Is Desantis military policy actually constitutional ?

I'm not seeing your OP quote of retired generals being threatened with punishment in the linked article????
Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Desantis would roll back "woke" policies in favor of traditional military policies.

Its in this clip. It describes the other nonsense in the policy as well.
Its in this clip. It describes the other nonsense in the policy as well.
1. Okay, that was one obscure general's opinion. If he opposed "wokeness" he wouldn't be on CNN. The FNC generals all support Desantis' policies.
2. Many more generals oppose the leftist's turning the US military into a "Barbie" ensemble.

This is clearly unconstitutional. Retired military officers Have the same first amendment rights as everyone else. Not only the freedom of speech but the freedom of protest as well. If he tried to enforce that if elected, it would not go well.
That was my take as well. Its odd that nobody on his team pointed this out to him. Its all moot now I suppose.

One of the headlines is that retired generals will be punished if they speak out against the policies of a sitting president.

That sounds like the state limiting the freedom of speech of a private citizen.

Of course Prez Ron would not want any criticism of his policies but is he able to do this ?
Who gives a shit? Biden continuously goes against the Constitution. When you start caring about it on your side, i will on mine.
This is consistent with the authoritarian right’s advocacy of the unitary executive theory – the codification of the Imperial Presidency where the president may rule via fiat unchecked by Congress, the courts, or the people.

It’s an important component of the right’s desire to destroy democracy and establish the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

As for DeSantis’ position with regard to diversity in the military, DeSantis is a hateful racist and bigot – as president he would clearly pursue a policy where racism, bigotry, and hate would be allowed to flourish in the military; yet another example of why DeSantis is unfit to be president.

Absolute delusion.

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