Is Fear All the GOP Has Left?

I miss nothing, except maybe the bus now and then.

The sad thing is, I have to agree with you. Indies fail to realize .....

I'm pleased you wasted no time in proving my point.

If you agreed with me, then you wouldn't declare that "Indies fail to realize" anything.

Whether or not they "realize" anything is immaterial: This is what they KNOW;

1. The Federal Government is too expensive, and the size needs to be reduced.
2. "They" represent the majority: Not Republicans or Democrats.
3. They pay far too much, and receive far too little.

This is basically the "Tea-Party" that the mass media seems to have so much difficulty defining: Independent voters that have no Party Alliances.

I agreed that indies will vote out Obama if spending is not reigned in. I disagree with the logic they, and apparently you, use to arrive at that decision. It far from "Proves your point."

Ok. So?

Independents and Libertarians fall into 1 of 2 categories: Closeted republicans or closeted Democrats. Tea Partyers are just governmental malcontents. They're basically just rabble-rousers who lack a platform.

Ok, go ahead with that "just rabble-rousers who lack a platform," opinion. You still haven't grasped the point that they need no "platform." Theyt will vote for whichever party's candidate is dedicated to reduced government spending.

[Arguing that the government is too large and taxes are too high is a popular concept. .... Most importantly, some things are done far more efficiently on a federal level; Mail, interstate highways, military, and imho, healthcare.

Yes I suppose we could debate the "efficiency" of the Feds ability to administer US Mail (why bother?) and Interstate Highways (where are they most recently falling apart?) or the Military (8 years and they cannot manage victory over Goat Hearders) and Healthcare (Medicare & Medicaid and we need more?).

But you'd still miss the point.

People are sick and tired of a government that spends more than it can ever hope to squeeze from taxpayers.

[So please enlighten me. Where should we begin cutting? I mean real cutting, don't talk about some piss-ant project you want to do away with that costs each of us a dollar a year. I mean the real deal. #1 question: Where are you on the Pentagon?

Where am I on cutting Government Spending: Close all Government Offices in Washington DC for the Month of August. No pay for August in D.C. Including the Pentagon: Military personnel could go TDY to Iraq or Afganistan for the month; I understand Bagdad is beautiful in August.
Sorry, PJ, but in the interest of fairly criticizing talking point trolling threads, I'm gonna have to call Shennanigans (sp?) on this one...

Flame Zone material.
The biggest point missed by the Republican intellectuals on this site is that in 72 pages, there is not a single policy, initiative or original idea. 72 pages.

Let's look at a couple of these slides:

The RNC "mocks" it's donors. For the little guys, it's all about scaring them. For the big donors, it's pressure and "ego"? Ego?


Scare the Republican base with socialism. Does it work? Read what Republicans on this site say. I believe it's worked beyond the Republican leadership's wildest dream. People on this site spew that nonsense as if it were truth. Their minds have been hijacked.


Check page 70. For those Republicans that say it's a lie that Corporations can spend unlimited funds, scroll down to the bottom of the page. Imagine that "Corps" stands for "corporations". Remember, this is a GOP document.

You can view the complete presentation here in PDF format:
The biggest point missed by the Republican ...]

Oh, what's this?

Another of rdean's hopelessly meaningless partisan attacks?

I wish he'd busy himself re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

It would be more interesting to watch.
The biggest point missed by the Republican ...]

Oh, what's this?

Another of rdean's hopelessly meaningless partisan attacks?

I wish he'd busy himself re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

It would be more interesting to watch.

No rebuttal of the actual point? Just a hopelessly meaningless attack?

The point:

The biggest point missed by the Republican intellectuals on this site is that in 72 pages, there is not a single policy, initiative or original idea. 72 pages.
I miss nothing, except maybe the bus now and then.

The sad thing is, I have to agree with you. Indies fail to realize .....

I'm pleased you wasted no time in proving my point.

If you agreed with me, then you wouldn't declare that "Indies fail to realize" anything.

Whether or not they "realize" anything is immaterial: This is what they KNOW;

1. The Federal Government is too expensive, and the size needs to be reduced.
2. "They" represent the majority: Not Republicans or Democrats.
3. They pay far too much, and receive far too little.

This is basically the "Tea-Party" that the mass media seems to have so much difficulty defining: Independent voters that have no Party Alliances.

I agreed that indies will vote out Obama if spending is not reigned in. I disagree with the logic they, and apparently you, use to arrive at that decision. It far from "Proves your point."

Independents and Libertarians fall into 1 of 2 categories: Closeted republicans or closeted Democrats. O'reilly and Maher both claim to be Libertarian. Are they really? Of course not. O'Reilly is a republican who wants big brother out of his life, and Maher's a democrat who wants to smoke pot. I happen to be a fan of both men, but I digress.

Tea Partyers are just governmental malcontents. They're basically just rabble-rousers who lack a platform.

Arguing that the government is too large and taxes are too high is a popular concept. It's hard to be against "cutting taxes" and "increasing freedom," and the lower information you have the easier it is to get on board with these broad platforms. When you start talking about really cutting government, you find people don't want to be without the things that government provides.

I think a big part of the problem is that people have lost touch with the fact that we are the government. When "The government does something for you," really it's just us doing things for ourselves and for each other. Most importantly, some things are done far more efficiently on a federal level; Mail, interstate highways, military, and imho, healthcare.

So please enlighten me. Where should we begin cutting? I mean real cutting, don't talk about some piss-ant project you want to do away with that costs each of us a dollar a year. I mean the real deal. #1 question: Where are you on the Pentagon?

fail. some people actually think for themselves.

go figure.
I'm pleased you wasted no time in proving my point.

If you agreed with me, then you wouldn't declare that "Indies fail to realize" anything.

Whether or not they "realize" anything is immaterial: This is what they KNOW;

1. The Federal Government is too expensive, and the size needs to be reduced.
2. "They" represent the majority: Not Republicans or Democrats.
3. They pay far too much, and receive far too little.

This is basically the "Tea-Party" that the mass media seems to have so much difficulty defining: Independent voters that have no Party Alliances.

I agreed that indies will vote out Obama if spending is not reigned in. I disagree with the logic they, and apparently you, use to arrive at that decision. It far from "Proves your point."

Independents and Libertarians fall into 1 of 2 categories: Closeted republicans or closeted Democrats. O'reilly and Maher both claim to be Libertarian. Are they really? Of course not. O'Reilly is a republican who wants big brother out of his life, and Maher's a democrat who wants to smoke pot. I happen to be a fan of both men, but I digress.

Tea Partyers are just governmental malcontents. They're basically just rabble-rousers who lack a platform.

Arguing that the government is too large and taxes are too high is a popular concept. It's hard to be against "cutting taxes" and "increasing freedom," and the lower information you have the easier it is to get on board with these broad platforms. When you start talking about really cutting government, you find people don't want to be without the things that government provides.

I think a big part of the problem is that people have lost touch with the fact that we are the government. When "The government does something for you," really it's just us doing things for ourselves and for each other. Most importantly, some things are done far more efficiently on a federal level; Mail, interstate highways, military, and imho, healthcare.

So please enlighten me. Where should we begin cutting? I mean real cutting, don't talk about some piss-ant project you want to do away with that costs each of us a dollar a year. I mean the real deal. #1 question: Where are you on the Pentagon?

fail. some people actually think for themselves.

go figure.


I agreed that indies will vote out Obama if spending is not reigned in. I disagree with the logic they, and apparently you, use to arrive at that decision. It far from "Proves your point."

Independents and Libertarians fall into 1 of 2 categories: Closeted republicans or closeted Democrats. O'reilly and Maher both claim to be Libertarian. Are they really? Of course not. O'Reilly is a republican who wants big brother out of his life, and Maher's a democrat who wants to smoke pot. I happen to be a fan of both men, but I digress.

Tea Partyers are just governmental malcontents. They're basically just rabble-rousers who lack a platform.

Arguing that the government is too large and taxes are too high is a popular concept. It's hard to be against "cutting taxes" and "increasing freedom," and the lower information you have the easier it is to get on board with these broad platforms. When you start talking about really cutting government, you find people don't want to be without the things that government provides.

I think a big part of the problem is that people have lost touch with the fact that we are the government. When "The government does something for you," really it's just us doing things for ourselves and for each other. Most importantly, some things are done far more efficiently on a federal level; Mail, interstate highways, military, and imho, healthcare.

So please enlighten me. Where should we begin cutting? I mean real cutting, don't talk about some piss-ant project you want to do away with that costs each of us a dollar a year. I mean the real deal. #1 question: Where are you on the Pentagon?

fail. some people actually think for themselves.

go figure.



Sadly, you miss the point. But, don't feel bad: So do many Democrats (although the numbers are declining every week).

Independents don't care which party has increased or decreased the debt.


Whichever party acomplishes this will receive their support.

Whichever party opposes it, will lose.
I'm pleased you wasted no time in proving my point.

If you agreed with me, then you wouldn't declare that "Indies fail to realize" anything.

Whether or not they "realize" anything is immaterial: This is what they KNOW;

1. The Federal Government is too expensive, and the size needs to be reduced.
2. "They" represent the majority: Not Republicans or Democrats.
3. They pay far too much, and receive far too little.

This is basically the "Tea-Party" that the mass media seems to have so much difficulty defining: Independent voters that have no Party Alliances.

I agreed that indies will vote out Obama if spending is not reigned in. I disagree with the logic they, and apparently you, use to arrive at that decision. It far from "Proves your point."

Ok. So?

Ok, go ahead with that "just rabble-rousers who lack a platform," opinion. You still haven't grasped the point that they need no "platform." Theyt will vote for whichever party's candidate is dedicated to reduced government spending.

[Arguing that the government is too large and taxes are too high is a popular concept. .... Most importantly, some things are done far more efficiently on a federal level; Mail, interstate highways, military, and imho, healthcare.

Yes I suppose we could debate the "efficiency" of the Feds ability to administer US Mail (why bother?) and Interstate Highways (where are they most recently falling apart?) or the Military (8 years and they cannot manage victory over Goat Hearders) and Healthcare (Medicare & Medicaid and we need more?).

But you'd still miss the point.

People are sick and tired of a government that spends more than it can ever hope to squeeze from taxpayers.

[So please enlighten me. Where should we begin cutting? I mean real cutting, don't talk about some piss-ant project you want to do away with that costs each of us a dollar a year. I mean the real deal. #1 question: Where are you on the Pentagon?

Where am I on cutting Government Spending: Close all Government Offices in Washington DC for the Month of August. No pay for August in D.C. Including the Pentagon: Military personnel could go TDY to Iraq or Afganistan for the month; I understand Bagdad is beautiful in August.

I'm having trouble getting a bead on you. As long as you agree that the responses of these people are irrational, we really have nothing to debate. What's happened so far is you have mentioned peoples point of view, I've said their point of view is wrong, you've said it doesn't matter if it's wrong. Is that about right?

Here's where we differ: When things improve, and they will improve, all the brilliant MBAs and PhD's that attend these tea-party rallies to protest... to protest... Whatever it is that they protest, they will forget alllllll about it and move back to their respective corners. Watch.
Last edited:
The biggest point missed by the Republican ...]

Oh, what's this?

Another of rdean's hopelessly meaningless partisan attacks?

I wish he'd busy himself re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

It would be more interesting to watch.

No rebuttal of the actual point? Just a hopelessly meaningless attack?

The point:

The biggest point missed by the Republican intellectuals on this site is that in 72 pages, there is not a single policy, initiative or original idea. 72 pages.

why do you care what the gop says or does or control the congress write your laws and pass them and have your president sign them.....the gop is irrelevant at the moment.....the only things stopping the dems is the dems....
The sad thing is, I have to agree with you. Indies fail to realize that with the state of affairs when Obama took office, deficit spending was necessary, unavoidable, inevitable.

No, it wasn't.

That's not true either. Every single thing the government spends money on could have been cut back across the board: the military, Social Security, Medicare, welfare, farm subsidies, foreign aid, etc.

A Balanced budget was not an option.

You mean not an option they wanted to take.

When you cut government jobs, unemployment rises. Rising unemployment means less gross receipts and even higher deficits. This all means hysteria. Hysteria feeds recessions. Worse recession means even more unemployment, hysteria, lost tax reciepts, and even higher deficits. This is basic nuts and bolts stuff. You can't freeze spending in a recession.

FYI I don't know if you are affiliated or not, but that is the old Democratic manifesto, that balancing the budget is the way to go in a recession; Way old like 50 years plus. I'll look up the terminology if you like. Nobody subscribes to that anymore.

Japan tried spending their way out of a did not work. It still will not work.

To add to the list cutting all or most of the pork from all bills, actually following what is in the paygo bill. Individually these may not mean a lot of money but together they do. Besides they have to start some where because just stating that each cut is too small to bother, will never get it done.
When you cut government jobs, unemployment rises. Rising unemployment means less gross receipts and even higher deficits. This all means hysteria. Hysteria feeds recessions. Worse recession means even more unemployment, hysteria, lost tax reciepts, and even higher deficits. This is basic nuts and bolts stuff. You can't freeze spending in a recession.

Oy vie. :cuckoo:

If we had rum, we could make rum and cokes, if we had coke. :razz:

Every aspect and every cost of a Government job requires private sector money. All of their money, including the taxes they pay, come from money first taken from the private sector. This is nuts and bolts stuff. Cutting government jobs saves the taxpayers money every time. (including the legit jobs the government should be doing, see: court system, military and police)

Take just one example from Dude (I think), take the Post Office (please, har har har)

Let's get rid of the USPS all together. Now, every one of those jobs need not disappear. The volume of private mail will rise significantly and lead to more hirings by UPS, FedEx, Emory Worldwide, DHS etc etc. Assets like trucks and planes can be sold as well.

Yeah yeah, I know UPS can't send a letter 5000 miles to Uncle Rupert in Alaska for 40some cents but here is a newsflash for ya, neither can the Post Office which is partly why they are 7 billion dollars in debt for the year 2008. (that's million with a "b")

USPS 2008 Annual Report: Connecting People and Business

What will deliver USPS from debt? | Marketplace From American Public Media
The Government Accountability Office will testify today that the postal service has been added to the list of government agencies at high risk for financial failure.
So please enlighten me. Where should we begin cutting? I mean real cutting, don't talk about some piss-ant project you want to do away with that costs each of us a dollar a year. I mean the real deal. #1 question: Where are you on the Pentagon?

Close all the bases in Germany, Japan, Great Britain and South Korea, for starters.

The we can outright abolish the Departments of Edumacation, Commerce, Energy, HHS & DHS.

Then, either abolish outright or privatize the FDA, DEA, BATF, ONDCP, TSA, FAA, USPS, CPB & NPR...Again, for starters.

Abolish them.

It is sad that so many people are blind to the fact that they are being politically and economically raped by starlets R and D, as if the rapist label letter makes a difference.

It is also sad that so many seem to enjoy being violated year after year. There was a time when duty, honor, country were more than just words.
Here is what this one independent doesn't like.

Harry Truman said "The buck stops here". It's called ownership, the current crop accepted the job with claims of fixing the problems yet all I've heard from the Dems the whole time is the buck stops with Bush and the Repubs.
I want to hear "the buck stops here" without the caveats, which means they take ownership of the issues and work to actually fix them.

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