Is Israel Doomed By Obama/Democrat Policies, now?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -

How is Israel doomed when we just had the biggest joint military exercises in our relationship? Nothing to see here. The U.S.-Israel alliance is still strong and will continue to be so. If it wasn't, why would most Jews still be voting Democratic?
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -

How is Israel doomed when we just had the biggest joint military exercises in our relationship? Nothing to see here. The U.S.-Israel alliance is still strong and will continue to be so. If it wasn't, why would most Jews still be voting Democratic?

I suspect there's quite a difference between faithful homeland Jewish people and socialistic American Jewish people..
Why is it always about Israel?

Why shouldn't the whole Middle East not be doomed? Why worry of one country only? The rest matters you know.
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -

How is Israel doomed when we just had the biggest joint military exercises in our relationship? Nothing to see here. The U.S.-Israel alliance is still strong and will continue to be so. If it wasn't, why would most Jews still be voting Democratic?

There is a big difference between a Jew in American and Jews living in Israel bud.
Why is it always about Israel?

Why shouldn't the whole Middle East not be doomed? Why worry of one country only? The rest matters you know.

Considering Israel has a good sized Nuclear Arsenal. Israel being doomed, could very well spell doom for the Region. They are not about to go down with out a Fight, and that means using any and all means they have against their Enemies.

That is just reality. It does not matter personally how you feel about Israel, The fact is we do not want to see their backs against the wall, We do not want to see them using those nukes, that everyone assume we gave to them.
Why is it always about Israel?

Why shouldn't the whole Middle East not be doomed? Why worry of one country only? The rest matters you know.

Considering Israel has a good sized Nuclear Arsenal. Israel being doomed, could very well spell doom for the Region. They are not about to go down with out a Fight, and that means using any and all means they have against their Enemies.

That is just reality. It does not matter personally how you feel about Israel, The fact is we do not want to see their backs against the wall, We do not want to see them using those nukes, that everyone assume we gave to them.

Exactly, they aren't close to being doomed at all.

And why do you make it seem like they're at war with the whole Middle East? They aren't and they aren't enemies with everyone.

Israel won't use nukes. They are insane if they do. They aren't in a chaotic situation either.

It's not just about them.
Doomed? Not even close.

Disenheartened and discomfortable? Without a doubt.

They have a liberal President and party running the country that is less (but still pro) pro-Israel. She won't get cut off, but she will get told what to do by politicians that are ignorant to the facts.
This is garbage, Israel seems to just have gotten a green light to invade the Gaza Strip from the US according to a report by Israeli Daily.

This is miserable, giving Israel a green light to commit another massacre. What a sick country.
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -

How is Israel doomed when we just had the biggest joint military exercises in our relationship? Nothing to see here. The U.S.-Israel alliance is still strong and will continue to be so. If it wasn't, why would most Jews still be voting Democratic?

I suspect there's quite a difference between faithful homeland Jewish people and socialistic American Jewish people..

Israel is quite socialistic. I think you need to do some research.
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -

How is Israel doomed when we just had the biggest joint military exercises in our relationship? Nothing to see here. The U.S.-Israel alliance is still strong and will continue to be so. If it wasn't, why would most Jews still be voting Democratic?

There is a big difference between a Jew in American and Jews living in Israel bud.

So? Who are the Americans? You saying we should listen to the French over French-Americans? :eusa_eh:
President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Netanyahu's policies are the cause of Israel's problems.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.
You need to first prove they're even trying to make nukes, before thinking about what we're gonna do about it. Even if they were trying to make nukes, you can't go around telling sovereign nations what they can (and cannot) do within their own borders.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.
That's just not Obama's policies, those are the policies of the entire civilized world and every nation on the planet. The Palestinian's have an inherent right to self-determination and whether they get an independant state (or not), is none of Israel's god-damn business!

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East
Well, if Israel would stop attacking its neighbor's, they wouldn't be creating enemies.
I think Israel is going to have a much harder time trying to survive under Obama term 2 than she did under Obama term 1.
I think Israel is going to have a much harder time trying to survive under Obama term 2 than she did under Obama term 1.

I think we should quit worrying about Israel the Criminal country like our lives depend on it. America is what matters. NOT israel
I think Israel is going to have a much harder time trying to survive under Obama term 2 than she did under Obama term 1.
Can a 3 foot tall, 4 year old girl, kick your ass?

Israel's "survival", is no more in jepordy, than your safety from that 4 year old girl.
I suspect all hell will break lose in the Middle-east because of Obama/Democrat policies now.. just sayin


President Barack Obama's re-election will cause problems for Israel and Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's very unlikely now that Israel can count on Mr. Obama and U.S. support as far as the Palestinians go, or on efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Mr. Obama's support and endorsement of the establishment of a Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders is one of the worst and most dangerous foreign policy decisions his administration has made so far.

Mr. Obama has alienated Israel since he entered office in 2009 . Its no secret that he and Mr. Netanyahu have clashed; remember how Mr. Obama snubbed Mr. Netanyahu when he visited the United Nations in September? Mr. Obama had no time to speak with the Israeli leader, but he had plenty of time to appear on The View and continue his negative campaigning.

Mr. Obama's second term is bad news for the safety and security of Israel, which is the only friend the U.S. has in the Middle East

Al Eisner, Silver Spring

Obama's re-election is bad for Israel -

If Israel is ‘doomed,’ it’s as a consequence of its own policies.
If FDR was around today, this would be his address to Congres after the Israeli attack in Gaza...

The people of Gaza were “suddenly and deliberately attacked by….air forces of the” State of Israel. The “attack was deliberately planned many (months) ago. During the intervening time (Israel) deliberately sought to deceive (Palestinians) by false statements and expressions of hope for” the peace process.

“The (weekend and continued) attack(s) caused severe damage to” property throughout Gaza. In addition, “many (Palestinian) lives have been lost. The facts (on the ground) speak for themselves….this “unprovoked and dastardly attack” must not go unanswered.
Israel's biggest problem is trying to play the victim in a war. This isn't a war! A war is fought between two army's of somewhat equal strength. That's not what we have here. One side has a modern army with nuclear weapons, the other side has no army and homemade weapons. This isn't a war, it's a turkey shoot.

There is far too much talk on what the Pals do and not enough talk on the shit Israel does. Like boarding humanitarian aid vessels in international waters, which is an act of piracy. My solution to that is to send a vessel they can't board, like the USS Missouri. Put humanitarian aid on that ship and send it into Gaza. Let the Israeli commando's call back to their commanders:
Commanders: Are you on the boat?
Commando's: No, were in the water.

Commanders: What are you doing in the water, you should be on the boat.
Commando's: We tried to, but as soon as we got close, they shot down our chopper and sunk our boat. They offered to let us come aboard, but we'd have to give up our weapons, so we declined. Can you send someone out to pick us up, the water is pretty cold and I think I just saw a dorsel fin?
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