Is Obama Black?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
el caballero
Well I read a Discussion, and some claimed that Obama is not Black just were choosen to be for Political Reasons and that he is a Mullato. "O-Ton: A Black Person doesnt come out from a White womb".

Here is my take on it
Well technically Obama is Half White/Half Black mixed. He has lighter Skin Tone and more European like Features then pure SSA. to Europeans he looks black, to proper SSA he looks exotic. But within the Context of African Culture in the USA, he is black. Race is a self Designation in the USA and I think if Obama sees himself as Black it is ok to see him as such. Well to most White People he looks just black, in deep SSA he would be seen as exotic but not by Africans in USA (who are mixed with White to varying degrees). He fits just fine.
Obama is genetically of "mixed ethnicities" however, as Noomi pointed out he is considered culturally/socially of the African-American group
I'll consider him black too reasons.

1. Aesthetics

2. The one drop rule. I know that the one drop is BS, however many people still use it.
Do ever notice when a half lack person is either attractive or successful, all of the sudden they're credited as being not full black or European features within?

But if a half black person does something wrong or stupid, despite being half-black they're credited to being a full blown Negro.

With this double standard attitude of non-black people, any person mixed with black blood is black imo. I won't be PC when others are not. When people stop that double standard then I'll stop.
I'll consider him black too reasons.

1. Aesthetics

2. The one drop rule. I know that the one drop is BS, however many people still use it.
Do ever notice when a half lack person is either attractive or successful, all of the sudden they're credited as being not full black or European features within?

But if a half black person does something wrong or stupid, despite being half-black they're credited to being a full blown Negro.

With this double standard attitude of non-black people, any person mixed with black blood is black imo. I won't be PC when others are not. When people stop that double standard then I'll stop.

I see your point especially upon the aspects of dominate and recessive genes. Of course many whites looking at Obama per face value will notice his "black traits" such as hair, eyes, lips, even his accent (which is socially determined).

I too consider Obama black.

If white people can make racially stereotypical jokes about Obama's heritage and call him the "N word" (regardless him having a lily white mother) then obviously his bi-racial heritage is a non-factor.
well you look like you are spanish but you sure as hell aint white.

spanish People are White. You mistake them for mixed race Hispanics from Latin America. But I dont see why you tell me this, this is very random.
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He is mixed race, but prefers to be known as a black man, it would seem.

what should he be known as, as White? Wouldnt that be quiete ridicolous?
And also we should respect that he identifies as Black (most Aframs have White Admix to some degree) He fits quiete well. People looking at him will identify him as black
We don't really know what he is, or who his daddy is.

Yes--- yes we do. And we know who his momma is and who his step-daddy was:

Barry and real daddy whom he saw once or twice:


Barry and real mommy who gave him to her parents to raise/rear:


Barry and mommy and step-daddy, Mr. Soetoro, with newly arrived half-sister....

well you look like you are spanish but you sure as hell aint white.

spanish People are White.
You mistake them for mixed race Hispanics from Latin America. But I dont see why you tell me this, this is very random.

They are? I wonder what the Spanish of Moorish descent would say to that.

there are no such People, because during the Reconquista the moors have been expelled along with the sephardic jews etc.

and moor doesnt mean neccessarily negroe, it refers to northafricans of Berber orgins who are a caucasoid race
Well I read a Discussion, and some claimed that Obama is not Black just were choosen to be for Political Reasons and that he is a Mullato. "O-Ton: A Black Person doesnt come out from a White womb".

Here is my take on it
Well technically Obama is Half White/Half Black mixed. He has lighter Skin Tone and more European like Features then pure SSA. to Europeans he looks black, to proper SSA he looks exotic. But within the Context of African Culture in the USA, he is black. Race is a self Designation in the USA and I think if Obama sees himself as Black it is ok to see him as such. Well to most White People he looks just black, in deep SSA he would be seen as exotic but not by Africans in USA (who are mixed with White to varying degrees). He fits just fine.

No matter what he "is" from a technically genetic point of view, he looks black to most in the USA, which has been enough for the extreme right to be frightened of him and therfore attempt to marginalize and devalue him in every way possible.

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