just too busy working in trying to make a somewhat decent living to be concerned with color of skin or facial variations. We got them all, Orientals(most crop for the acreage), Caucasians(Whites), native American Indians(Spokane Tribe!) & Latinos(freakin' hard working folks/could grow crops on planet Mars!!!) I really don't think that folks out in these parts realize there are physical differences between our variety of folks. We all speak simple ole plain english but the Native American Indians, Latinos & Orientals of course speak several languages. I believe that the problems that the ghetto Blacks have that are located in various parts of the country just comes down to a welfarian mentality/government idolatry. The ghetto Blacks(no self esteem) simply are FRIGHTENED to assimilate(cultish mentality) with their fellow Americans which dooms them from being able to learn from the various ethnic groups that comprise OUR American society. Could you imagine the only Americans you ever got to know were Aleutian Natives out on the Aleutian island chain(Kiska/Attu etc/I've been there)??? Then people wonder why the ghetto Blacks are functionally illiterate & low on gray matter? Until the ghetto Blacks are literally moved out of the ghetto groupie lifestyle & forced to assimilate(become employed) with their fellow Americans the problems seen in the current Black Ghettos(now spilling over into unaffiliated areas of society) will continue on unabated.
What about those pesky facts though?

“A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

Other studies have found the opposite. frankly, I think cops shoot way too many people of all races.... 1000 Officer involved homicides every year.
Given the fact that multitudes of studies have confirmed the fact that the criminal justice system is racist, the post BL produced is just another racist trying to deny. Police do shoot, beat up and kill far too many people.

To check your credibility I have a question for you; do blacks “shoot, beat up and kill far too many people”?
To check your credibility I have a question for you; Have whites beaten and murdered millions in America?
he racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we are told how we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.

There you go, another black who is misinformed.

The Civil Rights act was passed by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats. Even Al Gore's father voted against it, and you blacks put his son up to run for President. Now let's revisit what your current Democrat candidate has said in the past, and some in the very recent past:

I would not send my kid to a bussed school because it would be a racial jungle.

Poor kids are just as smart as white kids.

You can't go to a 7-11 or Duncan Doughnuts without an Indian accent.

You are not black if you don't vote for me.

They're going to put y'all back in chains.

Obama is bright, articulate, and clean.

Blacks are not like Hispanics who have different cultures.

What Biden's boss said about Obama: 20 years ago, he (Obama) would have been serving us coffee.

We won't even get into what he shared about his joy working with segregationist Senators either. But the fact is, you can't give me a Trump comment that goes anywhere near what Biden has said. You brainwashed Democrats pick and choose; hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest.

That aside, and the fact Democrats heavily support the largest black killing machine in the country (Planned Parenthood) you don't understand how the Democrat party is throwing you under the bus. Many blacks work blue collar jobs that are taken away from them by illegal immigrants that the Democrats support having. Think of it: 20 million illegals in this country!

Do Democrats support blacks? Yes they do, for the votes. When something better comes along, under the bus you go. Remember who fought School Vouchers, even taking the issue to court to have it stopped. Vouchers give some black kids the ability to get out of their urban school and go to one of their parents choice. They sided with their teachers unions over your entire race of people.

The Uncle Tom's as you call them are the educated blacks who truly understand the Democrat party and what they did to their people. A great piece written by this Uncle Tom, Walter E Williams, put it best in his article Black Self-Sabagage. Mind you, nobody has ever challenged the Doctor on his fact findings, and I doubt you'll even click the link. But maybe you are a little bored today or something:

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage
Walter Williams is an idiot. Try someone who has credibility outside the right wing racist world.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.

We have PLENTY of successful Black folks up here in the northwest, mainly Washington & Oregon state from what I have seen. Attorney's, medical personnel, construction, automotive parts counter personnel, & even heavy equipment. These are positions of employmment that I have seen or done business with that have knowledgeable/professional Black folks hired to perform a job & they seem to be performing their jobs in an excellent manner. Honestly, up here where I am located(eastern Washington state) I have experienced only one case of racial bias(poor White trash type) & other than that no bias. We are mostly livestock/crop & dairy farmers(we feed America & a LOT more!)& are just too busy working in trying to make a somewhat decent living to be concerned with color of skin or facial variations. We got them all, Orientals(most crop for the acreage), Caucasians(Whites), native American Indians(Spokane Tribe!) & Latinos(freakin' hard working folks/could grow crops on planet Mars!!!) I really don't think that folks out in these parts realize there are physical differences between our variety of folks. We all speak simple ole plain english but the Native American Indians, Latinos & Orientals of course speak several languages. I believe that the problems that the ghetto Blacks have that are located in various parts of the country just comes down to a welfarian mentality/government idolatry. The ghetto Blacks(no self esteem) simply are FRIGHTENED to assimilate(cultish mentality) with their fellow Americans which dooms them from being able to learn from the various ethnic groups that comprise OUR American society. Could you imagine the only Americans you ever got to know were Aleutian Natives out on the Aleutian island chain(Kiska/Attu etc/I've been there)??? Then people wonder why the ghetto Blacks are functionally illiterate & low on gray matter? Until the ghetto Blacks are literally moved out of the ghetto groupie lifestyle & forced to assimilate(become employed) with their fellow Americans the problems seen in the current Black Ghettos(now spilling over into unaffiliated areas of society) will continue on unabated.
This is a pile of ignorant white pacific northwest racist crap.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.
Nice post, Mary. Thank you.
he racist history of the Democratic party is well documented. I will not be writing about the 1860 Democratic Party. I find is sad and pathetic that when we bring our grievance to the table, “conservatives” provide lectures to us on how long ago slavery was. Yet as they pander to get blacks to join the modern republican party, we are told how we must remember that it was the democrats who were pro slavery. But as I look back over the years since I cast my first ballot (1980), I see a republican party that holds the same ideology as the 1860 Democrats. This ideology comes complete with a wish to secede, defense of the confederacy and some have gone so far as to wish for or openly discuss the idea of a civil war.

There you go, another black who is misinformed.

The Civil Rights act was passed by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats. Even Al Gore's father voted against it, and you blacks put his son up to run for President. Now let's revisit what your current Democrat candidate has said in the past, and some in the very recent past:

I would not send my kid to a bussed school because it would be a racial jungle.

Poor kids are just as smart as white kids.

You can't go to a 7-11 or Duncan Doughnuts without an Indian accent.

You are not black if you don't vote for me.

They're going to put y'all back in chains.

Obama is bright, articulate, and clean.

Blacks are not like Hispanics who have different cultures.

What Biden's boss said about Obama: 20 years ago, he (Obama) would have been serving us coffee.

We won't even get into what he shared about his joy working with segregationist Senators either. But the fact is, you can't give me a Trump comment that goes anywhere near what Biden has said. You brainwashed Democrats pick and choose; hear what you want to hear and disregard the rest.

That aside, and the fact Democrats heavily support the largest black killing machine in the country (Planned Parenthood) you don't understand how the Democrat party is throwing you under the bus. Many blacks work blue collar jobs that are taken away from them by illegal immigrants that the Democrats support having. Think of it: 20 million illegals in this country!

Do Democrats support blacks? Yes they do, for the votes. When something better comes along, under the bus you go. Remember who fought School Vouchers, even taking the issue to court to have it stopped. Vouchers give some black kids the ability to get out of their urban school and go to one of their parents choice. They sided with their teachers unions over your entire race of people.

The Uncle Tom's as you call them are the educated blacks who truly understand the Democrat party and what they did to their people. A great piece written by this Uncle Tom, Walter E Williams, put it best in his article Black Self-Sabagage. Mind you, nobody has ever challenged the Doctor on his fact findings, and I doubt you'll even click the link. But maybe you are a little bored today or something:

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage
Walter Williams is an idiot. Try someone who has credibility outside the right wing racist world.

And by credibility you mean what, a leftist? There is nobody more credible than Dr. Williams. Now if you want to challenge his credibility, why don't you point out where he failed in his column that you didn't even bother looking at?

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