Is impeachment inevitable?


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
"There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader," is a remark attributed to a French politician during the turbulent times of 1848.

Joe Biden's Wednesday declaration that President Donald Trump should be impeached is in that tradition. Joe is scrambling to get out in front of the sentiment for impeachment in the party he professes to lead.

Is impeachment now inevitable? - WND
I believe that in a few weeks or so we'll be getting some reports about the FISA investigation and the use (misuse) of gov't agencies in spying on the Trump campaign, among other things. And so it could be that the support for impeachment is going to drop from about 50-50 to somewhat less than that. I say that thinking that no further information about the Ukraine imbroglio surfaces regarding Trump.

And so, if the House Democrats actually hold an impeachment vote with nothing more than what they have now, then it will come back to bite them in the ass come next November. And don't think for a second that Nancy Pelosi doesn't know it, she does not want to lose her position as Speaker. Therefore, I think it's unlikely the House will actually have a impeachment vote no matter how loud the far left loons howl about it. They might do it anyway though, and if they do then I'd bet money they'll lose the House and Pelosi will probably retire. I hafta wonder how much longer she wants to put up with these knuckleheads like AOC.
I believe that in a few weeks or so we'll be getting some reports about the FISA investigation and the use (misuse) of gov't agencies in spying on the Trump campaign, among other things. And so it could be that the support for impeachment is going to drop from about 50-50 to somewhat less than that. I say that thinking that no further information about the Ukraine imbroglio surfaces regarding Trump.

And so, if the House Democrats actually hold an impeachment vote with nothing more than what they have now, then it will come back to bite them in the ass come next November. And don't think for a second that Nancy Pelosi doesn't know it, she does not want to lose her position as Speaker. Therefore, I think it's unlikely the House will actually have a impeachment vote no matter how loud the far left loons howl about it. They might do it anyway though, and if they do then I'd bet money they'll lose the House and Pelosi will probably retire. I hafta wonder how much longer she wants to put up with these knuckleheads like AOC.

Yeah, you really cannot expect a representative democratic form of govt in america.
There will be an impeachment vote and it will be successful. The Democrats have the votes in the HoR.
There will be an impeachment vote and it will be successful. The Democrats have the votes in the HoR.

Maybe they do and maybe they don't, especially when it comes down to crunch time and many of those Dems from red and purple districts will face the voters who voted for Trump in 2016. They know that the Senate is NOT going to remove Trump from office, and so all the Dems have done is make it more likely they'll lose their House majority next year. And for what? They could just as well do a Censure vote and accomplish the same thing for all practical purposes.

When the House Repubs voted to impeach Clinton 20 years ago, it cost them a bunch of seats in the House. Deja vu, dudes. Learn from history or pay the consequences.
"There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader," is a remark attributed to a French politician during the turbulent times of 1848.

Joe Biden's Wednesday declaration that President Donald Trump should be impeached is in that tradition. Joe is scrambling to get out in front of the sentiment for impeachment in the party he professes to lead.

Is impeachment now inevitable? - WND
Still waiting for some crime he has committed.
Trump Triple Dog Dares Pelosi to Impeach.

McConnell assures Pelosi that the Senate Trial can even take place over the Thanksgiving holidays.

The Republicans could hardly be more solicitous, yet crazy confused Nancy dithers and rages unable to commit herself to impeachment.

McConnell: Get Ready For Senate Impeachment Trial 'As Soon As Thanksgiving'

"Mr. Trump could even be present for the entire spectacle."

What more could you ask for, Nancy?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told Republican Senators on Wednesday to prepare for an impeachment trial of President Trump as soon as Thanksgiving, according to the Boston Globe.

The announcement comes as House Democrats hesitate to roll the dice on a second-hand claim from a CIA 'whistleblower' that President Trump pressured Ukraine's president to investigate former VP Joe Biden - who the whistleblower worked for - and Biden's son Hunter, who made $50,000 per month sitting on the board of a Ukrainian gas company his father helped when he pressured Ukraine's president to fire the prosecutor investigating its owner.

The White House plans to get to the very bottom of what happened in 2016.

While Crazy Nancy will almost certainly get impeachment through the Democrat-controlled House, the GOP-controlled Senate will need actual courtroom quality evidence of Bribery, Treason or other High Crimes, which there is no evidence of, so the Democrats are pushing a sure loser:

In their closed-door weekly luncheon, McConnell gave a presentation about the impeachment process and fielded questions alongside his staff and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who was a manager for the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton.​

"There’s sort of a planned expectation that it would be sometime around Thanksgiving, so you’d have basically Thanksgiving to Christmas — which would be wonderful..." said Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) following the meeting.

Come On Democrats. You have been pushing this fight for 3 years, Lets Get To It!

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