Is it dangerous for a girl to sleep around a lot?

That's easy. Men prefer for a lifelong partner, and mother of their offspring; more demure, chaste, and virginal if at all possible women. Their ability to pair bond is strongest, and the subsequent loyalty is more likely, which prevents the man from getting cuckolded, IE dumping his resources into another mans child. It's been this way since the dawn of time. These aren't just hokey conventions. They are biological imperatives that have proven to be successful mating strategies.
Conversely women being the social creatures that they are are subject to the whims of their peers. So a man who sleeps around a lot has been judged by her peers as being a high value, or high status man. Which in turn makes her assessment of said man increase in value. If she can secure this man all her peers want, she increases her own value amongst her peers. And as for the schlub who doesn't "sleep around", or have the bona fides of a high body count; women laugh him out of the room, and call them "Incel", or some such. Because to prove to a given woman that you're worth having, her peer group has to determine you valuable as well.

Its been this way since the dawn of time. the fact that i have to explain this to you, tells us that whatever mentor figure you had growing up, failed you miserably...

Great lovers are rare. I was so lucky. Some men and I assume some women are missing out.
I have noticed women paying me more attention, when I am in a relationship.

I will never forget the TWO times women flirted with me, at the book store.

It was the weekend after I proposed, and teh NEXT WEEKEND.

It was like they somehow just knew.
Absolutely. A single man can literally double his attention from women by merely slapping on a wedding ring.
But it's so preventable. It's called responsibility. Parenting sucks, if the kids never were taught that actions lead to consequences.

Young people have been falling in love and having sex since time began. Don't be such a self righteous ass.
I have noticed women paying me more attention, when I am in a relationship.

I will never forget the TWO times women flirted with me, at the book store.

It was the weekend after I proposed, and teh NEXT WEEKEND.

It was like they somehow just knew.
You're welcome...
Do you think that a "high value" woman would " write a check" ( whatever the hell that means") against some rolling stone who has fucked dozend of women? Or are the rules and standards different somehow
Yes. And the "rules" as you put it couldn't be more different.
That's easy. Men prefer for a lifelong partner, and mother of their offspring; more demure, chaste, and virginal if at all possible women. Their ability to pair bond is strongest, and the subsequent loyalty is more likely, which prevents the man from getting cuckolded, IE dumping his resources into another mans child. It's been this way since the dawn of time. These aren't just hokey conventions. They are biological imperatives that have proven to be successful mating strategies.
Conversely women being the social creatures that they are are subject to the whims of their peers. So a man who sleeps around a lot has been judged by her peers as being a high value, or high status man. Which in turn makes her assessment of said man increase in value. If she can secure this man all her peers want, she increases her own value amongst her peers. And as for the schlub who doesn't "sleep around", or have the bona fides of a high body count; women laugh him out of the room, and call them "Incel", or some such. Because to prove to a given woman that you're worth having, her peer group has to determine you valuable as well.

Its been this way since the dawn of time. the fact that i have to explain this to you, tells us that whatever mentor figure you had growing up, failed you miserably...
Thanks for the word sald. I was hungry. It could use some crutons and ranch dressing though .

All that I'm getting from it is an over generalized logical fallacy riddled with cotradictions and inconsistencies
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How can you call sleeping around with multiple partners whenever you feel like it, "love"? That ain't love, and I'm not self righteous.

Who said anything about multiple partners? Are you trying to prove something? Young people have been falling in love forever. If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world and it certainly doesn't make a girl a slut.
Who said anything about multiple partners? Are you trying to prove something? Young people have been falling in love forever. If it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world and it certainly doesn't make a girl a slut.

That's what this thread is about, sleeping around.....

I'm not saying young love is a bad thing, I'm saying young promiscuity is a bad thing.