Is it possible to depolarize out politics?

In this day and age, it is hard to ignore the increasing polarization in our political landscape. It seems as though every conversation about politics can quickly turn into a shouting match, with neither side willing to listen or compromise. But what if we decided to take a step back, to approach each other with honesty, sincerity, and a genuine desire to understand the thoughts and beliefs of the other? Is it possible that by lifting the fog of our biases, we might find that what remains is common ground enabling us to work towards a more unified society?

Imagine yourself in a discussion with someone whose political views differ significantly from your own. Instead of viewing this as an opportunity to prove the other person wrong or to aggressively defend your position, consider it as a chance to learn and grow. By making a conscious effort to be open-minded, you may discover that there is more that unites you than divides you.

Now, of course, before you quote some of my own heated exchanges with some on this forum, I do not pretend to be the paragon of virtue here, and as guilty as many on this forum. We're all human, it is natural to be affected by the heat in the kitchen, so to speak, and react aggressively before thinking about how the other will recieve our transmission when we hit the 'reply' button. Think of essay as an appeal by a guilty man to better things.

First and foremost, I think we should strive to be honest with ourselves and with the person we are engaging with. This means acknowledging our own biases and the areas where your knowledge may be lacking. Be willing to admit when we are uncertain, and do not be afraid to ask questions. In turn, encourage the other person to do the same, fostering an environment of trust and mutual respect.

In our conversations, make the sincere attempt to quit shouting or insulting each other. Remember that the person you are speaking to has their own experiences and perspectives that have shaped their beliefs. By approaching the conversation with empathy and understanding, we can work together to find commonalities in your beliefs and shared values.

As we both share our thoughts and feelings, it's important not to talk past each other. This means actively listening to what the other person has to say, resisting the urge to interrupt or dismiss their points. You may find that by being present and engaged in the conversation, you are better able to comprehend the motivations and reasoning behind their beliefs.

Throughout this process, the key is to struggle together to understand why each of you thinks the way you do. By attempting to see the world through each other's eyes, you are more likely to uncover the roots of your disagreements and identify areas where compromise may be possible.

Ultimately, the goal is to lift the fog of your biases and work together to find the truth that you both believe exists. When you are honest with yourself and each other, genuinely seeking to understand and be understood, the path to finding that truth becomes clearer. Though it may not be an easy journey, it is one that is worth undertaking for the sake of a more unified and compassionate society.

So, is it possible to depolarize our politics?

Realize that I'm not sure it's possible. and I tend to doubt it, I find it hard to resist the temptation to insult and ignore the other person as much as the next person does (not saying everyone does this, but some do), but I think we should at least get the conversation started. Who knows, maybe make a sincere attempt. Well, just a thought.

What do you think?
As long as trumpanzees demand to live in an alternate reality, no discussion can be had. Period.
The presidential election was worse, with election officials (dems) admitting there was fraud and issues, once again the debate is was it widespread or enough to manipulate results-election, yet your stance was there was no fraud at all.
Your logic also doesn't take into acct, if there was no fraud then why lie about a pipe leak in Atlanta arena that never happened, in order to stop the counting that allowed late votes to be slipped in?
(something found to be a problem in catching post office workers purposely changing mailing dates and misstamping dates on fresh mail ins after the allowed date.
Your logic doesn't exaplain why the need yo kick out Republican over site while blocking view with cardboard that occured in another state. You also can't explain the magic in how you get ballots to have bo crease or folds coming out of the envelopes? Even David Copperfield and Penn and Teller can't explain how that trick is done.
You also can't explain why Biden himself admited he had a voter fraud network in place. I can explain, because I know of this behavior being around a few people with Dementia, brain tumors removed, and brain trauma, they tend to have no filters and blurt out the quiet parts out loud, which is what Biden did.
So that's checkmate, either the process to cheat was in place or you are saying Biden is an habitual liar.
that's a voter fraud network to prevent voter fraud LOL DUHHH.
that's a voter fraud network to prevent voter fraud LOL DUHHH.
Nope wrong again, that was the spin excuse for what he said, there is no such fraud unit in place, NONE WAS EVER PRODUCED TO SHOW THERE WAS, that would imply he's the conspiracy theorist on voter fraud-oops!
Review the exact words he used and know that I am more experienced and knowledgable on brain functions that affect people like him (his tumors and age). That's why I noticed it before you all did, I knew why he sliped and said it, but if you disregard his mental problems you will naturally go with the spin, which makes you as dumb as him. He has an excuse for his mindlessness, but what is yours if not plain ole gullible pawns for your media source propaganda?
No voter fraud? Really?
In Italy a computer wiz was arrested for being involved in American election fraud.
Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operational Group in Dallas said, "… there is no effective security at all for your votes. Your votes are stored overseas where they can be easily manipulated. …
Election machine "servers are overseas," says Col. Phil Warden

By the way, so is our jury duty register online selection system, when I personally researched the operators regristration of the jury duty site, it was a Czech located company site. Any country can be running that site in Czech Republic, & control our jury pool like Bragg did.
Depolarize our politics?

Only if Democrats:

Stop being so divisive about everything

Stop violating the Constitution

Stop breaking laws

Stop trampling Constitutional rights

Stop being authoritarian socialists trying to run every single aspect of our lives

Stop with the corrupt 3rd world banana republic 2-tiered justice system where they elevate themselves above Constitution, law, and accountability

STOP the 7-year never-ending, hate-driven, criminal treasonous FAILED crusade against Trump - give tbe f* up already - 7 years of failure is enough

Stop being corrupt, criminal, greedy, power-hungry, self-enriching, CCP-Compromised sell-outs trying to destroy the country

Stop targeting, sexualizing, groping, sniffing, killing, screwing, transgender confusing, LGBTQ Indoctrinating our kids and mutilating their genitals

...for starters...
In this day and age, it is hard to ignore the increasing polarization in our political landscape. It seems as though every conversation about politics can quickly turn into a shouting match, with neither side willing to listen or compromise. But what if we decided to take a step back, to approach each other with honesty, sincerity, and a genuine desire to understand the thoughts and beliefs of the other? Is it possible that by lifting the fog of our biases, we might find that what remains is common ground enabling us to work towards a more unified society?

Imagine yourself in a discussion with someone whose political views differ significantly from your own. Instead of viewing this as an opportunity to prove the other person wrong or to aggressively defend your position, consider it as a chance to learn and grow. By making a conscious effort to be open-minded, you may discover that there is more that unites you than divides you.

Now, of course, before you quote some of my own heated exchanges with some on this forum, I do not pretend to be the paragon of virtue here, and as guilty as many on this forum. We're all human, it is natural to be affected by the heat in the kitchen, so to speak, and react aggressively before thinking about how the other will recieve our transmission when we hit the 'reply' button. Think of essay as an appeal by a guilty man to better things.

First and foremost, I think we should strive to be honest with ourselves and with the person we are engaging with. This means acknowledging our own biases and the areas where your knowledge may be lacking. Be willing to admit when we are uncertain, and do not be afraid to ask questions. In turn, encourage the other person to do the same, fostering an environment of trust and mutual respect.

In our conversations, make the sincere attempt to quit shouting or insulting each other. Remember that the person you are speaking to has their own experiences and perspectives that have shaped their beliefs. By approaching the conversation with empathy and understanding, we can work together to find commonalities in your beliefs and shared values.

As we both share our thoughts and feelings, it's important not to talk past each other. This means actively listening to what the other person has to say, resisting the urge to interrupt or dismiss their points. You may find that by being present and engaged in the conversation, you are better able to comprehend the motivations and reasoning behind their beliefs.

Throughout this process, the key is to struggle together to understand why each of you thinks the way you do. By attempting to see the world through each other's eyes, you are more likely to uncover the roots of your disagreements and identify areas where compromise may be possible.

Ultimately, the goal is to lift the fog of your biases and work together to find the truth that you both believe exists. When you are honest with yourself and each other, genuinely seeking to understand and be understood, the path to finding that truth becomes clearer. Though it may not be an easy journey, it is one that is worth undertaking for the sake of a more unified and compassionate society.

So, is it possible to depolarize our politics?

Realize that I'm not sure it's possible. and I tend to doubt it, I find it hard to resist the temptation to insult and ignore the other person as much as the next person does (not saying everyone does this, but some do), but I think we should at least get the conversation started. Who knows, maybe make a sincere attempt. Well, just a thought.

What do you think?
Here's what I'll ask you...

If you want to sit down, as an ideology of a nation based in its constitution, with the "opposing side"... a side that claims that the nation itself was racist and genocidal upon its founding, and proceeds to claim that along the way it is continually racist, sexist, xenophobic, patrichal, and every other horrific buzzword one could use to describe the worst human rights offenders in world history...

Should I, a representative of the nation they clearly hate... attempt to cater to them?
Sure, we can depolarize if and only if we face a disaster that forces us to set aside our differences. I'm good with the status quo, it's clearly what we want.
Would never work because one side would blame the other for the disaster.
Here's what I'll ask you...

If you want to sit down, as an ideology of a nation based in its constitution, with the "opposing side"... a side that claims that the nation itself was racist and genocidal upon its founding, and proceeds to claim that along the way it is continually racist, sexist, xenophobic, patrichal, and every other horrific buzzword one could use to describe the worst human rights offenders in world history...

Should I, a representative of the nation they clearly hate... attempt to cater to them?

Let's take a look at what you are actually doing.

If you answer yes to your question, then in point of fact, what you are doing is that you are using the unjust deeds of your ancestors to rationalize your willingness to sustain polarization in the present.

It's not a matter of should or shouldn't, it's a matter of asking yourself an honest question, and giving it
an honest answer. And what would be the honest question, or, actually, two questions of which one you should chose?

Well, the two questions would be as follows:

Do you want to align yourself with mankind' worst impulses? (the low road)

Or do you want to align yourself with mankind's 'better angels'? (the high road).

See, your framing it as 'cater', is aligning yourself with man's worst impulses, which is to say, you are taking the low road by framing the question with a simplistic premise (simplistic is never good, by the way). There are always two roads to take on any choice life tosses at you. Always be mindful of this.
Let's take a look at what you are actually doing.

If you answer yes to your question, then in point of fact, what you are doing is that you are using the unjust deeds of your ancestors to rationalize your willingness to sustain polarization in the present.

It's not a matter of should or shouldn't, it's a matter of asking yourself an honest question, and giving it
an honest answer. And what would be the honest question, or, actually, two questions of which one you should chose?

Well, the two questions would be as follows:

Do you want to align yourself with mankind' worst impulses? (the low road)

Or do you want to align yourself with mankind's 'better angels'? (the high road).

See, your framing it as 'cater', is aligning yourself with man's worst impulses, which is to say, you are taking the low road by framing the question with a simplistic premise (simplistic is never good, by the way). There are always two roads to take on any choice life tosses at you. Always be mindful of this.
You sound like the pacifist saying “take the high road and never become violent” as people try to kill you.

If one side openly declares that the country you support is evil.. what framework do we have to begin a discussion? They hate it.. it’s innately evil to them. There’s nothing to unify around.

Previously, there would be an understanding that despite significant differences in how to achieve its success, both sides wanted America to succeed. We’ve seen that fade in todays democrat/leftist party.. who want to transform it and hold bad things over it whenever it’s discussed. America to them is racist, slavery, patriarchy, imperialism, xenophobia, sexist, homo/trans phobic… they proudly say this. They hate us.

People who either support America or simply don’t think it’s an evil country are under no obligation to reach out to the people who hate it/us. If America is as bad as they say it is, they should leave and start their own country.
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Sure, we can depolarize if and only if we face a disaster that forces us to set aside our differences. I'm good with the status quo, it's clearly what we want.
A good idea only if folks could be less partisan or cling to their ideology.
So, is it possible to depolarize our politics?

On an individual, one on one personal basis, sure. On a wider scale, very difficult. We have media that literally brainwashes people with partisan spin. We have a system in which high-powered, heavily-financed special interest groups which have corrupted our political system -- legally and in plain view. And we have heavily gerrymandered districts such that one party in particular gets its base of support from a particular demographic.

The system is undemocratic and designed to be highly partisan. I don't see any way to undo that unless everyone agrees to certain ground rules and standards of fair play.
Depolarize our politics?

Only if Democrats:

Stop being so divisive about everything

Stop violating the Constitution
No president has violated the constitution more than Trump, to wit:

Emoluments Clause: Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president

Impeachment charges: Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives – first, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine scandal, and second, for incitement of insurrection in relation to the Capitol riot.

Obstruction of justice: Trump's actions during the Russia investigation, as detailed in the Mueller Report, constituted obstruction of justice. Trump violated the Constitution en mass by defying Congressional subpoenas and ordering his underling same.

First Amendment: Trump's actions against the press, such as revoking press credentials and calling for changes in libel laws, threatened First Amendment rights.

Separation of powers: Trump's use of executive orders and emergency powers to bypass Congress, such as reallocating funds for his border wall, violated the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

Pardons: Trump's corrupt use of the presidential pardon power, particularly for allies and supporters, could be seen as an abuse of that power.

Violating the right to due process: Trump's immigration policies, such as the family separation policy and travel ban, may have violated the due process rights of affected individuals.

Census controversy: Trump's attempt to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, which was blocked by the Supreme Court, was seen by some as a potential violation of the Constitution's requirement for an "actual Enumeration" of the population.
Stop breaking laws
Trump has broken more laws than any President in history
Stop trampling Constitutional rights
That' rich given that Trump wanted to terminate parts of the constitution:
Stop being authoritarian socialists trying to run every single aspect of our lives
That's rich given that Republicans have succeeded in repealing women's privacy and reproductive rights.
Stop with the corrupt 3rd world banana republic 2-tiered justice system where they elevate themselves above Constitution, law, and accountability
That's rich given that AG Bill Barr and Trump corrupted and weaponized the DOJ
STOP the 7-year never-ending, hate-driven, criminal treasonous FAILED crusade against Trump - give tbe f* up already - 7 years of failure is enough
Trump is the most criminal, most corrupt president in history. All attempts to hold him accountable are noble and just.
Stop being corrupt, criminal, greedy, power-hungry, self-enriching, CCP-Compromised sell-outs trying to destroy the country
The perfect description of Donald Trump, how nice of you to list it all in one convenient sentence!
Stop targeting, sexualizing, groping, sniffing, killing, screwing, transgender confusing, LGBTQ Indoctrinating our kids and mutilating their genitals

...for starters...
You are using weasel words of hate. This destroys your credibility.

No one on the left recomments sex change operations for children 16 and under (and it is not happening), and between the ages 16-18 it is extremely rare. Personally, I'm against puberty blockers and all such operations under the age of consent.

My, such hatred of our gay brethren, and that means you hate animals, too, since same sex preference is also abundant in the wild.
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No president has violated the constitution more than Trump, to wit:

Emoluments Clause: Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president

Impeachment charges: Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives – first, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine scandal, and second, for incitement of insurrection in relation to the Capitol riot.

Obstruction of justice: Trump's actions during the Russia investigation, as detailed in the Mueller Report, constituted obstruction of justice. Trump violated the Constitution en mass by defying Congressional subpoenas and ordering his underling same.

First Amendment: Trump's actions against the press, such as revoking press credentials and calling for changes in libel laws, threatened First Amendment rights.

Separation of powers: Trump's use of executive orders and emergency powers to bypass Congress, such as reallocating funds for his border wall, violated the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

Pardons: Trump's corrupt use of the presidential pardon power, particularly for allies and supporters, could be seen as an abuse of that power.

Violating the right to due process: Trump's immigration policies, such as the family separation policy and travel ban, may have violated the due process rights of affected individuals.

Census controversy: Trump's attempt to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, which was blocked by the Supreme Court, was seen by some as a potential violation of the Constitution's requirement for an "actual Enumeration" of the population.

Trump has broken more laws than any President in history

That' rich given that Trump wanted to terminate parts of the constitution:

That's rich given that Republicans have succeeded in repealing women's privacy and reproductive rights.

That's rich given that AG Bill Barr and Trump corrupted and weaponized the DOJ

Trump is the most criminal, most corrupt president in history. All attempts to hold him accountable are noble and just.

The perfect description of Donald Trump, how nice of you to list it all in one convenient sentence!

You are using weasel words of hate. This destroys your credibility.

No one on the left recomments sex change operations for children 16 and under (and it is not happening), and between the ages 16-18 it is extremely rare. Personally, I'm against puberty blockers and all such operations under the age of consent.

My, such hatred of our gay brethren, and that means you hate animals, too, since same sex preference is also abundant in the wild.
Now listen to yourself. And you ask if we’re too polarized to come together? Your post had one Trump-hating lie after another. You’re actually claiming he’s the most corrupt president ever given how Biden has enriched himself and his family by allowing Influencing peddling, and Lord knows what else, in return for millions from our Communist enemies?
No voter fraud? Really?
In Italy a computer wiz was arrested for being involved in American election fraud.
Russell Ramsland of Allied Security Operational Group in Dallas said, "… there is no effective security at all for your votes. Your votes are stored overseas where they can be easily manipulated. …
Election machine "servers are overseas," says Col. Phil Warden

By the way, so is our jury duty register online selection system, when I personally researched the operators regristration of the jury duty site, it was a Czech located company site. Any country can be running that site in Czech Republic, & control our jury pool like Bragg did.
That is truly known as “ Czech Mate” If the servers are in foreign countries then the people runing them can’t be charged esp if they are foreign figureheas esp if there are no extradition treaties were there not servers in other countries as well.. Things are truly global now I remember there was a steel company that a Chinese company bought in one of the former Soviet Union countries that was used as a shell company so the Chinese could move their finished steel products there and then dump it into countries such as the United States so they could get around tariffs that were imposed on them.. It is an ugly game of one puma ship being played out there by those that wish to stay in power, make money and game the system..
No president has violated the constitution more than Trump....

I stopped reading you highly emotional, reality denying bullshit at this point.

Joe Biden has and continues to violate the Constitution and numerous US laws to and through his Open Border Invasion policy.

He has intentionally surrendered US sovereignty, forfeited US natuonal security, refused to protect states and US citizens while facilitating over 5 million illegals entering the US in only 2 years.

Biden has aided and abetted China's murdering of thousands of Americans through Fentynal smuggling / poisoning, made the Cartels more wealthy than they have ever been...

Biden has imported thieves, violent criminals, other nation's released prison inmates, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, violent gang members, and even international terrorists...

Bidrn has not only facilitated drug / human / child / sex trafficking across our borders he has engaged in illegal trafficking, using tax dollars to transport illegals across state lines and dump them out in locations across the US without notifying state / local authorities they are coming...

Like Obama, Biden has reportedly 'LOST' 20,000 unaccopanied children & his administration is reportedly making no effort to find them.

Biden has been proven to have stolen TS/SCI classified information for DECADES, dating back to the time he was a US Senator. He has illegally handled, transported, and stored classified information in multiple unauthorized unsecured locations, allowed God knows who / how many unauthorized persons to have illegal access to this classified - during a time when his family was receiving millions from the Chinese (& one of the locations he illegally stored classified was in an office funded / provided by the CCP).

He, his lawyers, & the DOJ knew of this prior to the 2020 elections but HID all of this, protected Joe Bidrn and his criminal family.

It has now been proven tha Biden lied - not only did this SOB - who participated in Obama's failed coup against Trump - know about the FBI raid on Trump but ORDERED IT.

- Trump, compared to Biden's espionage, had classified material at 1 location stored in a secure vault authorized / approved by the FBI.

The US Treasury Department ans CCP Bank recently released Biden family financial documents proving Joe Biden is a compromised, CCP-bought
Criminal, that he and his family have taken MILLIONS from the Chinese and others.

Evidence proves the Bidens have for decades been involved in influence peddling, potential classified peddling / espionage, foreign leader extortion, Russian money laundering...Hunter illegally acted as an unregistered foreign agent, etc...

Evidence more than proves the criminal, partisanly weaponized DOJ & FBI have been covering for and protecting Biden and his criminal family.

Biden's DOJ & FBI have also been violating Constitution and Rule of Law, trampling Americans' Constitutional rights, violating 1st Amendment rights by censoring and silencing free speech while spreading disinformation and propaganda.

His DOJ & FBI have targeted Biden and Democrat political threats and enemies:

- The Mara Lago raid Biden ordered

- A US citizen was just prosecuted for an old anti-KKK Law for sharing a humorous meme in 2016 they claimed denied people the right to vote which caused Hillary Clinton to lose...despite not being able to produce 1 single case / example of anyone being denied their vote

Biden's DOJ & FBI have attempted to brand as 'domestic terrorists' parents who oppose the Democrats' agenda of targeting, sexualizing, transgender-confusing, and mutilating the genitals of children.

They have targeted conservatives, relugeous freedom, and even infiltrated Catholic churches / organizations while trying to brand Catholics as domestic terrorists and threats.

WTF....and we have only scratched the surface of treasonous Joe Biden, his criminal family, the socialist authoritarian Democrat Party, and its Gestapo who have been working to turn this country into a 2-tiered Justice system 3rd world banana republic.
That is truly known as “ Czech Mate” If the servers are in foreign countries then the people runing them can’t be charged esp if they are foreign figureheas esp if there are no extradition treaties were there not servers in other countries as well.. Things are truly global now I remember there was a steel company that a Chinese company bought in one of the former Soviet Union countries that was used as a shell company so the Chinese could move their finished steel products there and then dump it into countries such as the United States so they could get around tariffs that were imposed on them.. It is an ugly game of one puma ship being played out there by those that wish to stay in power, make money and game the system..
Yeah, something like Iran did to trade oil to get around sanctions, they moved & billed it 3rd party as food, which was tradeable under sanctions.
There is only one way to depolarize - to think of ourselves as individuals.

When we invest our identity in being a member of a political tribe, we stop being an individual.
No president has violated the constitution more than Trump, to wit:

Emoluments Clause: Trump made up to $160 million from foreign countries as president

Impeachment charges: Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives – first, for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine scandal, and second, for incitement of insurrection in relation to the Capitol riot.

Obstruction of justice: Trump's actions during the Russia investigation, as detailed in the Mueller Report, constituted obstruction of justice. Trump violated the Constitution en mass by defying Congressional subpoenas and ordering his underling same.

First Amendment: Trump's actions against the press, such as revoking press credentials and calling for changes in libel laws, threatened First Amendment rights.

Separation of powers: Trump's use of executive orders and emergency powers to bypass Congress, such as reallocating funds for his border wall, violated the separation of powers outlined in the Constitution.

Pardons: Trump's corrupt use of the presidential pardon power, particularly for allies and supporters, could be seen as an abuse of that power.

Violating the right to due process: Trump's immigration policies, such as the family separation policy and travel ban, may have violated the due process rights of affected individuals.

Census controversy: Trump's attempt to add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, which was blocked by the Supreme Court, was seen by some as a potential violation of the Constitution's requirement for an "actual Enumeration" of the population.

Trump has broken more laws than any President in history

That' rich given that Trump wanted to terminate parts of the constitution:

That's rich given that Republicans have succeeded in repealing women's privacy and reproductive rights.

That's rich given that AG Bill Barr and Trump corrupted and weaponized the DOJ

Trump is the most criminal, most corrupt president in history. All attempts to hold him accountable are noble and just.

The perfect description of Donald Trump, how nice of you to list it all in one convenient sentence!

You are using weasel words of hate. This destroys your credibility.

No one on the left recomments sex change operations for children 16 and under (and it is not happening), and between the ages 16-18 it is extremely rare. Personally, I'm against puberty blockers and all such operations under the age of consent.

My, such hatred of our gay brethren, and that means you hate animals, too, since same sex preference is also abundant in the wild.
Why do you indulge in nothing but polemics in a thread where you started off by asking if it is possible to depolarize?

If you want to know why it is impossible to depolarize, I would suggest you March into your bathroom, find the sink and look directly forward. You will find your answer by asking the fellow you see when you do so.
We dont' need to depolarize our politics. Homogeneous politics is what fascists strive for. We need to bring civility back to politics, and a respect for honesty in our politicians.

Stop weaponizing government against political opponents. There is no candidate or elected official who is supported by hundreds of millions of Americans who should be jailed in order to prevent them being able to vote for him or her. There are plenty of violent and dangerous criminals that the FBI and local prosecutors should be locking up, so the shouldn't be wasting a minute on politics.

Both parties need to start putting up candidates who are honest and patriotic. We shouldn't have to choose who is the least crooked. While we still do, catch the crooks after they leave office if it is cost effective, but leave them alone while both sides have crooks in charge. We get the government we deserve, so hopefully we will stop worrying about being woke and wake the heck up.

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