Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?

Gaza has no economy to sanction.

It receives a lot of humanitarian aide. Removal of that humanitarian aide would seem, well UN-humanitarian. So what is the solution?
Maybe that is exactly what needs to be done.
Stop feeding the wolf.
Either way it is UN-humanitarian to keep nearly 2 million people at the hands of Hamas and the other Iran backed group, to do with whatever they wish, using them as the sacrificial lamb.

It will have to end someday , one way or the other.
All the aid, etc, and once Hamas, etc is gone, try to rebuild it with real partners, if anyone does come up.

But....being Muslims.....I am not quite sure the Charter will be abandoned for the sake of the people and a viable future.

Well, except that we both agree, I think, that Gaza is not
What kind of argument is that? The whole point of defending yourself is to prevent yourself from getting hurt or killed. You don't wait until someone hurts you or kills you to defend yourself. You address a threat when its a threat.
But you are not defending yourself. You're committing murder. If you think your sovereignty is threatened by some rocks and fire kites, then you are a lunatic! You have a very sick society. The atrocities you commit on a daily basis, are beyond inhuman.

You're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd blow your precious Iron Curtain down with Tomahawk missiles. I'd take out your snipers with Cobra gunships. And if you even thought of responding with a tactical nuke, I would barbecue your country in a heartbeat. I guarantee, you country would glow in the dark.

And in the end, I'd leave you with your own bullshit rhetoric by saying, "That was your fault!"

Oooh. Such violence coming from a guy who insists that violence shouldn't be used.
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh this is just too unreal to believe.

What kind of argument is that? The whole point of defending yourself is to prevent yourself from getting hurt or killed. You don't wait until someone hurts you or kills you to defend yourself. You address a threat when its a threat.
But you are not defending yourself. You're committing murder. If you think your sovereignty is threatened by some rocks and fire kites, then you are a lunatic! You have a very sick society. The atrocities you commit on a daily basis, are beyond inhuman.

You're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd blow your precious Iron Curtain down with Tomahawk missiles. I'd take out your snipers with Cobra gunships. And if you even thought of responding with a tactical nuke, I would barbecue your country in a heartbeat. I guarantee, you country would glow in the dark.

And in the end, I'd leave you with your own bullshit rhetoric by saying, "That was your fault!"

The HAMAS organizer are attempting to create a set of conditions that will allow the Gazans to swamp the Border defenses without interference from the Border Guards, breaching the barrier to the degree that thousands of Gazans can pour through the barrier with HAMAS using them to screen their entry. This is a classic case of Rule 97 → Human Shield violation.


Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief: Hamas-Orchestrated Gaza Border Violence Is an ‘Active Suicide Terror Campaign’ Against Israel
by Algemeiner Staff May 16, 2018

The recent Hamas-orchestrated violence on the Israel-Gaza Strip border is “an orchestrated, active suicide terror campaign,” the editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner said during an i24 News debate on Tuesday.

“What Israel is responding to is simply this — there is gunfire, there are reports of grenades being used, there are pipe bombs, there are Molotov cocktails, there are flaming kites,” Dovid Efune pointed out, a day after 60 Palestinians — most of whom were members of terrorist groups — were killed as they tried to storm across the border into the Jewish state.

Hamas Leads Violent March, Using Human Shields, at Israeli-Gaza Border
by Staff | 03.30.18 12:50 pm

In a deliberate attempt to provoke a violent confrontation with Israel over the Passover holiday, the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, which is in complete political and military control of Gaza, is trying to break through Israeli defenses with a violent march at the Israeli-Gaza border, The Times of Israel reported Friday.

Specifically, Hamas has announced plans to direct mobs of civilians — with Hamas elements embedded within and behind, using them as human shields — to try to tear down Israel’s security fence along the border. They would then exploit any incidents at the fence, as Israeli soldiers try to maintain their positions.​

You can pretend that your argument is carrying the day. But at the end of the day, you're not fooling anyone.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh this is just too unreal to believe.

What kind of argument is that? The whole point of defending yourself is to prevent yourself from getting hurt or killed. You don't wait until someone hurts you or kills you to defend yourself. You address a threat when its a threat.
But you are not defending yourself. You're committing murder. If you think your sovereignty is threatened by some rocks and fire kites, then you are a lunatic! You have a very sick society. The atrocities you commit on a daily basis, are beyond inhuman.

You're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd blow your precious Iron Curtain down with Tomahawk missiles. I'd take out your snipers with Cobra gunships. And if you even thought of responding with a tactical nuke, I would barbecue your country in a heartbeat. I guarantee, you country would glow in the dark.

And in the end, I'd leave you with your own bullshit rhetoric by saying, "That was your fault!"

The HAMAS organizer are attempting to create a set of conditions that will allow the Gazans to swamp the Border defenses without interference from the Border Guards, breaching the barrier to the degree that thousands of Gazans can pour through the barrier with HAMAS using them to screen their entry. This is a classic case of Rule 97 → Human Shield violation.


Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief: Hamas-Orchestrated Gaza Border Violence Is an ‘Active Suicide Terror Campaign’ Against Israel
by Algemeiner Staff May 16, 2018

The recent Hamas-orchestrated violence on the Israel-Gaza Strip border is “an orchestrated, active suicide terror campaign,” the editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner said during an i24 News debate on Tuesday.

“What Israel is responding to is simply this — there is gunfire, there are reports of grenades being used, there are pipe bombs, there are Molotov cocktails, there are flaming kites,” Dovid Efune pointed out, a day after 60 Palestinians — most of whom were members of terrorist groups — were killed as they tried to storm across the border into the Jewish state.

Hamas Leads Violent March, Using Human Shields, at Israeli-Gaza Border
by Staff | 03.30.18 12:50 pm

In a deliberate attempt to provoke a violent confrontation with Israel over the Passover holiday, the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, which is in complete political and military control of Gaza, is trying to break through Israeli defenses with a violent march at the Israeli-Gaza border, The Times of Israel reported Friday.

Specifically, Hamas has announced plans to direct mobs of civilians — with Hamas elements embedded within and behind, using them as human shields — to try to tear down Israel’s security fence along the border. They would then exploit any incidents at the fence, as Israeli soldiers try to maintain their positions.​

You can pretend that your argument is carrying the day. But at the end of the day, you're not fooling anyone.

Most Respectfully,
Spare me your daily data dump!

You're spewing Israeli propaganda. You're the ones pulling the trigger. They're the ones being murdered in cold blood.
It is dry.

Thud !!
So it was a deep dark dry well?

That makes more sense, in light of the fact that you fuckers steal an awful lot of water that isn't yours.
They would not know how to find water if their lives depended on it.
They turned their water into undrinkable one, and only have Hamas to blame for it.

Sure, Israel.....the Startup Nation, needs to "steal" from the Arab Palestinians.

This is what Israel does without stealing anything, and giving more than it needs to:

The secret of Israel's water miracle and how it can help a thirsty world

How Israel Is Solving the Global Water Crisis

which is the opposite of what Gaza and the PA do.
RE: Is it time for Israel to re-take Gaza?
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Oh this is just too unreal to believe.

What kind of argument is that? The whole point of defending yourself is to prevent yourself from getting hurt or killed. You don't wait until someone hurts you or kills you to defend yourself. You address a threat when its a threat.
But you are not defending yourself. You're committing murder. If you think your sovereignty is threatened by some rocks and fire kites, then you are a lunatic! You have a very sick society. The atrocities you commit on a daily basis, are beyond inhuman.

You're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd blow your precious Iron Curtain down with Tomahawk missiles. I'd take out your snipers with Cobra gunships. And if you even thought of responding with a tactical nuke, I would barbecue your country in a heartbeat. I guarantee, you country would glow in the dark.

And in the end, I'd leave you with your own bullshit rhetoric by saying, "That was your fault!"

The HAMAS organizer are attempting to create a set of conditions that will allow the Gazans to swamp the Border defenses without interference from the Border Guards, breaching the barrier to the degree that thousands of Gazans can pour through the barrier with HAMAS using them to screen their entry. This is a classic case of Rule 97 → Human Shield violation.


Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief: Hamas-Orchestrated Gaza Border Violence Is an ‘Active Suicide Terror Campaign’ Against Israel
by Algemeiner Staff May 16, 2018

The recent Hamas-orchestrated violence on the Israel-Gaza Strip border is “an orchestrated, active suicide terror campaign,” the editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner said during an i24 News debate on Tuesday.

“What Israel is responding to is simply this — there is gunfire, there are reports of grenades being used, there are pipe bombs, there are Molotov cocktails, there are flaming kites,” Dovid Efune pointed out, a day after 60 Palestinians — most of whom were members of terrorist groups — were killed as they tried to storm across the border into the Jewish state.

Hamas Leads Violent March, Using Human Shields, at Israeli-Gaza Border
by Staff | 03.30.18 12:50 pm

In a deliberate attempt to provoke a violent confrontation with Israel over the Passover holiday, the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas, which is in complete political and military control of Gaza, is trying to break through Israeli defenses with a violent march at the Israeli-Gaza border, The Times of Israel reported Friday.

Specifically, Hamas has announced plans to direct mobs of civilians — with Hamas elements embedded within and behind, using them as human shields — to try to tear down Israel’s security fence along the border. They would then exploit any incidents at the fence, as Israeli soldiers try to maintain their positions.​

You can pretend that your argument is carrying the day. But at the end of the day, you're not fooling anyone.

Most Respectfully,
Spare me your daily data dump!

You're spewing Israeli propaganda. You're the ones pulling the trigger. They're the ones being murdered in cold blood.

Because Hamas is USING them for propaganda. What other reason is there to face down an army with mob action at a border? Why aren't they negotiating? Why isn't there a Pali Leadership to counsel with? WTF do they expect to happen?

NO one gives a nation to a mob. It just never happens in this day and age. WHO should Israel negotiate with? The Hamas that announces public executions without trial and is listed by Intl Relief Agencies as a brutal regime?

Bunch of questions there Billo. Think you can handle that?
You're the ones pulling the trigger. They're the ones being murdered in cold blood.

Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
Last edited:
Gaza has no economy to sanction.

It receives a lot of humanitarian aide. Removal of that humanitarian aide would seem, well UN-humanitarian. So what is the solution?

Oh it's GOT the basis for an economy. The potential is great. You can get pampered at spas and eat 4 star cuisine if you're connected. So does a theoretical Palestine. Because it's in the MIDDLE of Arab trade routes if they ever stopped fighting and started living. There are thriving cities in the West Bank. Not so much now in Gaza, but it COULD be without Hamas or with a "reduced" Hamas and some unity govt.
Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
What dumbfuck wrote this article? And why would you post such a thing?

Hamas, with Iran’s on-going backing, took over control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007 after more than 600 Palestinians were killed in clashes between the two groups.​

Hamas won the elections in 2006. They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Why would Hamas have to take control, by force, from the losers of the elections? They were the elected government in office.
Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
What dumbfuck wrote this article? And why would you post such a thing?

Hamas, with Iran’s on-going backing, took over control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007 after more than 600 Palestinians were killed in clashes between the two groups.​

Hamas won the elections in 2006. They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Why would Hamas have to take control, by force, from the losers of the elections? They were the elected government in office.

Now that’s funny. “Elections” in the alternate reality of Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates means that a political party has a greater number of Islamic terrorists wearing ski masks roaming the streets, capable of fire superiority with larger caliber weapons and ammunition vs. the opposing Cleric.
Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
What dumbfuck wrote this article? And why would you post such a thing?

Hamas, with Iran’s on-going backing, took over control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007 after more than 600 Palestinians were killed in clashes between the two groups.​

Hamas won the elections in 2006. They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Why would Hamas have to take control, by force, from the losers of the elections? They were the elected government in office.

Now that’s funny. “Elections” in the alternate reality of Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates means that a political party has a greater number of Islamic terrorists wearing ski masks roaming the streets, capable of fire superiority with larger caliber weapons and ammunition vs. the opposing Cleric.
Another stupid post. The Palestinian elections were judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the US and Israel hated them.
Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
What dumbfuck wrote this article? And why would you post such a thing?

Hamas, with Iran’s on-going backing, took over control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007 after more than 600 Palestinians were killed in clashes between the two groups.​

Hamas won the elections in 2006. They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Why would Hamas have to take control, by force, from the losers of the elections? They were the elected government in office.

Now that’s funny. “Elections” in the alternate reality of Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates means that a political party has a greater number of Islamic terrorists wearing ski masks roaming the streets, capable of fire superiority with larger caliber weapons and ammunition vs. the opposing Cleric.
Another stupid post. The Palestinian elections were judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the US and Israel hated them.

What makes elections more fair than islamic terrorist goon squads?
Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
What dumbfuck wrote this article? And why would you post such a thing?

Hamas, with Iran’s on-going backing, took over control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007 after more than 600 Palestinians were killed in clashes between the two groups.​

Hamas won the elections in 2006. They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Why would Hamas have to take control, by force, from the losers of the elections? They were the elected government in office.

Now that’s funny. “Elections” in the alternate reality of Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates means that a political party has a greater number of Islamic terrorists wearing ski masks roaming the streets, capable of fire superiority with larger caliber weapons and ammunition vs. the opposing Cleric.
Another stupid post. The Palestinian elections were judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the US and Israel hated them.

What makes elections more fair than islamic terrorist goon squads?
Where do you get all of these stupid posts?
Here's your problem Billo -- HAMAS uses it's citizens as martyrs and weapons.

When Palestinians Kill Palestinians, the World Snores

Hamas Is Accused of Using Gaza War as Cover to Torture and Kill Palestinians

Go argue with Amnesty Intl and the NY Times about whether Hamas is a valid leadership to negotiate with. There IS no Pali unity. It disappeared when Hamas went from welfare to warfare in about 2004. And caused the dissolution of the PA. Which is the trigger for this topic actually.

You can't GIVE a nation to a mob controlled by brutal thugs.
What dumbfuck wrote this article? And why would you post such a thing?

Hamas, with Iran’s on-going backing, took over control of Gaza from Fatah in 2007 after more than 600 Palestinians were killed in clashes between the two groups.​

Hamas won the elections in 2006. They were the majority party in the Palestinian Authority. Why would Hamas have to take control, by force, from the losers of the elections? They were the elected government in office.

Now that’s funny. “Elections” in the alternate reality of Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates means that a political party has a greater number of Islamic terrorists wearing ski masks roaming the streets, capable of fire superiority with larger caliber weapons and ammunition vs. the opposing Cleric.
Another stupid post. The Palestinian elections were judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the US and Israel hated them.

What makes elections more fair than islamic terrorist goon squads?
Where do you get all of these stupid posts?
Are you talking to the mirror again?

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