Is Obama the worst president ever?

Is Obama the worst president ever?

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Gold Member
May 24, 2009
I believe there is an overwhelming agreement across America that Obama is the worst President ever!. And here is a LIST of Obama’s evil doings to support the contention.

What say you?


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.

Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
I believe there is an overwhelming agreement across America that Obama is the worst President ever!. And here is a LIST of Obama’s evil doings to support the contention.

What say you?


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.

Guess it depends on who you're listening to.

Survey Ranks Obama 15th Best President, Bush Among Worst

Starting with the best ranked:
1. Franklin D. Roosevelt

2. Theodore Roosevelt

3. Abraham Lincoln

4. George Washington

5. Thomas Jefferson

6. James Madison

7. James Monroe

8. Woodrow Wilson

9. Harry Truman

10. Dwight D. Eisenhower

11. John F. Kennedy

12. James K. Polk

13. William Clinton

14. Andrew Jackson

15. Barack Obama

16. Lyndon B. Johnson

17. John Adams

18. Ronald Reagan

19. John Quincy Adams

20. Grover Cleveland

21. William McKinley

22. George H. W. Bush

23. Martin Van Buren

24. William Howard Taft

25. Chester Arthur

26. Ulysses S. Grant

27. James Garfield

28. Gerald Ford

29. Calvin Coolidge

30. Richard Nixon

31. Rutherford B. Hayes

32. James Carter

33. Zachary Taylor

34. Benjamin Harrison

35. William Henry Harrison

36. Herbert Hoover

37. John Tyler

38. Millard Fillmore

39. George W. Bush

40. Franklin Pierce

41. Warren G. Harding

42. James Buchanan

43. Andrew Johnson
Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
Bet if he was white they'd only hate him as much as Bill Clinton Repubs are the party of bashing and hate That's ALL they do
Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
Bet if he was white they'd only hate him as much as Bill Clinton Repubs are the party of bashing and hate That's ALL they do
Timmy Obama has done more for America than the last 3 republican presidents ...maybe even 4 put together
Pretty simple to prove Obama is the worst!
NOT ONE president has ever ever degraded the military by telling the insurgents that the military has "air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!
NOT ONE president ever said he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
NOT ONE president ever said "" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
NOT ONE president has ever wanted "I prefer higher gas prices".
NOT ONE president has ever said he wanted "told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
NOT ONE president has ever said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
NOT ONE president has ever told us before he became president he would use tricks, tactics, i.e. LIE!
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time
We actually had a vote on that in 2012

Republicans campaigned that Obama is the "Worst President ever"

Doesn't seem anyone believed it
Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
Bet if he was white they'd only hate him as much as Bill Clinton Repubs are the party of bashing and hate That's ALL they do
Timmy Obama has done more for America than the last 3 republican presidents ...maybe even 4 put together
If you're talking about the debt he's done more than all of them
Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
Bet if he was white they'd only hate him as much as Bill Clinton Repubs are the party of bashing and hate That's ALL they do

If he was white, he'd have never been nominated.
How about some objective criteria .

Rather than spewing bullshit righty propaganda .
Survey was taken July 2, 2010. Obumble hadn't even begun to fuck up everything he touched. Where is the latest poll from those Presidential scholars?
I believe there is an overwhelming agreement across America that Obama is the worst President ever!. And here is a LIST of Obama’s evil doings to support the contention.

What say you?


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.

He is by far the worst of my lifetime, and I've been through twelve of them so far.
I think he's in a dead heat with Carter.

Both of them suck.
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I believe there is an overwhelming agreement across America that Obama is the worst President ever!. And here is a LIST of Obama’s evil doings to support the contention.

What say you?
Come on billy EVERY Dem president is the worst with you Don't make it sound like you're trying to be fair


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.

He is by far the worst of my lifetime, and I've been through twelve of them so far.
Survey was taken July 2, 2010. Obumble hadn't even begun to fuck up everything he touched. Where is the latest poll from those Presidential scholars?

Over two years afterwards the American people reelected him. Obama has been average at best, but that's not saying much.
Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
Bet if he was white they'd only hate him as much as Bill Clinton Repubs are the party of bashing and hate That's ALL they do
Timmy Obama has done more for America than the last 3 republican presidents ...maybe even 4 put together
If you're talking about the debt he's done more than all of them
Remember Reagan TRIPLED and GWB DOUBLED our debt Repubs were silent
Obamas done a great job .

Conservatives run around sayin "he's the worst" just cause they hate him. Saying it doesn't make it true .
Bet if he was white they'd only hate him as much as Bill Clinton Repubs are the party of bashing and hate That's ALL they do
Timmy Obama has done more for America than the last 3 republican presidents ...maybe even 4 put together
If you're talking about the debt he's done more than all of them

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