Is Minnesota a breeding ground for the "Ugly American."


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
This shocking episode of blatant racial and ethnic intolerance caught me by surprise, especially since the incident occurred in Minnesota. Here is what happened:

Location: Applebee's restaurant, Coons Rapids, Mn.

A local Somali immigrant family had settled into their seats at the above location and were conversing in Swahili.
Everything was just fine until a White couple in a neighboring booth took offense. The White female at first voiced her opinion that the Somalis ought to speak English while in America. The Somali woman spoke up and
told the aggressive White woman that she had the right to speak as she chose. Well, that didn't sit too well with
Mrs "conservative" USA. In a flash of violent rage, the aggressive White gal grabbed a mug and smashed the poor Somali woman in the face with it. The attacker fled, leaving her victim injured and bleeding. The Somali lady was transported to a local hospital and received 17 stitches.

Hate crime? Well, yes, this case has all the ramifications and meets every prerequisite necessary to declare it as one; but, there is a catch. In Minnesota, a hate crime is just a misdemeanor. Yep, that caught me by surprise too. I always thought hate crimes were somehow ensconced into federal civil right's laws that drew more serious penalties than regular crimes. Thus, the prosecutors will likely charge the offender with aggravated assault to preclude charging her with the lower tiered hate crime which is only a gross misdemeanor .

Given that Minnesota has chosen to address hate crime in that way, it leads one to wonder if such weak legislation was promulgated to make a political as well as an ideological statement. If so, the message was delivered with a bang. As expected, the riff raff , probably migrants from the south, seem to find it all too accommodating.
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I was raised in the far north of Minnesota, I do not recall seeing anyone of color until I moved to California, I didn't even have a taco until that time... It was a culture shock at first.
and will add : There are hateful people everywhere in the US.

I would say that California was very tolerant until Now~ we are getting flooded with people who do not know the language and drive. The roads are unsafe with people who do not know what they are doing.
horrible...want to talk about black on white crime now?'t think so.
With hundreds of threads addressing Black on White crime, I think you and your associates have that market cornered, My aim is just to show the other side of the that alright? I wouldn't want to offend anyone...heh heh heh!
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .
exactly....these people from the oppressed people's socialist party (democrats) scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....and in this case it's white people.
One isolated incident should not be used to paint a much larger society.
I have lived in Minneapolis for 17 years and my impression is that the Twin Cities is top heavy with open- minded progressive. As in any open society you are going to have a few that defy the overall demographic make up.
Let me list an example: Al Franken. Keith Ellison, Michelle Bachmann, Amy Klobuchar. Four politicians, three very liberal and one Tea Party.all from Minny. The Tea Party is very, very weak in Minnesota, many of Minnesota's elected Republicans are more or less moderates.
In other words this bigoted woman represents a very tiny segment of Minnesoa's overall profile.
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .
exactly....these people from the oppressed people's socialist party (democrats) scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....and in this case it's white people.

Posted like a true dedicated partisan.
In real life, it's usually the hard right or the hard left that "scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....".
USMB is filled with many, many examples of your quote, as USMB is top heavy with folks from the hard right and hard left. It's a very common occurrence on political boards because these folks are so emotional, easily manipulated and carry way to much unhealthy hate. I might want to add, they are usually immature on top of it.
Painting an entire demographic based on the actions of a few of a perfect example of what you accuse the entire left of doing, except, you are doing it. :dunno:
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .
exactly....these people from the oppressed people's socialist party (democrats) scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....and in this case it's white people.

Posted like a true dedicated partisan.
In real life, it's usually the hard right or the hard left that "scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....".
USMB is filled with many, many examples of your quote, as USMB is top heavy with folks from the hard right and hard left. It's a very common occurrence on political boards because these folks are so emotional, easily manipulated and carry way to much unhealthy hate. I might want to add, they are usually immature on top of it.
Painting an entire demographic based on the actions of a few of a perfect example of what you accuse the entire left of doing, except, you are doing it. :dunno:

sure...sure...enjoy your somalians...maybe if you're lucky you can meet some VERY VERY devout muslims up there, too..good luck!
horrible...want to talk about black on white crime now?'t think so.

Because that obviously excuses what this woman did

It does? Really? Can you explain how it "excuses" her?

I'm a man of many talents, but reading your mind isn't one of them.
I didn't ask you if you were a "man".
I didn't ask if you had a any "talents".
I didn't ask you to read my mind.

I asked you to support your claim that a white woman attacking a muzzie justifies massive negro crime against white people.

...and you (predictably) tried to change the subject. You're very dishonest.
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .
exactly....these people from the oppressed people's socialist party (democrats) scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....and in this case it's white people.

I don't think my op is representative of your premise. The thread was tastefully done. I took exceptional precautions to avoid indicting ALL White people for what one did. As you well know, you and the haters here have never been so considerate in your blanket indictments of ALL black people.
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .

I believe she has been caught and charged; but, my aim was to raise awareness among people of color that there are seeds of violent racism being planted in places you wouldn't expect.
I was raised in the far north of Minnesota, I do not recall seeing anyone of color until I moved to California, I didn't even have a taco until that time... It was a culture shock at first.
and will add : There are hateful people everywhere in the US.

I would say that California was very tolerant until Now~ we are getting flooded with people who do not know the language and drive. The roads are unsafe with people who do not know what they are doing.

1.i would have guessed that your racial isolation in northern Minnesota would have made you more sensitive to the plight of people of color. Then again, I suppose Fox News and the Rush Limbaugh show are unavoidable influences on people everywhere.

2. If English challenged people are driving legally , meaning they have driver's licenses, I really don't see how that would be a safety issue. American tourists and soldiers drive in other countries without speaking the native language too, even in places where cars have been modified to facilitate driving on the left side of the road. Perhaps you should re-examine your data. You will probably find that most accidents are caused by people fluent in English.
Check the UCR. White males are far more likely to drive under the influence of alcohol than any other demographic.
Look, Minnesota is usually Liberal minded with a small population that could be consider to be Tea Panty supporters. The fact is what the woman did against the other female is outrageous but it is very rare up there.

You have a better chance of a hate crime in Kentucky than up there.

Once the nutter is arrested she should be charged with a hate crime, assault, and then a civil suit should be brought against her.

Hope the injured lady will understand not everyone up there is a close minded nutter and in that region it is rare as can be.
One isolated incident should not be used to paint a much larger society.
I have lived in Minneapolis for 17 years and my impression is that the Twin Cities is top heavy with open- minded progressive. As in any open society you are going to have a few that defy the overall demographic make up.
Let me list an example: Al Franken. Keith Ellison, Michelle Bachmann, Amy Klobuchar. Four politicians, three very liberal and one Tea Party.all from Minny. The Tea Party is very, very weak in Minnesota, many of Minnesota's elected Republicans are more or less moderates.
In other words this bigoted woman represents a very tiny segment of Minnesoa's overall profile.

You might have misinterpreted the op. There is no broad brush painting of a much larger society.
Read it again. Did I not mention that I thought the assailant(s) were likely migrants from the south? Smatterings of racist rebel flag waving southerners have migrated to places like Minnesota in recent years. I can almost predict that the attacker is one of those types, complete with tattoos of rebel flags on her butt cheeks and a stylish confederate license plate adorning the front bumper of the get away car. Oh, and she is probably a republican to boot. I can't be to certain of that last hunch though... some democrats are just as racist... Ferguson reaffirmed that even before the MIchael Brown shooting!
Look, Minnesota is usually Liberal minded with a small population that could be consider to be Tea Panty supporters. The fact is what the woman did against the other female is outrageous but it is very rare up there.

You have a better chance of a hate crime in Kentucky than up there.

Once the nutter is arrested she should be charged with a hate crime, assault, and then a civil suit should be brought against her.

Hope the injured lady will understand not everyone up there is a close minded nutter and in that region it is rare as can be.

Thanks for the onsite information. I agree that most native Minnesotans are peaceful, law abiding citizens, reflective of their Scandinavian roots. However, you must be aware of the publicized call for a "White" homeland by various racist groups which would include some NW states. Although Minnesota wasn't included in the nefarious demarcation, the close proximity and paucity of non-Whites attracts migrating bigots like honey attracts flies. Too bad supremacist migrants are taking advantage of your generosity to establish racist havens there.
catch the white woman , arrest her , send her to trial and then punishment . I'd also imagine that there will be a civil suit .
exactly....these people from the oppressed people's socialist party (democrats) scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....and in this case it's white people.

Posted like a true dedicated partisan.
In real life, it's usually the hard right or the hard left that "scour the internet to find anything...ANYthing they can use to disparage the matter how isolated or outrageous ....".
USMB is filled with many, many examples of your quote, as USMB is top heavy with folks from the hard right and hard left. It's a very common occurrence on political boards because these folks are so emotional, easily manipulated and carry way to much unhealthy hate. I might want to add, they are usually immature on top of it.
Painting an entire demographic based on the actions of a few of a perfect example of what you accuse the entire left of doing, except, you are doing it. :dunno:

sure...sure...enjoy your somalians...maybe if you're lucky you can meet some VERY VERY devout muslims up there, too..good luck!
The Somali woman and her family WERE muslims dressed in native garb. That seemed to be just too much for her attacker to bear: Black, speaking in her native tongue, vaunting her ethnicity with native clothing; then, having the audacity to use perfect English to defend herself? OMG... kill em ALL before our children start speaking Swahili and marrying them.

Hmm, there could also be an element of jealousy here. That Somali lady IS a fox, even with the cuts and bruises.

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